I Will Be Fine

The atmosphere in the Alison family residence at night was always quiet without any disturbance. Almost all the lights have been turned off. And except for those assigned to watch the night in the residence, the others had fallen asleep once it was past midnight. Both Ariana and Raoul had also rested comfortably in the main bedroom. Raoul didn't change his position in hugging Ariana, and Ariana also leaned comfortably in Raoul's arms. Nothing has changed so far. But at one point, Ariana, who was originally sleeping soundly suddenly furrowed her brows and started to squirm uncomfortably.

“Aria, is something wrong?”

Even though Raoul was dreaming earlier, the man immediately woke up when he felt his wife's unusual movement. At first, Raoul, who had just opened his eyes thought that Aria might need something like usual. But when he heard the groaning sound and saw Ariana's face that was in pain, the sleepiness disappeared completely when he got up from his sleeping position.