Yan was indeed out, causing a panic, people still feared the D.O.D. even though it was just one of them. Matthew quickly arrives on scene, though not in any particular gear. He fights off the urge to attack long enough for the task force to arrive. Frank positions the men around Yan, many with ropes to try to bring him down but he flies off easily enough. They hear a call on the radio about a jewelry heist several blocks away, this was a diversion. They rush back in their vehicles and drive off. They’ll get there too late.
Tsung sees Hector and Justin and a small crew of outsiders come back in a van, all giddy. Soon after Yan flies in. They show him the haul, many of them scared to get too close. They had robbed the store that was a Tekezi front as asked. It was a good amount but it was more for the act then the payout. Yan gathers everyone around and lets them in on the next plan, Tsung doesn’t like it but doesn’t speak back for long.