Bedding (R18 NSFW)

Rebecca giggles as Ori tosses her onto his bed, completely uncaring of the empty IV bags set up next to it, and the other random things cluttering his room.

He strips off his shirts and slides outta his trousers before helping her with her own, all but tearing her black panties off as she watches on with a beat-red face, excitement filling her expectant gaze.

Her bra gets tossed to the side next as Ori slinks above her, sitting on her thighs as he examines her full form as if trying to memorise it completely. "I ever tell you you're beautiful?" the words unconsciously make their way from his mouth, causing him to blink in a mild stupor.

Rebecca smiles up at him, spreading her legs slightly to reveal her moistening slit. "You haven't, maybe if you said it more you'd get more of this?"

He grins, "How many times I gotta say it til you show me everything?" he questions, nodding at her arms that'd been folded across her chest until now.

Her expression falters slightly as she turns her head to the side, a green lock of her flowing over her cheek, "Y-you sure you wanna see 'em? They're not-..." she trails off.

Ori leans down and locks her in a kiss, brushing his tongue lightly across her lips at her sudden reluctance, "They're yours, so yeah, I do... I-is this why you turned the lights out last time?" he asks, causing her blush to spread to her neck and ears, confirming his guess.

"I was savin' up for some impla-"

"No." he interrupts her while sliding his hands up from her hips, past her cute tattooed belly and to her breasts. They weren't big, A cup, maybe pushing B, they were topped with perky nips stood excitedly, and were coloured the same blue/purple her lips were, presumably another side-affect from her prototype Cyberware.

"You don't need to do shit, I told you, you're beautiful." he gives her breasts a squeeze and flicks his tongue across one of her nipples, bringing a tremble across her entire body.

"D-don't bullshit me, I've seen how you look at that cat-bitch, Judes too..." she argues.

He lowers his hand down to her crouch after wetting a finger with his mouth, caressing her folds and clit as her legs squirm, shutting and trapping his hand. "I admit, they're both hot, stupidly sexy even... I know I'm a piece of shit, but I'm not scummy enough to hurt you like that. Whatever this is between us, I want it like that... Just between us." he adds with a peck on her nose.

Rebecca blinks owlishly at him for a couple moments after that, attempting to rationalise every before finally relaxing her body. Her legs release his hand, allowing him to continue his ministrations.

Her hand drops to his rod, causing him to pause as she starts awkwardly stroking it, "I... I guess that's fine..." she utters, sounding not fully convinced.

Once her entrance was dripping fluids onto his bedding, he positions himself at her side and leans down, lapping a tongue over her slit. It was strangely sweet, enough so that he was tempted to ask if she'd had that feature modded in... But decides to leave that subject for later...

She moans as he rubs into her clit, sucking on it slightly before plunging his tongue into her depths, causing her back to arch sharply as she groans heatedly.

Her strokes on his member had all but stopped, too distracted by him to focus on anything else. But once she recovers her senses, she bends over and abruptly takes him into her mouth. Ori lets out a sharp breath at that, feeling as if he'd just placed his cock into an oven.

Rebecca's caressed his member with both her hands and her mouth inquisitively, taking great satisfaction in finding all of his sweet spots. She steadily drips her head down, slowly taking in more of the length, attempting to get accustomed to it and not gag from the intrusion.

She releases it however, glancing down at Ori who'd begun staring at the ceiling with a blank expression... She gives his chest a kick, "Oi, this ain't a solo session, get back in there!"


"Yes princess..." he chuckles lightly before plunging two fingers into her. She moans and continues her work on him.

This continues for a couple minutes, until Rebecca picks up the pace, rubbing him furiously while sucking his tip as if it were a popsicle.

"B-Becca! I-I'm-" he starts but gets his head trapped in between her thighs as she clamps down on him.

Rebecca lowers her head once more, only to pause as his rod twitches before releasing a load into her mouth. Three large spurts forcing her to swallow in order to not get it everywhere... She wipes her mouth with her bare wrist and rolls onto her back, grinning down at him. "I win." she announces victoriously.

He sucks his soaked fingers before responding, "Does everything have to be a competition with you?... Ah, you got something..." he points a finger at his chin, where he could see some white fluid sticking to her face.

She scoops it up and deposits it in her mouth, mirroring his action, "I hope mine isn't this salty..."

"Sweet, actually... And no, I'm not trying any 'Sweet and Salty sauce'..." he drawls before sitting up, positioning his hips below hers. "You ready?"

"I was ready a day ago! Just take me already!" she exclaims after mustering up her courage... Or was it bravado?

"Alright..." he mutters unsurely, placing his tip against her moist entrance and pushing. He encounters some resistance but forces past it, moaning as he sheaths himself all the way up to the hilt into her boiling-hot insides.

He grips her hips and waits there a for a couple moments, trying to not shoot his load prematurely... That, and allowing Rebecca to get used to it... Her eyes were squinted shut, her teeth grit together, and her hands gripping the sheets tightly...

"You good...?" he quietly questions, feeling her insides writhe against his rod.

"Y-yeah... Just gimme a minute..." she breathed out, and he could see her stomach muscles visibly tense...