Bearing Down

Ori looks up from his wounds and at the bloodthirsty swordswoman who licks her lips almost lustfully at the sight of his blood. She takes another step forward to finish him off as he stumbles backwards, his legs sluggish from the damage he'd taken to his abdomen.


"TAKE YOUR HANDS OFF YOU CRAZY SLUT!" Rebecca roars from the side, firing her pistol at Manaka. The shots hit, one striking her in the side of her head which causes sparks to jump from the impact as the bullet barely bounces off of her reinforced skull.

Her arm takes the rest as she raises it however, bullet-punching holes into her bicep and tricep, forcing her arm down to her side, completely unmoving. In response, she throws her katana at Rebecca who barely ducks under it, but follows and sends a flying kick at the pale girl.

It lands heavily on her chest, throwing her into the wall behind her with a loud thud, Rebecca moves her head to the side as Manaka's fist punches a hole into the concrete wall, kicking dust and debris as she pulls it out of her structure.

As this happens, Ori pushes his visible intestine back into his body, not knowing if the nanites could pull it back in quickly enough to make him combat-ready. It's fucking gross, and probably would've been agonizingly painful had his pain receptors not been turned off... It didn't stop him from wanting to throw up at it however.

Blood oozes from the wound but quickly coagulates, the nanites expediting the healing process a thousand times over. With that, he looks up just in time to see Rebecca throw two uppercuts at the woman pinning her to the wall, her injured hand does little damage, but the other was still holding a pistol.


The gun fires as the barrel get punched up under the rib Manaka, bypassing her armour and dealing a devastating wound, though, Ori was judging this by the scream she gave in response. She backs away with one hand gripping the wound as blood liberally dribbled between her fingers, a look of incredulity on her face as if she'd not expected this...

"HOW'D YOU LIKE THAT BIT-" Rebecca shouts but her head gets knocked to the side as Manaka's form blurs and begins unleashing a huge combination of punches on her, her sandevistan allowing her to grant a super-speed enhanced beatdown.

Five to twenty punches at her chest, fifteen at her face, some knees for good measure... Ori wasn't able to keep track, regardless though, he raises his weapon and fired at the woman, blasting her away from Rebecca who slides the wall with bruises forming all over her body, and blood staining her lips.

Ori slowly steps toward Rebecca while continuing to fire upon the downed Manaka, her body spasming and twitching as bullets tear through it. By the time he stopped the barrel of his LMG was glowing bright red, and he'd expended most if not all of his ammo.

He drops the gun and kneels next to Rebecca, checking her over to make sure she wouldn't die in the next minute. She just grins at him however, displaying her sharp, blood-stained teeth, "Coulda waited a bit longer, she would've scored an ultra combo on my ass." she jokes sounding utterly exhausted.

"Yeah, well, she almost gave me a fatality so, we're even." he states before looking over to where he could still hear fighting, Six was still brawling with Oyakawa Yoshi, his black Cybernetically enhanced body covered in numerous scratches, and even some gouges that allowed blood to trickle from the wounds.

Oyakawa's four spear-like arms rotated like a hurricane of metal, stabbing at Six so quickly Ori found it difficult to keep track, even with the outside perspective. Six was doing well however, both revolvers still gripped in his hands as he used them to deflect, strike, and sometimes block attacks.

The Tyger Claw's suit had been torn and bloodied, four distinct bullet holes in his chest which stained the nearby fabric black.

Six grits his teeth as he tangles the man's left arm and brings his elbow down on them, breaking the thin metal limbs in half while also allowing two attacks at his side. Oyakawa doesn't miss the opportunity, stabbing his remaining two spear-like limbs into Six's ribs, punching through his armour and causing blood to spatter.

The merc grunts at the impact but ignores it, turning against the limbs and pistol-whipping Oyakawa so hard that metallic teeth are sent flying out of the suit's mouth. His legs turn to jelly momentarily after being rocked, but he recovers enough of his senses to start pushing himself backwards along the floor, away from the fucking furious-looking Six.

"You're dead!" Six snarls while dropping a foot on the man's chest and grabs the metallic limbs before tearing them completely off, drawing a pained roar from Oyakawa. Six then drops his full weight onto a knee, driving it into the man's stomach before starting to slam his fists into his face.


"FUCKING*THUD*SLAVER*THUD!*SCUM!*THUD!*" he growls, baring his teeth as blood from Oyakawa's mulched face splashes against him.


Ori took rested Rebecca on his shoulder while slowly making his way to the enraged merc, "Six!"


"SIX!" he shouts, causing prompting the man to pause his blood-covered fist in the air. "Get a hold of yourself! He's dead, and the cops'll be here any minute!"

"Heh.." Rebecca huffs weakly in amusement, "Did you have to end the fun so quick?"

Six looks between the mutilated corpse and his fist, shaking his head before getting to his feet. He lets out a strained breath and sighs, "L-Let's go."

The group quickly shuffles towards the stairs, the sirens blaring in the distance only quickening their paces. They spot Crystal and the others exiting the basement, drawing looks of concern from the Moxes.

"You guys look like shit!" one exclaims, eyeing the absolutely blood-covered trio.

"We can shoot the shit later, we need to delta!" Ori urges.

"The targets dead?" Crystal questions.

Ori just sends a 'no-shit' glare, wringing his shirt slightly and allowing crimson fluid to stain the ground.