Chapter 5- Date???

Iris's POV

It’s been a few days since I met Adrian and our friendship has bloomed a lot since then, but I can’t help but want more than just friendship with him, but of course, it’ll never happen. One reason being my family and the other, that he would never want to be with me, a little girl, imprisoned by her so-called-family and too scared to do anything about it.

I mean with his god-like looks, he could have any girl. I’m just lucky he even wanted to my friend or hang out with me.

Right now I am in a car going to school and I’m quite excited to see Adrian again, more than I should be considering we are only friends. As the car came to a stop I picked up my bag which was sitting beside me. “Thank you” I said to John (our family driver) and made my way inside the school.

I went to my locker and got my books for the first period and Just as I was about to close my locker i felt a figure behind. I didn’t have to look to know it was Adrian, his intoxicating scent, the sparks I felt when he hugged me from behind and pull were all enough for me to know.

“Good morning baby bun” he whispered in my ear. There was that nickname, he had given it to me on the second day of school when I saw him in the morning. When I asked him about it he had just said “It’s because you’re tiny and adorable like a baby bunny” I blush every time I hear it now. “good morning” I said as I turned to hug him.

We let go of each other and I closed my locker. We started walking towards our tree. Yes, our tree. The one I had sat under on my first Lunch at this school.

As we neared our destination, Adrian spoke “So how was the rest of your day yesterday?” I glanced at him and replied ” It was good. I finished the Maze runner so I started with Scorch trials.” I had told him about my love for Books and he had told me to read the maze runner series. I didn’t tell him that I had already read that series and instead started reading it again. We reached our tree and sat down side by side and continued our conversation.

We talked about anything and sometimes the topic would change to the most random subjects but I liked it.

Soon the bell rang and we made our way to English. I had stopped worrying about Braden finding me because I had realised that he was far too busy with his friends to even notice I exist, not that I was complaining, it meant I could be with Adrian without having to worry about anything.

We sat in the same place we had on the first day and waited for Ms. Winters to arrive. After less than a minute of waiting, she entered the room with a smile and the day’s learning began.


The bell rang indicating the start of lunch and students rushed out of the classroom. I made my way to my locker and put my books back in, then started walking towards mine and Adrian’s tree. I had just taken a few steps when I smelt his intoxicating scent from behind me.

I turned around but was faced with a chest, A very muscular chest. I slowly lifted my gaze to meet his forest green eyes and the rest of the world just faded away. I kept looking into those beautiful orbs, Drowning in them and loving every second of it. It wasn’t until someone pushed into me that I realized we were in a place with other people around us.

I blushed and turned away, too embarrassed to look at him and started speed walking to our tree.

When we reached it, We sat down but the awkward atmosphere was still there.

“So um. I have to ask you something” He said and my nerves went sky rocketing. ” This is harder than I thought” he murmured under his breath than looked at me again and spoke “Ok um......” he breathed out “Will you go on a date with me?”

I was shocked to say the least and I’m guessing my face showed that because he started getting really nervous.

I can’t go. If my family finds out that I’m going on a date, they will murder me, I’m sure of it. They don’t even know that I have a friend which I’m not allowed to have and on top of that, he’s a guy and HE JUST ASKED ME OUT !!!

Before I can let my mind explode, I find myself answering “yes.” His face light up like a little kid on Christmas and it made me smile back at him.

When I realized what I said, I start panicking internally, but one look at his beautiful smile, had me forgetting about everything.

I can worry about everything later. right now, I just want to be with him.