Pishka: It's just that I asked for juice... I know most people like their cookies with milk but I like mine with juice. Also, I hate warm milk... It tastes funny and I can't drink it even after it's cooled down, you can still taste the funny taste in it... Sorry for only telling you now

She smiles at me with an apologetic smile

Alice: It's okay miss, I will go fetch the juice-

Pishka: No you can just take everything to the kitchen I already feel full now. Thank you for the snack and good night Alice ~

She gives me the tray, not giving me a chance to go get her, a glass of juice. She smiles and covers herself with her blankets. I smile lightly

Alice: Your welcome miss. Please have a good night's rest miss

I nod before bowing my head then walk slowly to the kitchen. Once done cleaning the dishes, wiping and packing them I return to the miss' room to see if she might need further attending. Thankfully I find her half asleep. making that the end of my shift, after closing her door quietly I make my way to the feeding quarters to get my feed but I'm suddenly grabbed from behind

I try to move but my limbs are held in place, my chin is forcefully lifted upwards as my mouth is prayed open then I feel a strange-tasting substance being poured down my throat. I felt my insides burn but before I can scream, more is poured down my throat and I involuntarily swallow everything. My body goes numb as I get dragged into a dark room that resembles an office

I grunt as I look at the familiar room then look up to see who my attackers are, only to find out that they're actually the people from the Red mansion. Then a familiar child-like voice grabs my attention and my senses immediately return I try to struggle desperately but I'm held firmly in place

?Kid's voice?: I've been waiting on you and your people to make your move... So where is your partner hiding?

I look up to see Carlos stepping out of the shadows and standing up straight while looking at my kneeling figure. I grit my teeth and look away but that was a really, really bad idea...- suddenly I felt pain rushing all over my body and I screamed out in pain as it intensified

Carlos: Tell me or else!

His eyes narrowed as he looked at me, he was using his power on me and I felt like I was being ripped limb from limb and then thrown into the holy flames. Causing my raw wounds to burn and the pain is so unbearable that I am on the verge of fainting. Carlos' cold voice wasn't helping to stop me from fainting

Carlos: I asked you a question...

Alice: Our leader it's... It's her... Rosaline... I'm-I'm sorr-

I say looking at Mistress Lilly. After saying my share, the excruciating pain coursing through my veins - felt like lava had replaced the blood flowing through my body - intensifies. It felt like it would burst out of my skin at any time but until then it would continue to burn, if not eat me, from the inside. During my last moments of consciousness, I hear Carlos' voice

Carlos: Throw her into the cell with the others, I'll deal with her later

°Very kind of you my Lord but I'm afraid you're too late... There's no way Lilly will spare me, especially with all the information I have on her°

I smile bitterly as I look at a child's back. My eyes dim and shut as my last thought floats into thin air, a rear escaping my eyelids

°What a heavy burden you'll have to carry... I- I haven't lived enough... Pishka-°


Carlos' Office

Third POV

After the maid with black hair faints everyone turns to look at the blonde girl but soon scatters as a very furious boy is glaring at her releasing large waves of killing intent. The large office freezes over but the blonde girl seems unmoved. Rather Lilly looks at the boy calmly, she parts her lips to speak to the boy and somehow calm him down

Lilly: Carlos, I-

The girl is seen being knocked off her feet and into the nearest bookshelf. Hitting the bookshelf like a ragdoll then falls while a pile of books fall with her, if not on her. She falls onto her knees and looks up at the boy with her red eyes. Now she's flaring, no longer acting inferior but glaring directly at the boy's now red eyes

Carlos bares his fangs, ready to attack her again but a blur flashes past him. In front of the kneeling figure of Lilly is another teenage boy with brown hair standing in a protective stance. Looking at Carlos with a displeased facial expression

Carlos: Angelo...

Carlos hisses in a low voice

Angelo: Don't even think about it... I don't want to fight you but I will fight you to protect my sister!

Carlos glares at Angelo but Angelo just returns it, by releasing his killing intent. Carlos merely sneers at the old boy's inferior aura. But his body freezes when he sees Angelo standing among those who are part of the rebellion to remove him from his position

He seems at a loss for a minute before returning to his original cocky, aloof demeanour and curses his once trusty servant then turns his attention to another person.

Glaring at Angelo then at Lilly. Suddenly he breaks out into laughter before addressing Angelo while brushing his bangs back, giving a full view of his freckles

Carlos: So that's how it's going to be... You FILTHY DOG! SCUMMY BASTARDS OF A WHORE!!

Then turns back to Angelo

Carlos: Don't say I didn't warn you but your sister is not to be trusted... Not even... By you...

Angelo narrows his brows in confusion but before he can ask what's the meaning behind that statement. Lilly steps out of the shadows and merely smirks at Carlos with a sickeningly sweet smirk

Lilly: Guards you know what to do~

In a matter of seconds Carlos is on the floor with his hands behind his back, he grunts as he curses Lilly

Lilly: Now, now little boy that is no way to address your elders~

She turns on her heels and then begins walking away slowly but stops in her tracks as if remembering something. She looks over her shoulder as she speaks in a monotonous tone but a smile is evident on her face

Lilly: Throw him in the dungeon with the wolves hopefully they will devour him or even better...make him their bitch til they are bored then eat him once they're hungry...cause I'm not planning on feeding those dogs anytime so-

Angelo: But you will feed the human right?

Angelo in all honesty didn't care about those flee bags or any blood bag he met on the streets... Heck! He didn't even care about his own race, don't even mention his sister. She was only saved cause she is the only ally he could trust since she was still useful to him

This was how they grew up, their family's only morale was 'use or be used', it's how the entire vampire society was formed or so they were told. Anyways by revealing a little bit of Angelo's history is that he rarely shows any signs of concern for anybody

Unless it benefits him in the future especially since he has an extra hidden ability - that no one knows of except his deceased parents. It's foreseeing the near future, his parents warned him of who he shared this secret with. Lilly's eyes widen a little at the mention of the human girl that caused all this ruckus

Lilly: Oh her... She'll have to be punished for making me mad~

Angelo: But the council!-

Lilly: Grandfather is the head of the grand council remember... Unlike you who had to work for what you want...I get what I want and I get it by all means necessary. And I do it without even having to so little as bat my eyelids... Go make sure she's still in her room, I don't want to have to look for her okay?

Angelo: Yes, sister...

She gestures for her brother to go away and he does, after he's gone, she calls over her trusted henchman

Lilly: Herbert...

He appears at her side in a kneeling position with his right hand on his chest and head bowed down in total respect and submission

Herbert: Yes, my lady?

Lilly: I want you to kill that brat tonight... And make it look like it was an accident... Oh, and do a clean job with Gregory. I don't want him to come back for his master

At the mention of the two people, Carlos' eyes widened as he shot his head up to glare at Lilly's side profile. He began to struggle and shouted at her as anger radiated off him in waves

Carlos: Don't you dare touch them!!!

Lilly sneered at him and then walks to where Carlos is restrained by his guards. She stops in front of him then begins to step on him, kick him and punch him constantly. Even being kicked into the air and getting hit in midair, there was no attack he didn't receive. He was beaten around like a miniature-sized punching bag. Only the sound of flesh being pounded on fiercely echoes in the office, no one moved or said a word. About 20 - 30 minutes later the attacks Carlos is receiving stop

Lilly stands up and straightens out her clothes before swiftly turning around on her heels, showing her back to everyone before walking away leaving behind all the servants to do their job. But no one noticed the figure hiding in the shadows except for Carlos, who heaved a breath of relief as he was dragged to the dungeon hastily. Once they arrive at the entrance of the cell he'll be kept in, after being carelessly dragged down the stairs

He is flung into the cell like a rag doll, thankfully he's a vampire or he would have been badly wounded. Carlos sat up and began to examine his bruises and cuts, the broken bones healed quickly as usual. He noticed his cuts were not healing at all, he touched them, only to hiss in return. That b*ish used holy knuckles to beat him with?! Soon his anger disappeared and he fell back onto the filthy floor. While staring at the stone ceiling, his lips slowly form a smirk as he thinks to himself

°You all have no idea what you've just done and who you are playing with... Pishka. Pishka you've finally returned to your big brother... You don't know how long I've been waiting for you ~ Don't worry I'll find a way to awaken the goddess trapped inside you so we can get revenge on the council for what they did to our family°