Sej stared at Reine as if calculating what he just said, he didn't know if he should believe this guy or not, because apart from everything, this same guy was the one who killed the brother of the king and also threatened to kill the king himself, so believing him now was kind of a hard thing to do.
But the roar and the screams of the people in danger was enough to bring him back to reality and be with no choice but to trust Reine.
Just like Reine, he also wanted to protect the city, and stop these vicious creatures from attacking the innocent loves of people, and thus with no choice, he sigh and asked him
"So? What's the plan?"
He asked as he looked at him
" How are you going to get close enough to..."
He sigh as he tried to let out the words which seemed stuck on his throat.
But Reine seems to see his trouble
"To kill Leviath?"
He spoke out the words just right when Sej snapped at him with clenched teeth