
An awkward week passes, Six's condition remaining unspoken despite the group's various attempts to broach the subject. Unfortunately, despite Regina's recommendations, Six pushed them to increase the number of gigs they took. If Ori refused, he'd simply take some alone, forcing the group to accompany him in fear of the guy getting himself killed.

While Sasha was still semi-new to the group, she'd integrated well and befriended everyone. She and Rebecca still had spats, but she cared, as much as Ori and Rebecca did at the very least. It was very noticeable whenever Six had an 'issue'...

Sometimes the merc's limbs would lock up, sometimes he'd just get exhausted out of the blue, and sometimes he started seeing people that were there... Most worryingly, Max.


Ori jumps in his seat as his holophone starts ringing, Rebecca looked at him curiously in the passenger seat of his truck, while Six didn't even seem awake with how still he was. Sasha was also in the back, wearing a skintight heat-resistant Netrunner suit with her eyes glowing as she attempts to scout out the area beside them, their latest gig.

"Well, you gonna answer it?" Rebecca urges, obviously curious. Almost all of Ori's friends were in the truck with them, so it was likely either Bats or a Fixer.

"Rogue..." he mutters, checking the caller ID.


"Zombie, you good to talk?" Rogue questions, in her usual lounge within the Afterlife.

Ori nods, trusting his crew not to do anything dumb. "Yeah, 'sup?"

"Got some info on a certain Cat." she states, causing both him and Rebecca to straighten up.

"You found her!?" he exclaims, barely keeping his voice down in order to not disturb Sasha.

Rogue shrugs and crushes her cig, "Kind of. One of my guys in the Tygers overheard some people talking, apparently someone's planning to break some dolls out of their control." she lights up another cig, "It won't work, obviously. If my guy heard it, the leaders in the Tyger Claws heard it."

"So, what are you gonna do then?" Ori asks, tense.

She crooks a brow, "Me? You only hired me to find her, since I don't know for sure if she's one of the 'dolls' in that locale."

Ori scowls, "Yeah I hired you, you fail if she dies during this shit show."

"Yeah, he already paid Is the Queen of the Afterlife really gonna go back on her word?" Rebecca adds, leaning on Ori's shoulder to get in the shot.

"Oh, you're with her..." Rogue shakes her head, uncaring. "Let me put it for you like this. I have no obligation to raid every single doll house under the Tyger Claws control, if I did, you'd run outta funds pretty quickly... There's no concrete proof that your sister is there, and me personally acting would risk my guy. Believe me, he's far more valuable than what you paid me." she states.

"Then why bother fucking mentioning this if you're not gonna do shit!?" Ori growls.

"To give you a heads up, let you know in case you want to risk taking part." she casually explains.

Rebecca just snorts, "And get himself killed so you can ditch the job and keep the Eddies. Ain't that right?" she asks, and Rogue just stays silent, an answer in itself.


Ori lets out a sigh, "Where."

"Yo, you're not really gonna listen to her!? This bitch is obviously out to get you!" Rebecca exclaims, quickly prodding a finger in Rogue's direction.

"Doesn't matter. If there's a one percent change Cat's there then I have to go." he states with a hard look.

"I get that, but she's playing you!"

Ori ignores her and focuses on Rogue, who was just disinterestedly observing them, "Where's this 'doll house'?"

"Capitola Street at the top of Japantown."

"Any idea when the breakout's happening? Or when the Tygers are gonna move?"

"No idea, within the week, maybe a little after." Rogue states, sounding more like she was guessing than relaying actual information.

Ori sighs, "Just send the info... You're a bitch, you know that right?"

Rogue just snorts, "I know. It's what I do." she retorts, "Be seeing you later, Zombie. Try not to die."

[File Receieved]



"So... Guess that's what we're doing next..." Ori trails off as Rebecca stares at him. "I know it's dumb, but she's got a rep to keep, if she actually sets me up then that's going to shit."

"She doesn't have to set you up to get you killed. This is gonna be a Tyger Claw hideout on their own turf. This isn't like that Mox gig!"

"'Becca. My sister might be there, I'm going. I don't like it either, but I'm not letting my fam die. I think she might actually be there..." he adds.

"We're going." Six makes himself known from the back, looking at the duo.

Rebecca sighs, "I guess it's decided then..."

Ori tilts his head at her, "Aren't you the first one to jump at the chance to shoot something?"

"When I know we probably aren't going to die." she retorts before shaking her head, "We should ask Q and Judy about this, maybe they'll help."

"Doubt it. Last time Susie helped was raiding a Tyger Claw base outside of their turf. Judy might, there's not a lot she could do, I think..."

Before the discussion can continue, Sasha's head lolls over as she comes to. "Got it, recorded our guy 'getting to know' his fiance's sister. Pretty sure that's all we need..." she pauses at the dour group, "Did I miss something...?"

"Yeah, Lampost here has signed us up for a suicide mission."

"To save my sister." Ori adds, sending a glare at Rebecca who just shrugs in response. "We can talk about this later, still got the detes to unpack. Let's finish this gig."