Here's Johnny!

"Gotta get outta here, understand?" a male voice forces V out of her slumber, and she blinks as she lays eyes on the dark-haired man standing at the side of her bed, punk-rocker boy outfit and aviation specks all but spelt out who it was...

He leans over her, trying to grasp her neck but scowling when his hand phases through like a ghost. He turns and spits, "I'll kill anyone who gets in my way."


She sits up and blinks again, only for the man to vanish and reappear leaning against a nearby wall. "Silverhand..." she rubs her temples to ease the growing headache. "Your threats don't mean shit to me, if you could do something you'd have done it by now. So ghost off and leave me alone."

Another blink and he's gone, leaving her completely alone... Did it work? Or was he just playing around and preparing to scare her for later?

Shaking her head, she lays back down to get some more sleep... Hopefully the soreness beginning to crawl over her everything would stop.



*Tap... Tap... Tap...*

Again she opens her eyes at the incessant, annoying sound... Ten minutes of trying to get to sleep, and just as she was entering dreamland this asshole starts again, banging the back of his head against the wall... Wait, if he's a ghost how's he doing that?

"Stare any harder and I might blush, that or you'll shit yourself." he idly remarks, "Where's your stash, I need a smoke."

"A smoke? Do it yourself, pull it outta wherever you took those boujie-ass glasses." she scowls.

"Hey, I don't expect some joytoy like you to understand what's practical and what's black-collar money-scent candles. These things last longer than those fifty Eddie pieces of shit that break every time you set 'em down..." he shakes his head, "And I dunno where to get some cigs from, I'm surprised I'm not standing here with my cock and balls out."

"Maybe you just keep whatever you had on you when you died..." she guesses, silently searching around for those pills Misty got her... She'd left them somewhere around here.

He chuckles, "Think those Arasaka clowns would let a guy have some dignity before they sucked out his brain? You're even dumber than I thought. But we can talk about that after you find a cig."

"I don't smoke when I don't want to, so piss off." V retorts, throwing a pillow at the guy and scowling when it goes through him.

Johnny pushes himself off of the wall and approaches her, "Think you're funny huh?" he shoves her, and both are surprised when he actually connects, throwing her to the ground as they both stare in slacked-jawed shock.

"W-what the fuck..." Johnny mutters,

He turns his hand and V's body turns it for him... She turns her other hand and Johnny's also moves...

"I-It's that fuckin' chip!" he makes her reach up and grab a hold of it in the chip slot, "I'll rip the thing out myself!"



V's world goes white.

Once her vision returns she finds herself on the floor behind a pacing Johnny, muttering to himself about things she could hear. She spots the bottle of pills placed on the floor next to her bed and reaches for them, only for Johnny to spot her.

She tries to take the lid off but-


"We ain't leavin' like that! Stick some iron in your mouth and pull the trigger!" he glowers after slapping the pills away. Then grabbing her head and threw her to the ground again.


"I can FEEL our minds touching! Some finger-posse bitch who thinks she knows shit, and me, melding..." he growls, "I'm like mould on fruit, creepin' into you and there's nothin' I can do about it! Hear me!? You think you got the bad side of the deal, but what've I got!? I'm just a copy of the real guy! A soulless fucking husk that's gonna force his way into your huskless soul!"


V looks over as her bottle of pills rolls over next to her... Her eyes widen as someone kneels beside her. A large muscular chromed-to-fuck guy with black hair, brown eyes, and a cocky grin splitting his face...

Even in her disoriented state, she knew who this was, how could she not? His face had been all over the goddamn news. "Z-Zombie...?"

"The one and only. But I've had enough fun already watching you kick the crap outta yourself." he nods down at the pills, "Go ahead."

"Don't you dare! We aren't finished yet!" Johnny shouts, throwing a haymaker at Zombie but just stumbles with his momentum as he phases through him.

With Jonny distracted, she swipes a pill or two and swallows them before breathing of relief at the sensation washing over her. A cold stream travelled up her stomach, past her heart and lungs, and finally cooled her brain.

"Let's hope this guy isn't as rapey as he looks." Johnny growls and stands over her, "I'm not lookin' to experience fuckin' on the other side... See you la-" she blinks and he's gone, along with the throbbing in her temples.

She looks up and spots Zombie making himself at home on her couch, kicking his feet up after raiding her fridge. With a groan, she pulls herself up and hobbles over, uncomfortably sitting opposite him with a hand over her chest to calm her pounding heart. "Why are you here...? I thought you were supposed to be crusading against 'Corpo-Tyranny'."

"'Crusading' is a big word for someone who was arguing with herself... But no, I'm here for that thing in your head."

Her body stiffens, "T-the Bio-Chip? Y-you work for them!?" she stands, "The fucking revolutionary people are raving about!?"

"It's a bit more complicated than that, but yeah, you could say I'm working with Arasaka." he shrugs uncaringly.