Love in Another World (6)

From the observations he made before returning to school, Emilio already knew that 'he' was a popular kid in his school. Emilio who was used to being surrounded by people felt he could handle the popularity. But once recess rolled around and Cornell forcefully dragged him to eat in the cafeteria, Emilio finally realized that there was a big difference between his popularity as a Prince and his current popularity.

Emilio thought Cornell's rudeness was the only exception. The teenager tried to endure because he still needed information from Cornell about Ariana. But once he met the other kids, Emilio finally knew that everyone was indeed talking casually toward him. Some of them even clearly treated Emilio like a child. Emilio didn't know what 'he' was doing before this. But now that 'her' body was fully his, Emilio no longer let everyone talk to him as they pleased.