Unaffected by the hateful, disgusted and fearful looks he got, just falls onto his butt after having crouched for a while. Burping as he wipes his mouth with his sleeve, he turns to the mermaid
Jacob(?): Dont be hypocritical, you eat people's souls to survive and cause shipwrecks to innocent sailors at sea. Even aiding and sleeping with the pirates you come across! Aren't you ashamed of your nature of species!? Both seduce and kill their victims! At least I don't have to sacrifice my body don't my food...
???Mer-succubi???: You-! Are you calling me a whore?! I, Elvira would-!
She didn't even finish her sentence due to how distorted her mind is from the news. Jacob looks at the dhampirs and werewolves while replying to the mermaid
Jacob(?): I didn't say I was though, but since you said it. I'm glad you know it yourself...