
The discussion with Rebecca about his nanites had gone easier than expected. Honestly? She didn't seem to care all that much, aside from being relieved that he'd be sticking around for a long time. She did question whether it was possible for her to get 'some good stuff' too, but the nanites rejected it, stating 'We are struggling to maintain our current database, adding another genome to it would only add to the issues'.

As for whether he could '3D print' Cyberware for her to use? Maybe in future, currently everything the nanites created was specifically designed for him, his body, his cells, and his DNA. He didn't even have a complete digestive system anymore, so adding Cyberware intended for him to Rebecca may have disastrous effects.

The morning after she'd gone to check on Sasha and he'd been left to look into what he'd acquired from Zeta... Most of his Cyberware had been basic stuff, Subdermal armour, enhanced Interface, etc. He did have some Mk.3 Kiroshi's which he eagerly had the nanites start integrating. His targeting systems could be ignored since it was needed.

He seemed to heavily specialise in Netrunning however, he had a 'STEPHENSON TECH MK.3' Cyberdeck, which according to the net, was good at prolonged tasks, requiring less RAM to maintain a hack.

Zeta's seemed hyper focussed on subterfuge though, which was shown when he'd caused Rebecca's aiming software to malfunction without her ICE catching it... He wasn't entirely sure what to do with it, he knew next to nothing about hacking or Netrunning, and while he could get Sasha, Kiwi, or Lucy to coach him, he doubted it'd be worth it considering his easy access to said Netrunners.

He'd asked the nanites if they could do anything with it, and they did have some ideas. They'd create the Cyberdeck by using it solely for themselves, apparently, the chances of his body burning up when using it were too high to be useful.

His body temperature already ran significantly higher than the average person's due to the billions of nanites in his blood. Internal heat was one of the things the nanites found difficult to deal with, apparently cooling the blood via technology required too much energy to be sustainable, and sweating profusely or growing elephant ears wasn't really an option either.

He asked why they couldn't just heal the damage, and they'd explained in vivid detail what having his brain melt out of his ears would feel like. Because that was the potential temperature they were talking about... There was a reason Netrunners worked in highly specialised suits or ice baths.

So, the nanites integrated the Cyberdeck to enhance their own systems, comprehension, etc. This massively enhanced their processing power, allowing them to work through, alter, and create blueprints far faster than ever possible before.

His already huge resistance to external hacks also received a boost, as far as he was concerned, Netrunners needed to be wary of his security. A careless attack could put them out of commission instead.

Feeling happy enough with his new upgrades, he decides to head out and see how Sasha and Rebecca are doing, only to pause as something slips under his apartment door.

"A Shard?" he inwardly questions while calming himself at the fact it wasn't a bomb.

He checks outside but doesn't find the person who'd dropped it off, but a quick scan later reveals it... The Shard had been filled with information concerning Arasaka, specifically, the people who ordered the tunnel, or Casinha, to be cleared.

He was fairly certain his 'benefactor' who'd delivered him the NMN Injector was responsible, but their identity alluded him still. He'd asked Wakako about it, but she'd just smiled and changed the subject...

Kuba Yutaka, Director of Property and Project Development. The main fucker responsible, who's currently right now sitting in his cosy office in Arasaka tower all but untouchable by any means. Unless he wanted to go Silverhand holocaust on them he doubted he'd even get near him.


He needed to get in contact with his 'benefactor' if he could get this info and the Injector, he could find a way to get to Yutaka. For now, he'd have to settle with waiting for Wakako to call him in, he needed something to persuade her, be it saving her life or the lives of her subordinates.

Shaking his head, he stashes the shard somewhere safe and strides out, getting into his Mizutani to go see the Ripperdoc Sasha was at... Halfway there however he receives a text and lets out a long groan.

[Found something Pangolin, some 'close friends' of his think he's going to turn up at a fight club. Even the bookmakers know about it because he's apparently a Highroller.] - Rogue

[When?] - Ori

[Soon, an hour, maybe longer. This is fresh and I doubt we'll get another chance to jump him like this, from what I've seen he 'lets loose' a couple times a year.] - Rogue


[Gimme the detes, and if there's anyone you don't want dead by the end of today.] Ori shoots back, performing a U-turn and racing off towards the storage lot where he and Rebecca had been keeping their larger munitions.

[A Warehouse on Martin St Watson, close to your old 'home'. Place'll be filled with Maelstrom goons, and close enough to Totentanz that anything big'll be like kicking the hornet's nest. My advice? Go quiet.] - Rogue

[You're being awfully helpful today.] - Ori

[You are paying me, I'd rather not lose one of my best customers.] - Rogue

[Yeah that's an advertisement, 'Zombie' is the Queen of Fixer's best clients. Wonder how long'd be til your place is raided by Corpo's MaxTac, NCPD, and whoever else wants a piece of me.] - Ori

[Well, I'll know who to call if it happens...] - Rogue

[Aw, thanks. That really means a lot to me. Not.] - Ori

[Oh, did you think I meant you? You're mistaken.] - Rogue

[Bitch.] - Ori