[ Author's Note]

Well we meet our male lead after so long of not hearing from him

Said culprit sneezes and wipes his nose. The person sits and looks at the mirror, his eyes changing with each voice that pops up

'What's up with you? You've been sneezing quite a lot today and it's only morning?!'

The man shrugs his iris now red, meaning another one of his consciousnesses is in control. He replies in his head calmly, a sly smirk adorning his lips

"Think someone's cursing me again"

Both Siren and Jacob stare at the mirror in shock, his eyes with two different colours. His way of showing disbelief towards the third with red eyes

°Again?! Percy how many people have you offended?! I can't take any more of this sneezing!°

"Enough to last a lifetime buddy"

'I think I got into the wrong body'

Siren says in a sarcastic tone, Jacob can only sigh in defeat