Falling Again.


Marcus feels a vein throb on his forehead, his boots covered in the blood of his fellow officers while that limp-dick piece of shit mocks them!? "FUCK IT! GET THE AVS AND HAVE THEM FIRING INTO THE SECOND FLOOR UNTIL WE CAN ONLY LOG THEM BY THEIR TEETH! DO IT NOW!"

He turns to the two heavys that'd retreated after their riot shields failed, their bodies covered in small wounds and armour in tatters. He jabs a finger at them, "You two, get up! We're going in for another with the fire team, see how they like the heat!"


"-As you can see, the evacuation of the Casino has begun and Militech is airlifting civilians who have been trapped to safety." the camera looks up at the many AVs transporting people to the ground as fire steadily spreads up the building.

"Authorities have not yet identified who or what group is responsible for the attack, but they have assured us that they have the situation all under control-"


The reporter jumps a the sudden sound of gunfire, turning to see many heavily armoured AVs shooting directly into the second floor, blasting the wall apart with seemingly no concern for the structural integrity of the building.

"I-I-..." she shakes her head, "Back to you-!" the feed cuts off, the media not wanting to show everyone Militech potentially slaughtering civilians still inside the 2nd floor.


"G-god damn!" Falco mutters as he picks himself up out of the rubble, quickly looking around for the rest of his crew.

"I'm... Here..." Rebecca utters, grimacing as she stands at her broken right arm, some shrapnel must've hit her during the bombardment.

The rest of the crew was mostly fine too, aside from Pilar who'd had one of his golden hands blown off... Thankfully it was Cybernetic so he wasn't at risk of bleeding out... Quickly...

"THEY'RE COMING! GUNS UP!" Ori suddenly shouts, hearing a group heavily stomping up the stairs.

The staircase had half-collapsed, but there was enough of a gap for one man to slip through, and that's what they were doing... Wait, what kinda gun is that-


Ori leans backwards almost enough to touch the back of his head to the floor, blue fire billowing right over him and instantly scorching the wall, igniting it. "You trying to set yourselves on fire too!?"


The pyromaniac's head is whipped to the side as Rebecca's bullet pings off of it. Seeing the armour, Maine decides to go the old fashion route, burying his fist right in the man's face before he can spray more fire around the place.

The pyro's neck breaks as his head twists, sending his flailing body flying back into his comrades. Maine sends them off with an extra gift with his arm cannon which collapses the rest of the staircase. "

"Guys!? They're comin' back for another strafe!" David exclaims, gesturing down the hallway where an AV was visible through the hundreds of large bullet holes.

Ori just lets out a tired sigh and braces himself to start sprinting, "I got it..." he says before launching forwards.

"H-hold on you damn fool!" Falco starts, falling onto the wall as Ori speeds past, kicking up dust and debris.

He ducks his head and jumps as he reaches the end of the hallway, slamming his shoulder straight through the wall and jumping out of the building and into the air.

He inwardly grins as the pilot watches him approach in slow motion... They try to get the AV out of the way and hopefully allow Ori to fall to his death, but it's not fast enough.


He lands heavily on top of the cockpit, standing directly on the pilot's window. The guy looked ready to shit himself, and he probably did when Ori reared his fist back for a punch.



His fist goes straight through the glass and he grabs the pilot by the throat, pulling him out of the cockpit and throwing him over his shoulder to the distant ground below. The AV immediately starts spinning out of control of course, but he just readies his fortified ankles Cyberware and launches himself at the next AV which was trying to position itself to shoot him.

This one manages to fly out of the way, but he just flings his Monowire onto a piece of it's armour and swings under and over, landing on the roof as the side gunners watched in fascinated horror. "You guys ever crash landed before? Because I have! Have fun trying it!" he shouts while tearing the window from the AV and kicking the pilot, splattering his brain across the controls.

The autopilot system was still on however, allowing the vehicle to stay in the air... Which gave Ori an idea...




Ori throws the Militech soldiers out of the AV, Wilhelm screams sounding out before they hit the ground. The others AVs all turn their attention to him, but he forces the thing to fly next to the hole in the building, allowing the crew to jump in before immediately flying off.

Both the ground forces and other AVs were firing at them, but some 'evasive' manoeuvres barely kept them afloat. For a minute or so, then finally some shots hit the engines and caused them to burst into flames.

"WE'RE SO FUCKED!" Pilar can't help but shout.

"I'm aiming for the underground entrance! Doesn't matter how many bodies they have, they won't make it through the mole people before we can lose 'em!" Ori states.

"That's as good a plan as any! We'll be able to grab the gold in the meantime too!" Falco adds.

"Yeah, if we survive hitting the grou-Aghk!" David yelps as a bullet passes through the door and hits him in the calf, knocking him to the ground.

"Hit the deck!" Maine exclaims, bringing everyone to the floor as Ori quickly drops the AV, hoping to slide it across the road and deposit it in front of the abandoned Maglev tunnel entrance.