Chapter. 16. A Thousand Gold Pieces

Indeed the extremely pure benefits and vitality emerging from the pill were felt. The beautiful clerk continued to explain all the advantages of the pill then she explained the price.

The pills totaled four pills, the price for the unit was twenty-five gold pieces, to have one of them had to buy all four pills. The initial price is one hundred gold pieces, with the addition of five gold pieces each time you bid.

“One hundred and twenty gold pieces!” Smiling, Yuan Liong opened the bidding, as well as provoked a reaction from the audience at the auction.

Unwilling to budge, the Patriarchs of the Main Family also bid.

“One hundred and fifty gold pieces!”

“Two hundred gold pieces!”

“Three hundred gold pieces!”

From VIP room number eight this time began to sound.

“Five hundred gold pieces!”

The voice from this VIP room greatly shocked the entire audience, five hundred gold pieces was indeed an extraordinary fortune, this was almost equal to the total wealth of the Main Family.

The voice that sounded from this VIP room was somewhat hoarse and slightly sinister, the audience had never heard this tone of voice from any Xia Yu City Main Family.

“Seven hundred gold pieces!”

Yuan Liong returned to fishing, he carelessly raised the bid, he was sure the Main Families wouldn't budge on him this time.

Nalan Jieruo, who knew the source of this pill was Yuan Liong, was surprised by Yuan Liong's attitude towards bidding on this pill.

Meanwhile, Grandpa Zhou smiled, inwardly he said, “This boy is truly extraordinary, the source of wealth he has is endless.” He still didn't know the pill, it was Yuan Liong who concocted it.

“An exemplary young soul! How motivated to step into the Heavenly Realm, even though you're only a dozen years old, brat you're so talented!” Grandpa Zhou said, praising.

“...” Yuan Liong smiled faintly, without saying anything.

“I'm surprised that the young master in VIP room number seven, has been bidding at such a high price, do you really have that much gold? He he he!”

The voice emitted by the occupant of VIP room number eight, with a scornful tone, also stimulated the audience at the auction to wonder if it was really like that?

“Ha ha ha! ... Do you want to bet? Do I have gold or not?” Yuan Liong replied by replying to the ridicule.

“Well! Let's bet! But before that, I'll introduce myself first, don't regret it later brat!” A hoarse and fierce voice answered.

After saying that, the silhouette of that person was already standing in front of the wide opening of the auction house's window so that everyone present from both the VIP room and downstairs could see the person's figure.

He was a tall man with a haughty face, a big nose, and a thick mustache. There were many scars on his face.

Aged in his forties, he wears a black suit with a skull crest on the chest. While standing he also emitted an internal energy pressure, so that all present could feel the power within the Peak Stage Earth Realm.

The older generation and the Patriarch of the Main Family would know that fierce man, while the younger generation would not know that person. He was the Patriarch of the Skeleton Valley Sect, this person was very difficult to deal with, not because of his extremely high martial arts skills but because of his disgusting shamelessness.

What will be said is always the opposite of what will be done, he is called Kun Hong.

Actually, Patriarch Kun had already dispatched his two sect master aides a few days ago to Xia Yu City. Namely the Codet Face Devil and the Great Kingkong Devil, dear! Until the time of his presence in Xia Yu City. He had not received news from the two maids, then finally, he found two charred corpse figures in the urban forest which he believed to be his main aides.

While diving into drinking water, that's the analogy, while looking for the main assistant killer, he also participated in this auction. With the treasures he brought with him it was not difficult to become a VIP member of this auction house.

“I am the Patriarch of the Skull Valley Sect, Kun Hong, I want to see your face brat!” Kun Hong continued.

The audience thought the same. “What a pity that Young Master has to deal with the most difficult person to treat in this Southern Region.”

Yuan Liong himself didn't want to budge, he also got up and showed his posture to the crowd. “Junior named Yuan Liong! Greetings to all seniors!” shouted Yuan Liong, his style of introduction friendly to everyone present.

However, the reactions of the audience were different when they saw Yuan Liong's face, most of them were thinking. “Unexpectedly, the pale one who lost to Young Master Zhang Ceng the other day is this person, his appearance was really rudimentary the other day, and now he is even like the Young Master of the Main Family.”

Some even scoffed, “Ha ha ha! Apparently the ruthless pale face, maybe he doesn't have as much gold as he says, only his voice is great.” That's the different way of thinking of each attendee.

“Okay now, which bet will senior run!” Yuan Liong immediately asked.

“It's an easy bet, if you can prove you have a lot of gold, I'll increase the offer of the Condensate Pill to two thousand gold pieces.” Kun Hong replied, smiling slyly.

Not wanting to beat around the bush, Yuan Liong slipped down in front of the auctioneer girl. “Okay! This girl is the judge!” said Yuan Liong, then took out a thousand gold pieces from his universe ring.

Golden light immediately filled the room, and everyone in the audience felt suffocated when Yuan Liong took out gold like a person eating rice, it was so easy.

“Does it still count!” Yuan Liong took out another thousand gold pieces again.

Quickly, he put the gold back into the universe ring and said, “Now it's your turn to bet, bid the pill for two thousand pieces of gold!”

“No need to rush brat! If the speed is even, it's not fun.” Kun Hong started to dodge the bet he made.

“You're trying to dodge! Don't blame this young generation for using violence.” Yuan Liong shot toward Kun Hong, with a bare-handed punch.

“Hold the blow!” Grandpa Zhou darted along, interceding just before Yuan Liong's punch hit Kun Hong.

“Kid! Do you really want to be kicked out of this auction?” asked Grandpa Zhou.

“Young master! …Please obey the rules of the auction house, in each auction, there should be no fighting or the young master will be deprived of his VIP membership and banned from the auction for good.” The officer girl also gave an explanation.

“Sorry for my carelessness! And thanks for the advice!”

Yuan Liong and Grandpa Zhou darted back to their VIP room.

The officer girl continued the auction by starting to count the last bids from Yuan Liong.

“The first seven hundred gold pieces!”

“Second seven hundred gold pieces!”

“Eight hundred gold pieces!”

“Eight hundred and fifty gold pieces!”

“...” The bids were still going up.

“A thousand gold pieces!”

This offer was made by Xia Yu City Lord, he didn't hold back anymore. The Heavenly Realm was highly coveted by Southern Region warriors because it was rare for anyone to achieve it.

One thousand and fifty gold pieces would be the limit of the Main Family, even though the Heavenly Realm was highly coveted, they were not willing to spend more than one thousand and fifty gold pieces of gold.

“One thousand one hundred gold pieces!” Kun Hong raised the offer.

Kun Hong had intended to play with the Main Family, he couldn't pay a thousand gold pieces more for the pill. However, he had noticed the Patriarchs of the Main Family competing with each other for the pill, what's wrong with him fishing in this murky water?

“Kid! Isn't it fun now? Ha ha ha! ...” He made fun of Yuan Liong.

With a gloomy face and declining composure Murong Sun again bid, “One thousand one hundred and fifty gold pieces!” he said weakly.

Everyone in the audience heard this, though his voice was weak and even a little small.

After waiting for a while, and no one bidding, the clerk started counting to the end of the third count, no more bidding, then the Sky Realm Condensate Pill was won by Xia Yu City Lord.