“You can sleep here”

He says while pointing at the side of the bed.

Xin Yi hesitate… Is this suitable? ahe asked.

She didn't want him to feel uncomfortable, so she could sleep here

It's okay right? She asked again.

Yes, it is Yi Chen replied patting the side of the bed

After thinking for a second, she nods and get in the bed.

He looked at her once again but didn't say anything, just stare at her.

She turns the other way facing him, but she felt something soft hit against her head she looked at him, and she notice his hand is caressing her hair softly.

She looks away, trying not to let her cheeks blush.

She thought about how their relationship has been.

“You should sleep” She whispers softly, still not facing him.

He finally nodded “okay”

Xin Yi closed her eyes as she felt someone wrap an arm around her waist and pull her closer into him.