NC Repeat

Three days, that's how long it'd been since Sekaiheiwa was dismantled by Arasaka. In that time, Ori's crew had torn apart most of their hidden bases and moved almost everything into the badlands, meeting up with what was left of the more valuable Sekaiheiwa members who were in the know.

They still had a mountain of eddies, but they weren't worth much when you couldn't use them. Arasaka and most other corps in Night City had gone on a manhunt for them, and the only places that were willing to trade were some of the more civilized Nomad gangs, like the Aldecaldos for instance.

The Nomads had actually been more receptive to them once they realised who they were, being part of the 'Zombie Crew' earned major respect apparently, enough so that the local Wraiths packed their shit and began efforts to relocate to another city entirely.

Course, that meant Arasaka also had a general idea as to where they were, but Ori was surprised that none of the Aldecaldos had squealed about their location to the squads of Arasaka soldiers that occasionally visited, attempted to draw out answers through intimidation, bribes, or outright threats.

The destruction of Sekaiheiwa and death of Yorinobu had ruined any plans Ori had, and his heavily encrypted chats with Wakako revealed that she'd gone straight into hiding after the debacle.

With V's disappearance, Ori was grasping at straws. He'd considered throwing the rest of his funds at Rogue to form a mercenary army in some haphazard attempt to assault Arasaka, but he knew there'd be so many moles and traitors that eighty percent of the mercs would end up turning against him.

Thus, he spent his time with the nanites, burying his head in subnets with the help of Sasha, Kiwi, and Lucy to learn as much as possible. If he couldn't get revenge on Arasaka his way, he'd simply borrow plans from someone else... Unfortunately, before he could start enacting his plans for a second, or third Holocaust, something else got in the way...


Ori growled as the lock on the car's door swung open, allowing dust and sand to pool into the interior. He has driven a shit hatchback he'd bought from the Aldecaldos to keep under the corps radar while out on supply runs, yet maybe getting attacked in his sleep was better than this?

The trailer on the back of the car bounced and swayed on the dirt path, tied down bags jumping dangerously... He was NOT getting out again to pick that shit up.

Thankfully, he passed the rocky wall where the hidden base was located, but as he spotted the cave entrance, his expression fell. One Arasaka AV and two heavy trucks were parked out front...

"They found us!? Hell fucking no!"

He palms the steering wheel, denting it as he sped up, all while leaning out of the window and shooting the latch connecting the trailer to disconnect it, then drove head first into the single truck that was occupied.


The front of his car flattens like a slinky as it collides, barely flipping the truck onto his side. Ori, unable to wear his seatbelt due to the Aldecaldos' confusing aversion to them, flew out of the front windscreen like an arrow, he went through the bottom of the truck, leaving his head and upper body sticking out from the footrest, easily visible to the two Arasaka soldiers currently trying to recover their composure.

"What the fuck!?" one of them shouts, getting one stomp on Ori's face before he rips himself out and tears the guy's throat out with his teeth. The next guy draws his pistol, but isn't able to use it as Ori's metal fist flattens his face against the headrest.

He shakes his fist off and jacks into the truck's comm systems, getting an earful of the squads inside the hideout...

"*Buzzch!*, -ucking douchbags barricaded themselves in after*Bzztch!*-irst got captured. The*Bzztch!*-don't pay me enough for this!" a voice says, crackling and distorting from being underground.

Ori's eyes dart around as the word 'captured' echoes in his head. Unfortunately, the other truck was vacant and the AV only seemed to have a single pilot who was hurriedly trying to start the aircraft... Next to it were indentations in the ground where another AV had been, apparently the thing that'd escorted his crew out.

His form flashes as he activates his sandevistan, reappearing atop the cockpit's glass and spearing his hand through the pilot. The man lets out a wet gurgle before expiring, allowing Ori to jump off and make his way into the cave entrance.

"Those Arasaka cunts better hope they don't fuck me off with this." he growls, stifling the worry threatening to bubble up for his comrades. He'd get back whoever was captured, even if he had to storm Arasaka tower solo.

Brushing his tongue over his front teeth, he cuts through the hideout's door with his electrified Monowire, causing the Arasaka troops stationed there to turn and raise their weapons.

Their limbs fall to the ground with a sickening squelch as he zips past, and the men only realise that their spines had been severed after he exits the hallway to the sound of harrowed screams.

The common rooms were empty, drinks and food were scattered across the coffee table and floor next to the television, and the on-sight bar was completely trampled. There were a few bodies littered around, but thankfully none were the crews.

The other rooms were no better, but halfway through his search the sound of gunfire started up again, he rushed towards it, quickly finding ten or so men focussing their fire on the door leading to the security room.

A sweep of his Monowire later and they were of no issue...

"Hey! Who's there!?" he shouts through the locked door.

"Ori?" a voice quirks, Sasha and Falco poke their heads over an upturned table, both looking absolutely relieved.