Visits Undone

Earlier :


"Prisoner A-435! You have a visitor!" the robotic guard states.

"A visitor? Lucky. No one gives enough of a shit about me to bother." Leo grouses as David stands.

"Who is it?" he asks, hoping it was a certain Arasaka suit.

"The visitor's identity is private, come willingly or we will be forced to employ forceful means." it robotically orders. "Present their hands, you will be handcuffed."

David does so, things were going according to plan... Hopefully at least.


"When you enter this room, be aware that any hostile action will be met with a swift and unmerciful death." the robot states as he pushes him in.

In front of David was a glass window cutting through half of the room, disconnecting it. A table was in the centre and Tanaka was sitting at it, behind the glass with his fingers steepled expectantly. "Well, well, look who it is. Come to have a dick-measuring contest? Cuz I doubt you'd win if Katsuo was anything to indicate your 'talent'." he taunts as he sits.

"Very mature, Mr Martinez. I'm sure you're very popular at all those whore and drug-filled raves. But not, I'm not here to 'measure', I'm here to offer you some last chances... And I mean, they will be your last." he says with a firm look.

"Ah, so not measuring, you're just getting straight to swinging your dick around like you own the place. Well news flash, I didn't get charged for killin' your kid, there's jack-shit you can do to me." he says, well aware that was a bald-faced lie.

Tanaka chuckles lightly, "Did you really think the law meant anything to me? It's just a tool to control the snivelling masses. Name a law and Arasaka has broken it before, whether or not such a thing was made public is irrelevant. After all, what is bail if not the rich man's parole?" he stands and begins pacing.

"All the cameras in this room are currently under maintenance. The guards and robots stationed here are all on break... And officially, I was never here. Do you see your problem, Mr Martinez?"

David forces a frown, "I'm not gettin' it. Who's gonna gut me if you got rid of the guards? You aren't man enough to do it yourself."

Tanaka nods, "I am well past the age of doing it personally. But I will take great pleasure in watching the life leave your eyes, you pathetic gnat. As for whom is going to take up the duty? Well, there seems to have been a scheduling error." he gestures at the door which opens to reveal three members of the Live-Ins gang, all baring their claw-like hands with eager grins on their faces.

David scoffs, "You think these three are enough to kill me? You must be outta touch, Tanaka."

"It remains to be seen, Mr Martinez. Even if you win, you'll find an extra three murders on your many list of charges."

"Don't worry boss, he ain't leavin' alive." the tallest Live-In states.

David cracks his neck and rolls his shoulders before taking up a boxing stance, "Bring it you Scissor hand-rejects."


The three men all charge at David who does the same, seizing the initiative and throwing a powerful drop kick as the first man. It hits the guy in the chest and flings him to the other end of the room with broken ribs, but not without leaving a long scratch on David's leg.

David immediately rolls to the side as one of them tries to jump on top of him, donkey-kicking the other who was trying to stab his hand into his gut. "Go to hell!" he shouts, coming back and slamming his elbow into the second guy.


He winces as a clawed hand grabs his leg, the Live-In who he'd dropped kick had crawled back into the fight.


"HELL NO! I'M STILL USIN' IT! GO JERK IT AND MINCE YOUR OWN!" David growls, slamming his heel into the dude's face to get him away and hand springing back to his feet. Only to then try to dodge a claw which scratches four lines into his cheek, almost taking his eye.

David blocks the next swipe with his forearm and smashes his Gorilla fist into the ugly-fuck's collarbone, crushing it. With the guy stunned from the pain, he grabs his face and slams it into the other charging Live-In, making them 'kiss', and by that he meant shattering their orbital bones on one another's.

With those two down for the count, he turns to the last guy who'd cut up his leg earlier, stomping over and standing above him. "What did ya' say earlier? You'll 'cut my cock off'?"

"B-bro, it was a joke!..."

David nods, "Right, right, a joke..." with that he raises his foot and stomps hard on the guy's groin, inwardly grimacing at the feeling of crushing something... Like popping a zit.


He looks over to the two other guys who were groaning on the ground and gives them the same treatment, stomping on their skulls and splattering grey matter across the floor.

"How's that, Tanaka-aaghh!" David yelps as his collar activates, not just his but everyone's in the room. He falls to a knee and looks up as electricity crackles through him, spotting Tanaka holding a switch.

"It appears I underestimated you, Mr Martinez. Fortunately, I don't rely on one plan. Your plans to escape will be fruitless, though, I will be waiting and watching to see if you can escape the hole I bury you in." he says, turning up the intensity.

"FFUUUuuUuuuuuck YOU!"

"No, fuck you, Mr Martinez. I have won, you should have stayed in the hovel you crawled out-" Tanaka's voice halts as all the lights in the room suddenly turn off. The backup generator doesn't immediately activate either, meaning it is likely intentional sabotage.

The EMP doesn't just take out the building's electricity though...

David reaches up and tears the collar off of himself, the typical stun he'd receive from the attempt not activating. "What'd you say? Something about winning?" he cockily smirks.