
Arci went back to the pawnshop to get her brother Jade Pendant.

When she walked in, she saw the same shop keeper she saw in the morning there.

She greeted him with a smile.

"It's repaired" The shopkeeper gave her a small box.

Arci accepted and opened it.

She took out the Jade and examined it carefully.

"Thank you sir. You have superb skills" She smiled at the man.

The man smiled at her.

She turned to walk out of the shop when a young lady walked in.

"Arci" The young lady called out.

"It's really you" The girl smiled at her.

Arci glanced at her, confused because she doesn't remember where she knew before, she thought about it for a while before she remembered.

"Are you Miss Love Bush?" Arci asked.

Love gave a nod.

"What are you doing here?" She smiled at her.

"It happens that I was having my sketch album bound in a nearby stall," Love replied.

"You like sketching?" Arci asked, surprised.