A voice in my head keeps screaming but I can't hear what it's saying clearly, I can feel it in the back of my head. I don't want to hear it cause I know what it wants to say. I want revenge this time. I want to hurt everyone that has hurt my grandmother and me... I want blood- blood for blood. At some point I stop hovering over him, its as if he didn't intend on fighting back. Bloodied, staring at a bashed in skull. Looking up, covered in blood with a red misty eye, breathing heavily. The world around me shakes as I stare at the distance soon, the scenery breathes and I'm back to where it all began except. The bastard is staring me right in the eyes. He grins as he pulls away, I try to move but I'm paralyzed once again. My body trembles as cold sweat runs down the sides of my face