Broke News

"Judes, you've got like six BDs to edit, get your ass up you lazy bum!" Susie remarks with folded arms as she stands at the door of the workshop.

Judy rolls around on her couch, almost tipping her tub of icecream over as she addresses her 'boss', "I've waited more than a year to have a day off. The Tygers are gone and the porn addicts can wait." she states as the TV blares behind her.

"Everyone's working their asses off fixing shit though, tell them to their faces you'd rather have a vacation."

"Everything's basically already done. All that's left is building the stuff they burned, and we hired people for that." Judy tilts her head, "Why don't you tell me what you've been doing for the past three hours? Playing Pappy-Bird and backseat-managing the bar?"


Seeing Susie not responding, Judy shuffles over and pats the couch and takes out a fresh tub of icecream from the fridge, "Come to think of it, when's the last time you chilled out?"


"Eh, screw it." Susie smirks, shrugging off her coat and kicking up her legs as she drops onto the couch. "Got any movies going?"

"Yeah, on TTHD they're a rerun of The Titanic, Revenge of the Sink. Just gotta wait 'til the adverts are done and-" the TV flashes as an emergency broadcast starts up, a news anchor in the corner of the screen as a helicopter follows two NCPD cars which were being chased by some unmarked AVs.

"Breaking News! Multiple assailants have been spotted going through the city in a trail of destruction! Both Night City Police Department vehicles have been stolen and we have seen no updates on who the aerial pursuers are. Six people have already been reported dead, killed on the road in their vehicles after one of the unknown AVs opened fire on one of the stolen cars. We ask you to stay indoors or any establishment you can immediately to avoid any more casualties!"

The news helicopter zooms in on the cars, and Judy was taken aback by the sight of some very familiar people leaning out the windows and firing at the AVs. While their faces were obscured, the pale skin and colourful clothes of Rebecca, the punk style and long limbs of her brother, and even the dark skin, Cybernetic cannon arm, and dark skin of Maine made it fairly apparent who they are.

Her spoon falls out of his hand as she leans forwards, watching intently as the two cars continue to barely avoid the AV's attacks. Judging by how one of the cars was hopping as if a wheel was square, that wouldn't last. "What the hell are they doing...!?"

"You know 'em?" Susie questions with a mouth full of icecream.

"It's Rebecca and her friends!"

"Pfft!" Susie spit-takes, "ARE THEY CRAZY!?"

"If not crazy then fucking stupid!" she jabs a finger at the six NCPD heavy swat cars barreling down a side road, ready to sideswipe the fleeing stolen vehicles.

[Rebecca! You got six cars trying to ram you on the right side of the main street!] - Judy


Thankfully, they seem to have got their warning, the two cars swerving to the side and slowing slightly, allowing the NCPD cars to overshoot and forcing them to form a makeshift blockade on the left side of the street. This is easily bypassed by simply going in the opposite direction however.

The stolen cars make a hard right and then slip onto the opposite bypass, driving on the opposite side of the road and barely avoiding oncoming traffic. Judy grips the couch's armrest tightly as they somehow manage to get through it without a head-on collision, and the news helicopter loses sight of them as they drive under Memorial Park in the Corpo Plaza.

"We have lost sight of the-wait, t-turn the screen!" the news anchor panics as the AVs twist around with its door gunners looking straight at the helicopter. They open fire, and the broadcast shows the aircraft spinning out of control before crashing into the side of the Arasaka tower, exploding on impact.

"O-oh my god..." the news anchor mutters as the broadcast switches focus solely on her. "I-I think I need a minute." she says and quickly walks off, allowing regular programming to continue.

"Shit... Who are those guys?" Susie mutters with an intense look on her face.

"No idea, but they have it out for Rebecca and anyone who messes with that..." Judy stands and makes her way to her computer, deciding to see if she could help out... Unlikely as it was.


Ori stops the car in the middle of the highway and gets out, ignoring the beeping cars that'd stopped in response to them on either side of the road. "Where's Falco!?"

"Get in already you dumb sacks o' shit!" the man himself shouts from a nearby truck.

"Haha! Nice timing!" Maine grins as he slides open the door and allows everyone else in.

"Wait!" a familiar yet out-of-place voice shouts, prompting everyone to look over as Christy D'Clert clambers out of the car Dorio had been driving, her arms and torso covered in bleeding bullet marks. "H-help!"

"Who the fuck're you bitch?" Maine growls, pointing his gun at her.

"Who cares! Get in the god-dang car!" he shouts and everyone does so, including Christy who all but forces her way in with the determination of a zombie...

Falco starts the car and starts driving 'like a normal citizen', hoping the switch in vehicles would buy them some time. "So, ignoring the coyote in the hen-house, where you plan on us going...? 'Cuz I don't think I can outdrive the whole city, not in a truck this size anyhow."


The sound of the helicopter exploding against Arasaka tower rings out and reverberates through the truck, Falco just quirks a brow at them over his shoulder, "See what I mean? We're up shit-creek without a paddle... On driftwood!"