Feeling Grateful

"Lady Aria?"

James was really surprised when he walked in, the man could see her normally sweet-behaved young lady daydreaming with an expression that a child shouldn't have. James was worried because ever since the girl woke up from her stupor, Ariana had been acting different from usual. Even the way she treated her grandfather, was far different from the way the girl usually behaved.

For now, James intended to keep a close eye on Ariana's change in attitude. After all, Ariana is the only heir to her family at this time. The slightest bit of carelessness can no longer be tolerated. James didn't want his master to be angry anymore, like when the man heard the news that his granddaughter had fallen into the pool and passed out for several days.

"Lady Aria, I have brought the food that you previously asked for. Since The Young Lady has just come to your senses, please forgive me for being able to only prepare easily digestible food for your meal."

Ariana had been awake from her daydream ever since James called her name. The girl nodded slightly. Ariana let James prepare the food in front of her, before the girl ate it slowly.

This time, James was surprised again when he saw Ariana eating gracefully that the girl had never shown anyone. Even though Ariana was the granddaughter of a Duke, just because the girl's parents spoiled her too much, Ariana's way of eating always caused her grandfather to suffer from headaches. Ariana usually just does whatever she wants. But not only did she not complain, the little girl suddenly ate like she was already used to the manners of eating in a royal palace.

"James? I'm done eating."

James was caught off guard when the man couldn't believe he could daydream while Ariana ate her food. James hastily apologized, before fixing all the dishes quickly and swiftly.

"James, has Grandpa gone outside again?"

"He's not, Lady Aria. Currently, His Grace is in his study to finish his work."

This time, James was in a state of readiness as he immediately answered Ariana's question. It was unusual for Ariana to volunteer to ask where her grandfather was. James saw this as progress in the grandparent-grandson relationship, and he was pleased with it.

"Then ... Can you ask Grandpa if I can see him today? There's something I want to speak with him," Ariana informed. Once her resolve had matured, Ariana knew she could no longer waste her time relaxing when her family was in danger. She wanted to immediately start her training, to pay for her laziness to study in the past.

James' smile was meaningful when he heard Ariana's words. Only God knows how long James had been waiting for this day to come. With The Duke getting older, they are getting more and more frustrated at educating the only heir, who is reluctant to learn and is always causing trouble. Since the death of her parents, Ariana has been crying and refusing to take any lessons. Even the master had almost given up on persuading the child. But who would have thought, today it was the girl who wanted to talk directly to her grandfather.

"Then, I will immediately convey Lady Aria's wish. For now, let me call the maids to help you change clothes."

Ariana nodded as she allowed the maidservants to come and serve her. Even though at the end of her life, Ariana had no one to serve her, the habit of being served throughout her life never left her way of life. The girl obediently let the maids wash her face, took off her nightwear, then changed into a beautiful dress with a beautiful color.

When Ariana looked at her reflection in the mirror, a trace of sadness crossed the little girl's eyes. For a man who could betray her, Ariana had carefully discarded all the care her family had given her. Ariana doesn't even remember the last time she wore a beautiful dress in her last life. She only remembered the maids in the castle stealing all of her pretty clothes, leaving Ariana with only the maid clothes that the girl managed to find after she crawled out to look for leftovers.

"Lady Aria, is there a problem?"

Seeing their young lady suddenly burst into tears after they dressed her up, the maids were worried that Ariana would again not like the clothes they had chosen. After all, this was the first time Ariana would obediently be served by a maid after her parents' death. The maidservants wanted to do their best for their young lady. But, it seemed they had made a fatal mistake this time.

Facing the worries of the maids, Ariana immediately wiped her eyes before shaking her head in conviction. "I'm fine. Thank you for helping me to pick a beautiful dress," She said in a soft tone. Young Ariana's voice hit the maids right in the heart, until they were involuntarily taken aback by that simple remark. Their young lady thanked them. Anyone would be happy, if such a humble, sweet girl would thank ordinary maids like them.

"Lady Aria also looks beautiful, that's the reason this dress looks wonderful when worn by you."

Ariana's attention was drawn to the maid, who looked the youngest of all the maids assigned to serve her. Staring at her face, a trace of surprise suddenly flashed across the girl's eyes. Ariana's memories of her previous life were still as fresh as yesterday afternoon. Ariana clearly remembered who the young maid was.

The feisty girl was one of the maids who kept following him when he left the Duke's residence to live in a castle close to the royal palace. After Ariana was poisoned, the only maid who continued to serve her and tried to plead with the palace to help Ariana who has been sick since then is that young maid. In the end, the young maid died protecting Ariana from the maids who tried to kill the girl the day they looted all of Ariana's belongings. It was there that Ariana finally learned that the young servant's family was descended from the knights who served the Alison family for generations. That girl should also be a knight, if only the royal regulations forbidding a girl from becoming a knight didn't hinder the young maid's fighting spirit.

It was still clear in Ariana's memory, how that young maid was dying right before her eyes. Until the end, the young maid kept smiling and apologizing for not being able to look after Ariana until her lady reached happiness.

Looking at the maid who had a strong impression in her memory directly again, Ariana couldn't hide her wide smile for the young maid. Ariana took a few steps forward, to gently touch the maid's hand.

"Thank you, Valencia."

The young maid, Valencia, was completely taken aback when Ariana spoke her name fluently. The maid's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, as she replied to Ariana's words in a slightly stuttering tone.

"That ... I, I'm just telling the truth, Lady Aria."

Ariana smiled. "Still, I want to thank you," She said in a soft voice.

As Ariana expected, Valencia's hands looked rough as the young maid continued to practice swordsmanship secretly in the Alison family residence. Her swordsmanship while the maid was trying to protect Ariana was almost the same as the royal guard, even though Valencia had never been properly taught about sword techniques. Such a great talent, it would be a shame if it wasn't honed properly just because Valencia is a woman.

To repay the maid's kindness in her previous life, Ariana was determined to help Valencia become a knight like the maid's dream. As long as she was fit to work at her residence, Ariana promised to make Valencia a knight of the family and teach her proper sword techniques.

Looking at the other maids, even though they didn't seem as great as Valencia, Ariana knew that they were all carefully selected by her grandfather and were loyal to her family. Ariana smiled kindly as she looked at all of them. In this life, she would no longer allow people like them to suffer under her responsibility.

"I don't really know all the servants in this house. But I'm always grateful to you guys who always help me. This may seem late, but thank you for taking care of me so far."

After Valencia, the other maids started to believe that their young lady wasn't as arrogant and cold as people had been rumored to be. They are delighted to serve a beautiful and kind young lady like Ariana. Each of them began to get acquainted with Ariana, until the girl's room was only filled with female voices chatting happily for a while.