[ Author's Note ]
WARNING! There will be depiction of violence and strong language to be warned. There is a possibility of it being a trigger warning. In future i will warn you of such but i won't be so specific of all the details so be advised. Read at your own expense from here on out!
Pishka's POV
Waking up on a Monday morning, my eyes are met by a bright light coming in through the widely opened curtain. The light shines right into my still adjusting eyesight, as to dodge the light assaulting my just opened eyes. I turn over to my side. I feel a breeze brushing past me from behind me, once my eyes have adjusted
I look around to see that the window in my room is open. Getting up from the bed abruptly, I feel my head suddenly getting dizzy causing me to sit on the bed again. Clenching the side of my head as I feel it pounding the living hell out of me. Seeing myself unfit to get up just yet, I opt for going back to sleep. While climbing back into bed slowly, I think to myself
°I can't take this headache and my neck feels so freaking sore, must have slept in a bad position. Let me take a nap, hopefully, I will feel better when I wake up°
Two hours later, I am woken up by someone who's shaking me like a freaking milkshake. I groan imagining my hands forming into fists. My irritation surfaced but I suppress the feeling of punching the idiot!!! Snapping my eyes open to see my annoying old man's face. Glaring at him as I imagine daggers stabbing him from all directions
Pishka: Daddy!! I'm up! I'M UP!!!
I sit up and begin to rub my eyes as he lets go of my shoulders
Pishka: You know, if I was to wake you up like that I'm pretty sure you would have backhanded me by now
He chuckles at me and I just glare hellfire and daggers at him
Daddy: I'm sorry, my baby but you late for school
Pishka: Oh I had a huge headache and couldn't get up cause it was really bad. I was planning to take a short nap hoping it would make me feel better, but I ended up falling asleep
Daddy: I see, do you feel well enough to go to school today?
I nod my head and give him my brightest smile. He lectures me for a bit before he sighs as he stands up and then leaves my room. I wait for a few minutes before getting up slowly and rushing to the bathroom as quickly as my shaky body would let me go. Had a quick shower and dressed in random clothes, checking the clock. I scream inside
°Shoot! I have ten minutes before the school bell rings, of course, I'm LATE!!!°
I think to myself as I walk into my bathroom and tie my hair into two high curly puff balls. I look at the outfit I picked out, a black outfit with black shoes as well.
°Wow, what a coincidence...°
My father dropped me off at school and I made it before the first period ended. So I was able to borrow notes to update my notes - with the help of a reluctant teacher. Of course, let me not forget the detention I had to spend after school
At Home
Laying in bed in my bedroom, recalling the uneventful day. After catching up with my notes and getting my homework from my third-period teacher I went to eat lunch at the usual spot - the abandoned courtyard - it wasn't restricted and was pretty much in good condition. So of course I would go there daily
After school, I spoke to Jacob as usual but part of me seems to be angry at him for some unknown reason. I feel like he is the reason why I'm so miserable or he did something really grave in my past life but I can't be too sure. A part of me is hesitant when I'm around him and for a very good reason...
°Have I met him in my previous life?... No that's not possible I mean it's the first time I've ever met this guy...°
With strange thoughts on my mind, I fell asleep till the next day, deciding to push all thoughts of such a subject to the back of my mind
School holidays
Rushing down the stairs in a hurry to get to the front of the door as the doorbell rings. I begin to even skip steps but I accidentally trip over my foot. Since I was wearing a pair of heels my stepmother forced me to wear them as practice for the future. I land on the side of my foot then on my back painfully. Hearing that the doorbell is still ringing I whine out a reply to the stranger
°Stupid floor! Stupid stairs! Stupid doorbell! Stupid doorbell ringer!! Why couldn't you just stay away from my house!!!°
Pishka: I'm coming!
I quickly get up and limp to the front door as I hold my waist to ease my pain. I reach out my hand on the doorknob and open the door slightly - since my parents aren't around and I'll be home alone for the next week. My parents left just an hour or two ago today and I already have to be cautious. I peek through the gap of the door, and in front of me was a flat chest, so I had to look up to see the person's face. Looking up I saw one of the so-called cool kids in my cemetery prison... Bron...
Let me explain why I'm so shocked that his at my front door. Firstly his a hot Redhead boy who is a geographical genius and science legend! Wait did I say, boy? I meant man!
I mean I know it sounds cliché but the dude's got game, okay? Luckily it's not an STD game but still, he changes girls every month or two. I heard a rumour that he has a never seizing chain of sex friends, waiting at his beck-and-call
I know I'm the typical loner but truth be told I have my way of getting information... Who am I kidding I hear it from people whenever I was in class or the bathroom or just walking around or at my locker. Let's just say he is someone I don't want to get associated with but also don't want to be on bad terms with
Either way, I'm screwed if the girls at my school found out this guy came to my house and we had a good connection or that I made him like me...
°They would start to bully me too!?°
I inwardly scream in horror as I stare at this ticking time bomb standing in front of me. He smiles at me with his dazzling signature smile
Bron: Hey Pishka. I was in the neighborhood and was looking for a place to ask for a phone to call my parents. I got lucky and met a fellow classmate
He smiled at me with a smile that seemed relieved, and then he scratched the back of his neck, seeming troubled to ask me something
Bron: Could I trouble you for a phone call, cause I'm still quite far... and going by foot
Pishka: No car?
I raised an eyebrow, he sees that I'm not barging just yet. He sighs as if defeated which I took as a sign that he's going to leave my house but he just has to surprise me, huh?!
Bron: It broke down while I was driving back from my trip from out of town to get some stuff for an uncle of mine who'd moved into our house... and my phone...
He pulled out his phone and it looked like the screen got busted pretty bad
Pishka: What happened to your phone?!
I look at him with a shocked expression
Bron: It fell out of my pocket when I was busy packing my uncle's things into my car. It won't go on
He is so cute, he looked like a puppy! Making it hard for me to say no to him. Sighing I give myself a strained answer
Pishka: Fine...
He looks at me with a stupidly happy expression. Let me explain to you something I don't trust this guy but if I refuse he might bad mouth me at school at I could see he'll and two I know my way with heavy and sharp objects. I'm covered in the self-defense section. Thirdly we are the closest house in like a mile or two I have no idea or care. I just want him out of my house
Bron: Really? Then can I come in? Or should I wait by the door? To be frank, whichever one you decide on is fine by me
I sigh and push the door open remembering what my grandmother had taught me back home, I really didn't want to help this fuckboy. He grins and enters the house. Closing the door I lead him to the lounge where he sits a little too comfortably for someone who is entering someone else's house. I clear my throat and hand him my phone since we don't have a house phone. He takes it, then looks at me with an apologetic smile
Bron: Could I trouble you for a glass of water
I cross my arms clearly irritated but just give him options
Pishka: We also have tea, coffee and juice
Bron: Uhm, tea would be perfect thanks. Four sugars, soak the tea bag for five minutes and I would like it if you boiled the milk for three minutes, please. Thank you
I internally groan as I go into the kitchen with a wary smile and also ironically repeat the list of instructions in my head to not forget them. Fifteen minutes later I return to the lounge to see Bron hanging his head down, obscuring my view of his face. I place his cup on the coffee table
Pishka: I'm done hope you enjoy it
Bron: Thank you very much... it's such a shame that you have to go through all this pain though
I felt weird and quickly turned to go to the kitchen but made contact with a firm wall. I stumble back rubbing my nose with furrowed brows and look up to see Bron. He's smiling at me with crimson red eyes, my heart dropped as I felt my body jolt from shock then froze in fear
Bron: Aren't you gonna run?
He looked at me with a wide toothy fanged smile, I manage to get out of my trance with the tone of amusement in his voice. I open my mouth slightly to let out a shaky breath while backing up slowly. Bron stares at me as if I was a hopeless creature. Once in the lounge, I spin around and out of the lounge running to the front door of the house, my hand grips the door handle ready to turn the knob but a larger hand grabs it. I stand dead still as I felt the coldness of the hand on mine and the rapid beating of my heart
Third POV
Bron leans his head down to Pishka's ear and whispers softly
Bron: Your heartbeat sounds musical, did you know fresh hot blood tastes delicious for my kind?
Pishka: Yo-yi-your ka-k-kin-kind?
She stutters terribly as the red-eyed being takes joy in her fear
Bron: You know this already so just say it. Then I'll agree and drink your blood til your dry
He sounded happy at the thought of blood making his crimson eyes glint unknowingly
Pishka: V-v-va-ve-vi-vo-...
Though he had expected Pishka to take forever this was just pure mockery for him. She kept saying useless things with her stuttering. After waiting for her stupid mouth to say the proper words for what felt like an eternity but was just rather minutes. He shouted out of impatience
Bron: Enough! This is a waste of my time! Tsk!
He grabs the side of her head - by holding her hair - with his free hand and forcefully tilts it sideways. Pishka's exposed neck was grazed by Bron's enlarged canines a.k.a fangs, she shivered as a realization surfaced in her mind
Pishka: Stop it! Let go of me!
She struggled and yanked her body away but with e hand that was holding hers on the doorknob, Bron easily held her small frame in place with his left hand. As he drew near then his fangs sunk into her soft plump skin but seconds later he quickly drew back his head from her neck. He hissed shoving her to the side and hitting a wall near her. He turned and then leaned against the door as if he lost all strength. He grabbed his throat showing a scrunched-up facial expression as if he was in pain. Pishka luckily wasn't hurt too badly, this allowed her to get up clumsily at first
Bron: Hey you monster! What did you do to me?! Hey, stop moving or I'll kill you!!
Ignoring the blood-sucking creature as she moved away from it, while it was still leaning on her shut front door. She placed a hand on the left side of her neck to put pressure on it and stop it from bleeding. She was scared and felt hopeless but her body wouldn't listen to her when she just wanted to lie down to give up her life. She held onto the couch with her left hand, her right hand still applying pressure on her neck, as she shakily headed to the sliding door in the lounge
Unfortunately, it seemed like death caught up with her when a cold hand wrapped itself around her neck. Not caring anymore she continued moving even though the hand was still holding her neck tightly. Then a chilly voice vibrated in her eardrums then echoed in her brain
Bron: Didn't I tell you to stop moving or I would kill you?
This caused her previous resolution to crumple instantly as she felt tears sliding down her cheeks from her eyes. Bron smirked inside as his chest swelled with pride and dominance. Pishka trembled as she spoke with a feeling of a lump being in her throat
Pishka: I-I'm s-sorri-sorry... I- so-sorry... I'm so-s...
He nodded as if understanding her reasons for disobeying his orders
Bron: I understand why you did it... but-!
Pishka seemed to feel her heart freeze for a whole full minute in her chest of bone, flesh and blood. Bron turned her around, now they were facing each other. He pulled he towards him with his hand wrapped around the front of her neck now. Leaning into her ear once again
Bron: Sadly I don't care one bit, Bitch!
He smiled gently when he looked at her. Lifting her off her feet to watch her struggle for a while before throwing her through the glass sliding door when she felt like she was losing consciousness. Making her look like a ragdoll while flying through the air
Once she made contact with the glass door, almost instantly a shattering sound was heard before a noticeable thud. Glass fell everywhere around the body on the floor, along with traces of blood from the small scratches and cuts on the body
The said female's body was laying on her backyard porch with glass scattered everywhere around her. Blood dripped down the small cuts and scratches of the exposed skin - she was wearing basketball shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt. Pishka lifted up her head to see where she was then tries to get up
While wincing and groaning lowly as the pain felt like it came from multiple places on her body. She only manages to sit up on her elbows when a kick with not much force causes her to fall down three steps of her porch
She lays on her side, luckily her body didn't hurt any worse, than her current condition due to the few steps she fell. Pishka turned onto her stomach and began to get on her feet and walked towards the woods unsteadily
Fighting the pain and fear that were filling her insides to the brim, even almost suffocating her. Tears streamed down uncontrollably, as proof of the pain and fear she was feeling at the moment
A shove made her stumble forwards then a more powerful push made her fall to the ground. Bron watched silently as she got up again. She repeated getting up three more times because Bron kept shoving her hard enough to make her standing posture unsteady, then pushed her to the ground repeatedly
The seventh time he picked her up himself and then kicked her from behind with so much force that her body went hurling into the third tree away from him. Pishka's body collided with that tree. And she knocked into it with such a force that she spat out a mouthful of blood upon making an impact with the ground
Then began gasping for air with a great struggle only to faint from the shock of immense pain her body was suddenly experiencing all at once. Bron then approached her unconscious body laying on the floor without any movement but his vampire hearing allowed him to be able to hear her steady heartbeat
He lifted her by her collar, and then proceed to drag her back into the lounge. He dropped her on the floor in the hallway by the door, so that whoever enters the house will immediately see her. He walked out of the house, leaving the door a crack open. A note would be seen laying on Pishka's unconscious body stained with red fingerprints, the note said:
I made a move, now it's your turn, little doggy ~
- Bron
Pishka's POV
Opening my eyes, my vision seemed blurry. I continuously blinked till my sight returned to normal, I looked at my surroundings from where I was laying to see if he was still around. After not seeing him I see a door in front of me, it's open a bit. I try to move my limbs gently. Even though I did it slowly, I felt a wave of pain wash over me
Pishka: Ah?! Nnnggghh!
I gasp before letting out a sharp cry. Falling back onto the ground. Feeling the pain spreading in my body I start to silently pray for someone to find me. Since I doubt they could hear my soft cries, cause currently, I could barely breathe properly. And when I try to call out for help or make loud sounds, my ribcage would feel like it's stabbing my insides. Laying there I hear footsteps heading my way, then a familiar voice calls out to me
???: Pi-Pishka!! Is that you?!?!
Pishka: he-h-help-! AAAHH!?!! Aaah...haha...nngghh!-
I try to scream out but my voice is cut as I gasp from the sudden sharp pain and difficulty in breathing. The footsteps quicken into a sprint and a visage appears in line with my eyesight, it's Jacob... And he's apologizing for some odd reason
Pishka: Ja-...cob?... Why are you apolo-?...
I felt my chest cave in causing me to stop talking as I felt my head throb, as I took in a sharp breath. The aching in my head made my eyes water again, this time my eyes stung from the salt in my tears as they covered my sore eyes. I could feel myself fading somehow like I was floating out of consciousness
Jacob: It's me, don't worry everything will be okay...everything is going to be okay... everyth-... be okay... thing... be... sorry...
I kind of tuned him out unintentionally, somewhere along with the lines f his mumbling. After a while, my hearing came back and I noticed he hadn't stopped apologizing. Taking into note that his eyes seem to have changed color, I could surely tell as I was staring directly at them...
Maybe it's because my eyes are blurry from the tears that are uncontrollably falling down my eyes from the pain. It was the only way to show the pain I was feeling since I couldn't let out any screams or... it was the water that came from somewhere else... someone else's tears? But who would be crying for me? Jacob?
That's not possible... I mean I barely know the guy... I mean... But seeing the state that I was in maybe it would be appropriate. I don't know anymore... All I feel is excruciating pain coursing throughout my body...
°It Hurts...°
Everything felt like it was slowing down right before me and his voice was fading into the background. I could feel the pain in my body increase because he is moving at a fast pace, causing friction between his body and my sores
Gasping for air was torture on its own. I felt like I was falling asleep, my eyes wouldn't stay open and they felt so heavy. I hear a door of a car opening and then being laid down gently, hearing the sound of a car door being shut. He drove me to wherever... I feel so tired and my body aches let's rest till I feel better
Jacob's POV
She's asleep... I can't believe she got hurt like this by Bron! And I wasn't there to protect her!
'She's... Hurt... Because of Bron!'
°No... she's hurt because of me...°
I growl in frustration due to expressing Siren's emotions
"Bron? Who's that?"
Silence fills my mind as we all come to a conclusion, Siren replies with an eerily calm tone as his anger disappears
'Yes, your right, he's already a Deadman...'
Siren and I stop fighting for control as the aura Percy was releasing, was unbelievably strong. Soon he retracted it and then scoffs like he doesn't care, Siren turns his attention to Percy and begins to scold him. Calming myself down I realize why he said/did what he did, it is to allow me to concentrate on driving without distractions
But my hands couldn't stop tightening on the wheel as I drove, my knuckles turning white. Soon I arrive at the Packhouse and slow down before stopping the car to not injure my mate any further than she already has been. I hump out of the car and open the backseat door, carefully carrying her unconscious body out of the car
I use my wolf speed to get to the pack infirmary to meet the pack doctor. I kick the door off its hinges and stride to the nearest bed then rush out the door in search of the only doctor in the pack
[Dad, I need you to come to the infirmary, someone's hurt and she's unconscious... She won't open her eyes]
I say with anger and fear transmitting through our link
[I'll be right there, Son]
I close our link and see Pishka moving her body but hissed lowly, her face changed into all sorts of expressions of pain. I freeze as I stare at my mate silently sobbing, as she tries to suppress her voice for some reason. Her low whimpering gets my full attention making me rush to her side, kneeling next to the bed
I hold her hand, she instinctively grabs it and squeezes it tightly as if her life depended on it. My heart aches as if invisible hands penetrated my chest to grab onto my heart and squeeze the life out of it. I felt so helpless I couldn't help but feel my eyes get wet. But I somehow manage to will myself to stay calm and strong. Siren was near going crazy and Percy wasn't helping in any way possible
'She's in great pain...'
"and we can't... do anything to help her..."
°It's okay father's here so she'll be fine! He'll help her!°
"Edward? He's a magician, not a proper doctor"
Percy scoffs before going silent. Father is standing by my side staring at Pishka who is groaning in pain. I look up at him with furrowed brows
Jacob: Can-can you help her?
He nods his head then looks at me, seriously
Father: But she will first go through great pain and it will be quite excruciating for you to watch
Jacob: She can handle it, she's a strong lady
My father turns to stare at me with a neutral expression
Father: ...Can you manage it? She won't be allowed to faint, for the process to work
I look down at Pishka's scrunched-up face from the pain. That was the downfall of dark magic, there always had to be a sacrifice and in this case, the pain was the only way
°I can, Percy can but Siren...°
'I can if it means our mate will be fine then that's not an issue!'
I turn my head and nod at him. My father closed his eyes as his nails grow and black pattern-like marks appear on the side of his face
Third POV
His hands then began to glow with a fiery black-green aura around both hands. He orders Jacob to turn Pishka's body around, making her lay on her back. Jacob does so quickly, trying his best to be as gentle as possible with her. Edward's eyelids lift revealing yellow-greenish eyes, he lightly traces his fingers on her chest
This causes the green sleeveless vest to burn and then turn to ashes before becoming a flame burning her. Jacob gulps as his hands are forming fists a little tighter than usual. Edward continues to burn her clothes til her front is covered with ashes. Edward bends down and blows away the ashes then chants something below his breath as the flames in his hand begin to slowly turn purple-red
Swiftly he lifts his hand and begins to firmly rub her legs, she lightly groans and hisses with her eyes still lidded. Then he proceeds to run his hands along her stomach, furiously rubbing the abdomen and ribcage. Before ordering Jacob to turn Pishka's body around making her lay on her stomach
Edward's claws occasionally leave scratch marks on her back as he continues rubbing her back. Pishka's back arches as Edward strikes at her spine, whether they had scratches or not. Her hands instinctively grip the bedsheets underneath her as she gasps for air - seeming to have forgotten how to scream due to the shock of pain
Her eyes were wide looking watery, clearly shocked from the sudden intensity of pain coursing through her body. Moments later screams pour out of her mouth till her voice cracks, still, she does what she thinks is screaming only for rasps to come out of her throat. That feels to have tightened up - leaving no room for the passage of air. Soon tears began to pour down her cheeks as she tries to stay conscious
Jacob is seen in a corner, crouched in a fetal position. Unknown to anyone else he was fighting with his wolf and demon for control while trying to deal with his emotions. Her screams seem to pour gasoline on Siren's rapidly increasing uneasiness and rage. Jacob punched a hole into the stone wall in front of him thrice but for the first time it didn't seem to calm down his wolf, his demon or himself
Rather he felt numb as he stared at his bloody hand. His hand left a red gap in the once bumpy midevil-looking stone wall. The open wound on his hand healed as quickly as it opened. The red substance on his hand was the only proof that there was a wound on his hand. He felt his demon and wolf's anger directed at his father but he couldn't let them hurt him out of anger. Not in this crucial moment
His head kept turning in his father's direction and his eyes would change color. From black to red to green, black veins were seen from under his skin. He kept forcing himself to turn away to the point of having to turn his head away forcefully with his own hands. Because he was in mid-transformation, he would use his claws to scratch his body as a means of staying put
The wounds he inflicted on himself, just to stay in control were gruesome but seemed to be effective. After what seemed like decades for the fated pair, Edward finally stopped. Pishka fell unconscious - since she had fainted from all the pain, screaming, sweating and tears, she had been through. Thereby exhausting her body of whatever energy she had left from her big ordeal
Edward's hands would turn back to normal, the flames slowly disappearing and his eyes would have their usual aqua blue color return to them. When Edward turned around to look at Jacob his face displayed shock for a few seconds. Before he regained his composure, displaying his normal neutral face. Jacob was sitting in a crouched position on the floor with his clothes ripped and blood stains everywhere around him
Even his nails had turned to claws, they continued to claw at his back as he growled and groaned. His wounds healed as soon as they appeared on his skin, but that didn't stop him. Edward walked over to Jacob and crouched down while he spoke lowly
Edward: She's fine, she'll be back to her feet in a matter of time. Don't worry yourselves
He gave his hand out to help Jacob get up but Jacob grabbed his hand, gripping it tightly. Jacob's claws grew again and pierced Edward's skin causing blood to come out. He growled looking up to see his father staring at him silently with a pained look. Slowly Jacob snapped out of his red zone. Quickly detached his claws from his father's wrist. He opened his mouth only to be cut off by his father before he could say anything
Edward: It's okay, I'm always here to help you and stop you from making any stupid mistakes. I'll go inform her parents what happened, if worse comes then I'll just have to use my tricks on them
Jacob's face showed a confused expression. Edward shrugs in response
Edward: Calm down I have the perfect magic spell so don't worry about it
Edward left the room. Once his father was gone Jacob crawled out of the corner in the room to the bed Pishka's laying on. Gently he held the sleeping figure's hand, very gently he caressed her hand. He almost instantly stopped breathing for a few seconds as he focused on hearing her breathing
Once confirming she was breathing, he let out a shaky sigh of relief still gently holding her hand. Kneeling by the bedside he rests his head on the hand - barely putting any weight on it - waiting patiently in that spot by the bedside for his only love to wake from her slumber that felt like an eternity though it was just mere seconds, minutes, hours... But he waited patiently by his sleeping mates' side, none-the-less
Pishka's POV
I felt uncomfortable on the surface I was laying on, it felt like I would get swollen up by the object. Then I tried to move, but my body felt numb. My eyes weren't opening but with a persistent struggle I managed to open one eye, all I saw was pitch black
The movement was felt by my hand when I tried to move to feel around for the lamp or the edge of the bed. I felt my heart thump painfully in my chest, willing myself I looked at the place where I thought my hand should be. At first, I saw nothing but darkness. But in the next second, I froze instantly
Staring at me was a pair of red eyes, while staring at them I noticed that they seemed to glow in the dark. It seemed like they were the only source of light in the darkroom even though they didn't light up a portion of the room. Feeling frightened I close my eyes, chanting disillusioning things in my head to myself
At the touch of his hand electricity shoots through my body causing me to somehow move away from him. I think due to the shock the numbness in my body was cancelled out immediately. There was a low growl that came from the direction of the red eyes as if they were warning me
°It's a Dog...?°
Then the memories of Bron in my house came flooding into my head
°No... Those eyes, they-... scare me...°
I lift my hands in a sign of surrender, I let out choked breaths as I try to breathe slowly. I feel my eyes sting as they begin to feel warm, and the tears flow as I silently sob. A whimpering sound is heard before I hear the sounds of the bed. Proof that the creature is approaching me, but I quickly speak in a raspy voice while moving further away
Pishka: Dont-!...come any...closer!
I grab my throat due to the pain and dryness in my throat. I stare into its eyes as another growl vibrates from its throat. Still, with tears flowing I hear it move away then footsteps are heard walking further away from me. Soon I hear a 'click' and not too long after the lights go on. The sudden brightness causes me to shut my eyes, and slowly I open my eyes. Taking a few blinks at a time, once my eyes adjust to the burst of light I see Jacob's familiar figure. A feeling of relief washes over me, I get up and get to him but I fall back onto the bed - due to my weak body
Pishka: Ja-Jacob! You-!
I stop talking cause my words felt like they were stuck in my throat. Thankfully Jacob quickly comes to my side and pulls me into a much-needed embrace as I hold onto him tightly with trembling hands. He hushed me as I tried to speak
But only muffled sobs come out, and gently he rubbed my back. Soon I settled down my head was resting on his chest as we both lay on the bed. He kept patting and combing his fingers through my hair, silently I listened to his heartbeat to help calm me down
Jacob: Mate why are you crying?
He sounded quite worried when he spoke, so I looked up at him to see his face. My breath caught in my throat when I saw his eyes... red eyes. I felt my breath quicken as I pushed Jacob away and grasp the blanket with one hand as my other hand was placed on my chest. Just then I felt someone grab my face and turn it towards them making me look into their eyes. Red eyes
I froze, my heart beating 20 times per second. The owner of those eyes continued speaking soothing words to me, calmly. My hands somehow found his shirt and gripped it tightly for my dear life. Eventually, I calmed down still not used to his red eyes of his that kept staring at me. My hands also wouldn't let go of his shirt despite the fear I felt because of him
Pishka: Jacob your eyes they're red... are you wearing eye contacts?
Jacob: No... they're real
I felt like the blood in my body drained out of me in an instant. My body began trembling as I stuttered with the memory of Bron's red eyes
Pishka: Oh, wh-why are the-they r-red? Ar-re-are y-yo-you... like Bron?
Jacob: No, I'm hybrid
Pishka: ... Ha, haha HAHAHAHA!
I burst into laughter, like a madman, and then I remembered Bron. I shook my head still in the stage of denial. Shutting my eyes while mumbling to myself
Pishka: This all has to be a dream... not even a dream but rather a terrible nightmare... wake up. Wake up. Wake up! Wake U-
Jacob: None of this is a dream...
Jacob interjected causing me to jolt from the sudden intrusion, then he paused watching for my reaction. I just stared at him with glossy eyes, very calmly he parted his lips to continue talking
Jacob: This body is both a werewolf and a demon. Though the parents of this body were human, I am the person this body reincarnated after. But through a curse, I somehow got bound to this body. Jacob has two subconscious besides his own in this body, remember I am only one of two. You are our soulmate but as werewolves call it, mate. I'm the demon third, you can call me Percy
He stopped and all I heard was demons and werewolves, subconscious and soulmate... mate... I couldn't help but blink in disarray
Pishka: I'm sorry what? Ca-c-can you please re-explain yourself Jac-Per-Percy
He explained everything more in-depth this time and answered all my questions. Afterwards, we talked a little more and he explained that Bron was a sadistic hunter. That is part of the group that was involved with him in his past life when he wasn't bonded to Jacob's body
He also explained that their elder's daughter fell in love with him but he had no feelings for her. Then one day due to a commotion he was convicted to death but she saved him by betraying her people and sacrificing her life by helping him escape. Ever since that day he has been running endlessly then one day he met the werewolf couple
He made a deal with them and had been living with them ever since. They both died 10 months after their child was born due to an attack from the vampire group, the council. They want revenge on him for 'charming' one of their own... it's ridiculous if you ask me but there is more. He got killed by the group while trying to protect the child. Somehow along the way, he was bound to the child by some dark magic, since they were trying to bring him back to life s they can kill him again
°How sick are these people?!°
Percy: I think you the reincarnation of that elder's daughter
I feel a shiver run up my spine as I imagined seeing red eyes on someone besides Jacob. My hands go towards Jacob's shirt again since I had let go of it earlier while we were talking. I saw him look down since I was staring at his face the whole time, following his sight I see him looking down at my hand. Thinking that he might feel uncomfortable I quickly let go
Pishka: Sorry, you must feel uncomfortable with my sudden action
Jacob stares at me with furrowed eyebrows seeming like he was confused or felt conflicted. Silently he just grabs my hand, holding them in his with a blank expression but making sure to speak softly
Percy: You are my soulmate, my better half. How could I ever feel uncomfortable with you touching me? Especially if I know it will help calm you down or feel better
I blushed but grabbed onto his shirt with my free hand. Feeling a little lightheaded I lay my head on his chest. Jacob noticed so he suggested that I rest on the bed while he fetches me some food. Not too long after he left, he came back with food. Surprisingly I ate everything - I even had seconds. After my big meal, I lay down, my eyelids felt too heavy to keep open. I closed them and fell asleep
When I woke up it was morning, I began looking around. I saw more familiar items in the room than yesterday's events when I was in my bedroom. Feeling shocked I quickly jumped out of bed and ran into the hallway, it looked just like the one in my house
Shakily I walked down the stairs to see that it really is my house but the blood stains and the broken sliding door is the same as before Bron had arrived. I walked into the kitchen when my stomach growled saying it required food. Entering the kitchen I saw a plate of food on the counter with a note on it:
Sorry, I couldn't keep you at my house since my father said your parents would be returning anytime soon. I made you some simple breakfast: pancakes, bacon and scrambled eggs.
I won't be able to meet you for a while but I'll be there for your prom. But till then I'll ask two of my friends to look after you so please don't hesitate to trust them. You'll know when you meet them. Take care of yourself and eat a lot so you can recover faster!
Love Your Mate <3
I smile at the note and then put it in the back of my pants pocket, I'm wearing Jacob's clothes. I quickly warm the food, before eating it. After breakfast, I clean myself up in my bathroom and then dress up
I spent the whole day sleeping in, if not sleeping then I would be found eating. I was still pretty shaken by the event of the previous day and quite jumpy at sudden noises
[ Arty-san]
What a unexpected hit, that was not expected. What happened to all the pretty little roses and flowery music that was being displayed earlier?
well any updates on where you think the plot could heading?
Also °...° that's when the main consciousness, the person e.g. Carlos; Pishka; Jacob etc.