
“So, tell me, is Jamie a nickname?” The green landscape flew by, I wished we could have more time, but that had to be for another time.

“No. Or yes, but it’s short for James.” Cian looked amused. “Your name is James Fraser?” His voice was full of contained laughter. “My mum was a huge fan of Outlander, and daddy didn’t think I looked like a Claire or Brianna, so James it was. He always joked she married him because of his last name.”

Cian squirmed in the car seat. “Ah, I’m not much of a reader…” I gave him a smile, showing him I wasn’t offended. “They’ve been made into a TV-series, you should watch. James Fraser is the male lead. A big, redheaded warrior from the 18th century.” Cian looked me over and I had to laugh. “I know, far from that to me.”

“Oh, the sun brings forth some red in your hair.” He mumbled and looked away.

To hide my red face, I ducked down and picked up my notebook from my bag.