
David isn't allowed in the club with his sword but he easily sneaks in with his sandevistan, allowing the group to grab a booth and a bunch of drinks.

Ori had never actually been to a place like this, not unless you included the Afterlife, but he didn't count that as a club... The drinks were expensive, someone was singing on a stage, and the dancefloor was filled to the brim with people and on the brink of straight turning into an orgy judging by how they were grinding up against one another.

"Er, this a new thing?" Ori queries as Lucy and David sit next to one another, the latter dropping his arm on the seat behind her and allowing her to rest her head against him.

"New? These lovebirds have been suckin' on each other's faces for weeks now." Main snickers, "You shoulda seen him when they first did the dirty, kid was skipping like some ugly ballerina!"

David flushes at that, "Can we go back to making fun of you two?" he sighs helplessly.

"Oh no, we're not gonna skip past you netting the 'Ice Queen'." Maine presses.

"Yeah! Come on Luce' tell us how it happened... Did you take him to space again?... 'Rock his world'?" Rebecca leans forwards and asks.

"How'd you know about that?" Lucy blinks, the only one who knew about that was David...

David coughs lightly, "I-er, told Maine about it..."

"Don't trip though, he was crushing on you hard and needed advice. Looked like a dog who'd lost his tail." the large man reassures, following the tenets of the bro-code.

"And Maine told everyone else..." Lucy deadpans.

Rebecca shrugs, "Hey, people like us don't get to experience romance like that." she sends a short glare at Ori, "Taking your BF to the moon is like the step above Paris... Or old Paris, I guess?"

"We weren't dating back then." she huffs.

"But look at you now, whittled down by his 'boyish charms'... That or you seriously dropped your standards." Rebecca pauses and adds the last part.

David straightens in his seat, "Hey!"

She raises her hands placatingly, "It's one or the other, I was technically complimenting you, y'know?"

Lucy sips her drink, "Let's not start comparing lovers," she tilts her head at them, "You know who'd win."

"Hah? You really think so? Look at my hunk and say that with a straight face!" Rebecca grabs ahold of Ori's metal arm.

"I prefer my guy less 'gorilla-like'... No offence Maine." smiles demurely.

"Who're you calling Gorilla!? That 'spose to be racist or something!?" he jokingly exclaims.

Before Lucy can respond Pilar arrives at the table, and with a companion...

"H-hey... H-have you mee-eet P-Peelir...?" the clearly drunk girl slurs as he sits her in his lap, grabbing ahold of any part of her body he finds interesting.

"Really bro, you can't net a girl that's not completely fucked up?" Rebecca grouses.

He chortles, "I pick up drunk girls, and your boyfriend picks up girls who look like children. I know who I'd rather be!"

"WHAT DID YOU SAAAAY!?" Rebecca shrieks, throwing her glass at him but it ends up smashing against his date's head, knocking her clean out.

"Someone take the girl to a doc before she bleeds out..." Kiwi mutters as blood starts to pool from the drunk girl's forehead.

"I'll do it." Sasha sighs and carries the girl out.

Pilar faces Rebecca with an exaggerated karate stance, "You may have defeated my date, but you are out of ammo-OOHH!" he falls onto his back as Ori's glass hits him.


"My drink..." Ori bemoans.

"I'll buy you another!... Besides, does anyone here disapprove of that?" she jabs a finger at the groaning Pilar.

"Nah, at the least it'll teach him to not mess with drunk chicks." Dorio shrugs.

"Can we get back to Davey and Luce' hooking up?" Rebecca demands.

"What's there to say? They hooked up, that's the end of it." Kiwi drawls.

David scratches the back of his head, "Uh, it was more than that but alright, I guess."

"Sounds like a scoop!"

"So, what now? Any more big gigs planned?" Maine asks Ori, "We got swamped by Faraday so maybe you'd wanna help out?"

"Took too much on your plate huh? I guess I can chip in if you need it. I'll be wanting an even split though."

"You fucked on the roof after watching rockets launch!?" Rebecca slams her hands onto the table, "THAT'S SO ROMANTIC!"

"You're in the dog-house now, kid." Maine snickers at Ori, "You gotta match what Lucy got or you'll never hear the end of it. Trust me, I know."

"Do you now? Elaborate." Dorio states and leans closer, reaching under the table and grabbing something that has the large man stiffen, in both senses of the word.

Ori leans back in his seat, "Everyone's too loud... Or maybe that's the drink talking." he mutters to himself.

"No, they're really too loud." Kiwi quietly responds, sipping her drink through a straw.


The night continues with the group getting increasingly tipsy, he couldn't deny that it was fun though. He'd done a couple rounds of dancing with almost everyone, barring Pilar who was prowling for his next victim.

He finishes his sixth song with Rebecca when some gonk-fucker vomits on his shoes... He would've got Rebecca too if he hadn't lifted her up like a limp cat. "Alright, you got fine seconds to clean that shit or we're going at it." he growls.

"S-so s-orry-blaarrgh!" the guy turns and pukes his guts up into a trash can.

He couldn't justify beating the shit out of some poor cunt who didn't know his limit, so he just sighs and stumbles his way to the toilets. He wasn't spending the rest of the night smelling like last night's kibble.

Unbeknownst to him, someone had followed him in... Someone he hadn't seen for a while.

"Excuse me, c-can we talk in private?"