Love in Another World (22)

"The Ariana we know is the daughter of Alison's family, who has been missing all this time. Emilio, Ariana's family is alive, and they are still searching for their daughter today."

Emilio's mind was a mess when he heard his father's words. All this time, even though he sounded evil, Emilio felt happy when he heard that Ariana no longer had anyone in this world. Emilio thought there would be no one to take Ariana away from him from now on. But now, he had to accept the fact that someone could take Ariana away from him whenever they wanted.

If Ariana was asked to choose between her family or her lover, her choice had always been clear in her two previous lives. Emilio looked at Ariana with a dark gaze. His bad thoughts rose again, as he started planning how to hide Ariana from Alison's family.