
Their meeting with Rogue goes as expected, Rebecca duelling the bitch with words while Sasha was just trying to comprehend the situation... Essentially, some Corpo big-wig discovered that the Prototype Cyberware was on the boat and decided he needed it for one reason or another, not even Rogue knew to be frank.

Since the unnamed man had friends in Arasaka, gathering a task force to sneak in and steal it wasn't hard at all, neither was bribing the guards, security codes, manufacturing passes, or weeding out patrol routes difficult when Arasaka themselves owned the shipyard.

Thankfully, Rogue wasn't the 'Queen of Fixers' for nothing and had some guards already on payroll, allowing her to slowly uncover the plot. Though, the cost of buying the information had certainly put a dent in Rebecca's wallet, one she'd get Ori to pay for when he got back.

Since this height would occur in two days as the ship reached land, the task was put solely on Rebecca and Sasha's shoulders... This would have been a massive problem as infiltrating the Arasaka Waterfront was only barely easier than sneaking into Arasaka tower. That is if a path hadn't already been laid out for them.

Stealing obviously wasn't legal even if you had friends in higher places, the mercs hired to klepp the Cyberware wasn't authorized to be there. So, all the duo had to do was follow them in and steal back the tech when they got the chance.


"Ori better be fucking grateful for this." Rebecca grouses as she reluctantly dons the modified Arasaka ninja armour. The blacks and greys weren't her 'colour', and the skintight outfit was both uncomfortably tight and heavy, the latter due to how armoured it was.

They'd essentially deconstructed what those ninjas were wearing and rebuilt it from the ground up, leaving the outfits rather mismatched due to the damage the armour had taken prior. Regardless, it was better than nothing, and would hopefully help conceal their identities if shit hit the fan.

"I think it looks good on you..." Sasha adds.

"That's only 'cuz you don't have to wear it." she retorts, gesturing at Sasha's Netrunner outfit, made especially to prevent her from overheating from using her Cyberdeck.


"Is that them?" Rebecca asks, zooming her vision in via her Kiroshi optics. The ship had arrived, and they'd sat themselves some distance from where the Corpo task force would enter the shipyard.

"Yep, let's move. We need to be on their heels." Sasha states, packing up her things as they make their way over.

The task force didn't look like much, most were just wearing basic clothes, some with armouring while others went without. They were all pretty heavily armed however, big ass pistols, rifles, and a smart rocket launcher on one guy's back...?

"Dibs on the gun..." Rebecca can't help but say.

"I'd rather not fight them..."

"Too bad, 'cuz they're after our shit."


Hassan scans the fake card and the door opens up for the group, "Job's a-go, let's find this shit and get back for lunch." he says and his team nods.

They all shuffle through the security gate, stepping past the 'temporarily broken' cams, then towards the port while the customs officer went to the bathroom for extended use due to his 'bad stomach'.

After that, clambering onto the ship wasn't difficult. They snuck past the workers and towards the cargo hold, specifically the cold storage units. While they had been hired to klepp a single Cyberware, there was nothing in their contract saying they couldn't take anything else.


"MPPHH!" the guy with the rocket launcher lets out a muffled squeal as Rebecca and Sasha grab him, pulling him behind a storage locker as the latter jacks into his Interface. With such direct access, he immediately goes still, his eyes flashing with data as she tears him apart.

"Ready...?" Rebecca questions as rips the launcher from the guy and slings it over her shoulder.

Sasha nods, "Got it. Help me get him up."

They hike the man up and push him towards the task force who was now rifling through cold storage and shoving anything of interest into a large duffle bag.

"Warick, you find anything?" one questions the glassy-eyed man as he shuffles over. "Eh, where'd your gun go?"


"The fuck's wrong with you?"

Rebecca glances at Sasha, "What'd you do to him?"

She smiles, "You'll see."

Hassan grabs Warick by his shoulders and shakes him, "Oi, speak up, are you short-circing on something!? Hey, did someone-"


Warick smashes the guy in the face with a hard right hook, sending him to the ground as he continues to pummel him like a madman.

"Warick!? The fuck is wrong with-" the crazed man starts attacking everyone who gets close, forcing his friends to restrain him and allowing Rebecca and Sasha to sneak past, behind some nearby crates.

"Which unit was the Cyberware in?" Rebecca hurriedly asks.

"Unit C-2-1... Think you might wanna check C-2-2 as well though..."

Rebecca crooks a brow but stifles the niggling question, they quickly reach their destination and hack the unit forcing it open. In the compartment they find what they're looking for, they open the storage box and find a delicate-looking piece of Cyberware, metal and circuitry too complicated to immediately comprehend stuffed into a bag and covered in ice.

She grabs it, but Rebecca pauses as Sasha hands her something else... "This a gun...?"

"Cyberware... Like Maine's, just the right size for you too." Sasha gives a cat-like grin.

"This is the best day ever!" Rebecca stifles a squeal, stuffing both Cyberware into the waterproof bag they'd brought. Before they leave however Rebecca boobytraps the unit with some explosives, a message for those mercs.

With that, they quickly exit onto the deck, equipping rebreathers before jumping into the sea. By the time the boobytrap goes off they're already too far to hear it, they hurriedly climb out water into Little China before vanishing into a Delamain cab.