Winter is Coming

[Dear Prince Raoul.

It's been three months since you left to guard the Northern Border. Last time, you said that you were still on your way to reach the border. Now, are you there yet? In the capital and surrounding areas, snow has begun to fall, causing temperatures to grow colder. I hope you made it there because the journey must have been tough after the snow started earlier this year.

After you left, neither Queen Melisa nor Crown Prince Emilio did anything suspicious. But I hope it's not the calm before the storm. Take care, Raoul. Please don't easily trust strangers there.

As always, we are here to pray for your safety.


After Ariana finished reading the letter she was about to send, the girl nodded in satisfaction and then sealed the letter with her family seal. Ariana handed the letter to one of the maids so that it could be immediately sent to Prince Raoul, who was on his way to reach the northern border.