First Training

When Ariana got to the practice room, she found that someone had arrived there earlier than herself. In the center of the practice room, stood a man in his thirties with an armor bearing the image of a lion, who became the symbol of the Alison family. On the shoulders, his armor is specifically black, a sign that he is the captain of a knight who swore to serve the Alison family.

Seeing the heroic attitude shown by the man, Ariana involuntarily showed a sad smile. The man who dedicated his life to Alison's family, had to face a tragic death for trying to give justice for Ariana in their previous life. Against all warnings given by those around him, the man continues to investigate the culprit who gave Ariana the poison on Crown Prince Emilio's coronation day. The end of the man filled with a sense of justice was predictable after that. One night, his house caught by fire that killed the man and his entire family.