
"Wait! You promised!" Fujino shouts as he pushes himself against the wall, his previous injuries preventing him from mustering any meaningful resistance.

"That was before I knew you raped my sister!" he takes another step forwards, scalpal gleaming in the light.

"I had no choice!"

"Does Cat even know about it!?" Ori severely asks, finally stopping at the scum's feet.

"She-, does..." he stutters out.

"Really? Because it sounds like you're still hiding something, cunt."

"S-she knows that I had to do things I was not proud of! Not everything, just that!"

"Fuck you." Ori growls while raising the scalpal, intent on cutting the fucker's head off with it.


[DON'T DO IT!!! CAMERAS!] - Bats

. . .

Ori glances around the room, pausing when he spots a small black orb in the corner, around half the size of an average thumb.

[You didn't hear what this fucker said!?] - Ori

[No, there's no sound, but Cat's watching! Stop this shit now!] - Bats

[He raped her, Bats. I'm doing the world a favour!] - Ori

[We'll decide that when we get back! Don't you think she'd want to deal with him herself if she knew!?] - Bats


[Fine, but we're dealing with this as soon as you get back.] - Ori

With that, Ori leans down and grabs Fujino's jaw, driving the scalpal through the bottom of his mouth and dragging the now crying man to the still-standing table. He shoves him onto it and proceeds to tie him down with both rope and cable, making sure he stays put. "I'm gonna laugh when Cat learns the truth, she'll tear you apart worse than the Tygers ever did."



"ORI WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" Cat screams as she rushes into the apartment, almost kicking the door to Bats room down and throwing herself at Ori.

He ignores the frail punches sent his way, continuing to stare daggers at the bound Fujino. "I was gonna kill him. Then I remembered you'd probably want the honours."

"What are you talking about!? He saved me!" she blinks, "Tried to save me!"

He shrugs his shoulders, "Come on, 'Fujino-chan', tell her what you told me."


"Tell her!" he growls.

"Mmph..." the Japanese man groans, unable to speak due to the wound Ori inflicted to his mouth...

"Oh..." he sighs, untying the man and pushing Bats' laptop next to him. "TYPE IT."

"Ori, why are you doing this..." Cat mutters teary-eyed.

Fujino reaches over and grasps her hand, turning the laptop around to reveal what he'd written.

"Catarina, I was not totally truthful with you during your capture. I was forced to abuse you like your captors had. I had no choice, I apologise. If you want to take my life, then it is your right."


Cat's body freezes as she reads it, unconsciously forcing his hand away from her as she clutches the laptop tightly... "I already know you had to do that... You didn't say it but you didn't have to, the way the others talked said it all..."

She didn't remember any of it of course, the doll chip removed any memory of any abuse she suffered. That didn't mean it never happened, it didn't mean her body forgot either... She came up in hives whenever guys touched her now, outside of Fujino, Ori, and Bats...

"I forgave you though... For trying to save me..." she mutters, grabbing the depressed-looking man's hand again. "I know you aren't like that... You got tortured for trying to help, they wouldn't do that to one of their own..." she smiles unsurely at him.

"Ca-a-t..." Fujino responds with a bloody smile.

"Are you serious... Cat, you can't really believe this fucking guy!?" Ori exclaims, shocked that his sister was being so stupid.

She looks at him, "Ori... I know you're trying, but you weren't there. YOU weren't there! I won't let you hurt the only person I had protecting me!" she says, stepping between Ori and Fujino.


Ori glances at Bats, who shrugs his shoulders at their eyes meet. "Cat, he's tricking you. This is some Stockholm syndrome dogshit!"

"YOU'RE NOT LISTENING! I don't care what you say! You're not hurting him!" she angrily shouts.


"You know what, fuck this. You wanna coddle your fucking rapist? Then go ahead! I didn't spend months looking for you, just so you could spit in my face with this shit!" he stomps out, into his room and begins packing his shit up.

"Ori, calm down, we just got her back and she's not thinking-"

"You too Bats!?" Cat exclaims, causing the man to sputter.

"What-no, I'm just trying to calm-" Bats trails off as Ori growls at him. Obviously, they wouldn't be settling on anything.

Ori grabs his weapons, his bag, and marches out the door towards his car. Looks like he'd be getting to his date with Rebecca slightly earlier than expected. Fucking Fujino piece of shit!

"You're really leaving?" Bats questions, causing Ori to pause his stride.

"... Yeah... Time to look for my own place, I guess." he looks over his shoulder, "Keep an eye on Cat."

"Will do... Be safe, Ori."

With that Ori leaves, the sound of Cat crying almost had him running back, but if he saw Fujino again he'd cut the fucker's head off. He didn't want her to see him like that, and he wasn't sure how she would react if he actually did it.

[You at your place?] - Ori

[Yup] - Rebecca

[Can I clepp a couch for a day or two, need to get a place of my own.] - Ori

[Eh, u sayin we should live together? about time!] - Rebecca


[Er, i was thinking solo place but... if the rents cheaper, i guess.] he texts back, feeling his anger at Cat and Fujino draining the more he talks with Rebecca

[Cool! I've been wanting to ditch my bro for some time now anyway! u can stay if u want, my bro might try shoot u but dont let that stop u!] - Rebecca

[thanks] - Ori

[So, u got any ideas where u taking our date tonight? ;)] - Rebecca

[TTYL] - Ori