Meeting Christopher Middleton


Emma gets an incoming call from her boyfriend Alfonso they were High School sweethearts and they have been dating for 5 years

Emma Arrellano

Hi baby Are you here for the weekend


No sorry I got an interview to see if I get this internship at the hospital

Emma Arrellano

but I thought that we were going to spend this weekend together


I am sorry but this internship is important to me not like the silly writing job you should have gotten a better career like Madison she got into Boston University to study Medicine your mom is proud of her

Emma Arrellano

You and my mother are always comparing me and Madison we are not alike that is why I chose a career that I like not a career my mother chose for Madison She likes Maddy more than she likes me Just to let you know I am going to a night club to do a review on their drinks


Ahhh don't start with that again I don't want you to go to that club and don't tell me it is for work you can't go to the Agave Night Club all by yourself it is filled with drunk men you are not going to the nightclub to do your job you are going to get drunk and not do your job that is my last word you are not going

Emma's thoughts

I don't need to hear any more of this is not my boss or my husband to tell me what to do


Are you even listening to me?

Emma Arrellano

Yes I am listening to you and My assignment is on Monday I need to do this to be able to pay for my apartment


Emma decides to hang up on Shawn after he was talking about how she needed to get a better career


Emma does not want to cry so she goes outside to the balcony you need to show them that you are a strong person I need some fresh air She walks to the balcony and she meets Christopher Middleton Emma knows who he is. (Christopher Middleton is because Emily talks about him every time we eat lunch together Emily knows who Christopher is dating or who he is hooking up with)

???: Why is such a pretty face crying

Emma Arrellano

She sees Christopher shirtless and goes quickly back inside her apartment shit! he can see me it is a glass door sorry I just fought with my boyfriend

???: Sorry where are my manners my name is Christopher

Emma Arrellano

Hi Christopher my name is Emma

Christopher Middleton

What a beautiful name so just Emma

Emma Arrellano

(Blushes) yeah just Emma Thanks, Sorry I need to take this call

Christopher Middleton

Welcome to the Building Neighbor

Emily & Alexander

Are you okay your eyes look puffy have you been crying

Alexander McWilliams

Who made you cry so I can punch them for making my best friend cry

Emily Monge

Was it Shawn he is a big jerk if he made you cry you should of break up with him

Emma Arrellano

I can't I have been dating Shawn for 5 years, so why where you guys calling me

Emily & Alexander

We want to see your new apartment, have you met any celebrities

Emma's Thoughts

should I tell them that Christopher Middleton is my new neighbor and that I saw him without a shirt no because Emily would want to stack him?

Emily & Alexander

Earth to Emma, Earth to Emma have you met any celebrities yet

Emma Arrellano

No, I have not met any celebrity but yeah you can come over

Emily & Alexander

Okay will be there in 20 minutes

Sunday 7:55 P.M


Emily & Alexander are on their way to my apartment they stop at a liquor store to buy some champagne to celebrate their best friend's new apartment when they get to the building where Emma lives they take the elevator to the 3rd floor they look for the number Emma gave them

Emily & Alexander

They find the number to Emma's Apartment they ring the doorbell and Emma comes to the door

Emma Arrellano

Hey guys you made it come on in make yourself at home

Emily & Alexander

Wow you have the most amazing view from here you can see the Statue of Liberty clear you have a balcony that connects to your neighbor's balcony and apartment

Alexander McWilliams

Emma don't forget when you are going to sleep to lock the balcony door you don't know what type of neighbor you have it might be a crazy neighbor trying to take your virginity away

Emma Arrellano

Alexander don't say those kinds of things I don't know who my neighbor is but don't worry I'll keep my balcony door closed

Emily Monge

Imagine Emma that you forget to close your balcony door and your neighbor comes in and takes your virginity away that would be one heck of a story to tell

Emma Arrellano

Guys, please stop nobody is going to take my virginity I am waiting for the right time to do it with Alfonso

Alexander McWilliams

wasn't Shawn supposed to be here with you this weekend?

Emma Arrellano

YES! he got an interview last minute for an internship at the hospital and he told me that I could have chosen a better career than my silly writing my mother was so happy because Maddy got into Boston University and she is going to study Medicine and I chose a silly career that I am not going to go anywhere with this career

Emily Monge

I wish I could have heard when he was telling you all this I would give him a piece of my mind because writing is not a silly career it takes time and research to have the right information

Alexander McWilliams

Don't worry your dad is very proud of you and the career you chose he has been very happy that you did not follow your sister's steps

Emma Arrellano

I know my dad has always been very proud of me since I told him and my mom that I wanted to change my career from Medicine to Writing my mom was super mad when I decided to switch careers she told me that I wasn't talented enough to be a writer but my dad accepted that I could change my career

Emily & Alexander

I will let you get some rest and will talk tomorrow at work sleep well Goodnight Don't forget to lock your balcony door.

Emma Arrellano

Goodnight, Emily & Alexander I see you both tomorrow at work too. Miss. Cardenas has for us to tomorrow, I hope it is not like on Friday when she made Alexander go to time square to interview people on what their favorite hobby is. Text me when you guys get home bye, I won't forget to lock my balcony door

Monday 12:25 A.M

Emma and Alexander's Text

Alexander McWilliams

Hey Emma I just got home

Emma Arrellano

Thanks for letting me know Alex

Alexander McWilliams

goodnight don't forget that I love you

Emma Arrellano

I know I never forget that goodnight

Emma and Emily's Text

Emily Monge

Emma I got home safe and sound

Emma Arrellano

You took forever to text me back

Emily Monge

Sorry I was taking a shower you know I can't sleep if I don't shower before I go to bed

Emma Arrellano

You could have texted me before you got in the shower goodnight

Emily Monge



Hi, Everyone, this is my first story I hope you guys like it I try to post Mondays, Thursdays, and, Saturdays

I am posting at 3:30 or 4 Central Time

I hope you guys like it don't be afraid to leave a comment