Lunar was sitting on the bed, waiting for his highness to come out of the bathroom, she was restless and anxious, her palms were sweaty along with her feet, she could feel her knees were weak that if she stood now, she would fall on the ground.she knew that she got herself in a very sticky situation, she didn't know what she was gonna take responsibility of but she knew it would be no good. but at the same time, for the first time,she believed in Reine, Reine would never let her take responsibility of something bad that would harm her,or bed her for that matter,he already promised her that he would never force himself on her,he'll only do it with her permission, thinking of all this made her calm down a little.
but all her calmness were thrown out of the window when she heard him coming out of the bathroom. he held her breath and looked at him. he wore a robe, a white one and his face was wet along with his parts of the body which she saw, but wait a minute, is what am seeing right or are his hairs dry?
lunar thought and narrow her eyes to look at him closely, but thankfully he was coming towards her and so she didn't have to narrow her eyes to see that fact that his hairs were completely dry. he knelt before her, he smiled at her mischievously as he asked her
"We're you been waiting for my sweet Lunar?"
Lunar stared at him, she could feel her heart racing now with that beautiful smile of his, though it was filled with mischief, she could still feel how it affected her as she felt her heart accelerate at a speed which only him cause in her with his moving smile. she then cleared her throat and told him.
"And would you think that?"
"Well you are sitting on the bed facing the bathroom"
" That doesn't count a thing"
" To you, nothing counts ... except for your assaults though... "
he chuckled to himself and looked away from her. Lunar looked at his hairs carefully, and then out of nowhere, she reached her out to him and put in on top of his hair. she then moved her hand and saw that his hairs were dry, there wasn't a single sign that showed that these perfect white hair were drenched at some time. she narrow her eyes and then, she bent closer to him and moved her hand back to his long hairs which dropped yo his back. she touched that hairs on his back, they were also Dry, and then, she moved her hand and touched the little hairs which grew above his neck, she got mesmerized that his neck was still a little wet but his hairs were completely dry. she got surprised by this fact but what jolt her back to reality, was Reine sudden stiffen of his body. he was so stiff and his eyes were all on her, surprised by what she was doing. she looked at him and saw how he stared at her. she figured that now, while she was touching his hairs, her hands were on his skin, touching the skin of his back. she looked at him as her eyes went wide and quickly removed her hand and looked away from him.
Reine was still shocked by her actions but this little action she did mad him snap out of his stiffen state, got his naught gaze again and finally ask the question that was stuck on his throat
"my sweet little devil, may I know why you touched me like that?"
Lunar looked at him in shock when she heard him call her that again. she looked at him, her eyes wide, she couldn't believe she was back to be called the little devil again. she then, cleared her throat and answered him.
"I... I was... just checking something"
"Something what?"
"You.... your hairs are... dry though you... came out of the bathroom a while ago. "
" Aaaaahhhh, that's because my hairs don't get drenched"
" What? "
Lunar was surprised, how could he's hairs doesn't get drenched, are they water proof or something?
Reine saw her reaction, and so he continued telling her about it, sounding as believable as it could sound.
" literally, they've been dry as long as I remember. even if I pour the whole ocean on them, my body and cloth would get wet, but not my hairs. so.... that's that"
" But... why? "
" I don't know, maybe that's just how they are"
Lunar was left dumbstruck, now that's something that she never heard of, hairs that don't get wet.but she still didn't believe him though, there was a jar of water beside the bed. she took the jar and pour water oj his hair, Reine was shocked by her action, he didn't see that one coming. he stayed right where he was as Lunar observed her wonderful experiment on the poor drenched prince. she saw the water drops moving down his hair smoothly and fell on the ground. she put the jar back and touched his hair. they were dry....!!
Lunar stared at him with a mouth forming an O shaped and Reine just chuckle and shook his head, then, he raised his head and asked her
"Believe me now?"
Lunar with still the same expression on her face, she nodded her head. Reine chuckled again and looked at her face, she looked cute staring at him like that, then, he saw her smile out of excitement and told him
"Wow this is so amazing and outstanding? let me pour water on them again"
when Reine heard that, he stood in a hurry and told her
"Well that's enough experiment for today and any other day Lunar"
he looked at himself and saw how drenched he was now because of his sweet lunar, he shook his head and said
"Well it's a good thing I didn't wear my cloth just yet,or you would've just drenched them, (sigh) I'll go and get changed"
Lunar looked at him as he entered the bathroom to get changed.