Jimmy's Order

When night fell, Ariana, who had been sleeping all afternoon, finally woke up and found that Emilio seemed to have visited her room as usual. Next to her bed, Ariana could see a stool set facing her. Ariana breathed a sigh of relief. At least she was lucky, Emilio had returned to his room when she finally woke up.

Seeing the moon that had already risen above her head, Ariana hastily got up from her sleeping position. If what Carla said in her letter was true, the woman would infiltrate her room after midnight. Even so, Ariana still wondered how Carla had managed to infiltrate when the door was always guarded by two royal knights, while the window connecting Ariana's room to the balcony was always locked in the absence of Emilio. Ariana was involuntarily in a tense position as she thought that. Even though she did need to meet someone to discuss the current situation, Ariana still didn't want Carla to risk her life just so they could communicate inside the palace.