Applying For OFW

In my mind, being a father was the greatest gift from God, a love that you can extend your innermost feeling to your son or daughter and your loving wife. It's not a responsibility but an obligation to care, love, and provide for their future. Nevertheless, as a father, you conformed to your maturity, determination, knowledge, and your whole personality to embrace your son or daughter, or children into the right path of living. If you're lacking the sense of discipline to sacrifice for them, then, and only then, you have no right to be called a father.

I worked so hard to earn more than what I received from my employer; controlled my vices, learned new things about my trade, and even learned new ways to interact with people. Ayah's pregnancy brought a new life for me, to be a good father, and motivated me to dream some more.

We forgot my friend Edward in Bacolod City, even Danielle, my family, and even the wrath of Governor Gustilo. Ayah's family too, she never asked me about them. Our past was buried underneath our hearts together, never to be opened; just our new life was the center of it all.

We bade goodbye to Mike and Lina, hoping that our lives would change for the betterment of our new family. We transferred to Baclaran, part of Paranaque City, Metro Manila where my new job's situated, along Roxas Boulevard. I transferred to another line of business, but this time, it was an international fast-food chain of restaurants. I started as a Management Trainee, trained so well by experts, and above all, excelled in so many ways about managing the food business and the people.

I was determined to be promoted by my performance, and educational status, and by making friends with the management people. Then, easy as the wind blows I was in for the managerial responsibility. We were very glad about my job accomplishments. Our hopes regained their course knowing where to land, as long as we were together, loving and living together.

I was on duty when Ayah's friend, Maria, telephoned me that she was having pain. I hurriedly posted a note to my logbook in case some important calls for me, told my assistant manager about the emergency, and, assigned him to be in charge of the restaurant.

I hailed a taxi cab going to Dimasalang Street, Baclaran at the back of Redemptorist Church. Ayah and Maria were ready for the baby stuff in the bag. When I arrived, they hastily moved outside the house where I helped Ayah to the taxicab back seat. Maria's in the front seat. I instructed the driver to speed up at once going to the Hospital ng Maynila. My fear increased a hundred folds when Ayah felt the pain. Her crumpled face cannot be explained why, who, what or how? I didn't know what to do, I just told her to calm down and pray. The taxi cab driver speedily drove to Roxas Boulevard way, not minding the traffic lights and the policemen.

"Marc, Marc, the baby's coming's coming, get the hand towel...quick...inside the bag...quick Marc...!!!" Ayah commanded me.

I opened the bag and got the towel, but some of the baby's clothing was scattered because of my nervousness. Ayah's edged a little at the back seat and told me to put the hand towel on both hands in front of her. Instantly, the baby was in my hands...that I panicked; shouted at the driver to full speed. Ayah instructed me, to invert the baby, holding both feet, and slightly tapping the body to make it cry. I did it! The sight of the uncut umbilical cord made me squirm!

"Marc, hold that way, careful not to slip in your hands," Ayah instructed me. I shouted again to the driver to full speed, or to fly...if possible!

When we arrived at the hospital, a doctor and two nurses came to the taxi cab; checked the baby, cut the umbilical cord, and brought it inside. Ayah gave me a present that I cannot forget, a baby girl. The joy of having a baby erased all the hardships that I had gone through. I realized that I have my own family now. I am a father, now.

"Are you happy love?" Ayah asked me while still in the hospital bed.

"Very! I have a beautiful little angel! What's her name love?"

"A beautiful name for a beautiful dreamer like you, Anne Rose Fernando?"



Life in Dimasalang Street, Baclaran, was full of gladness and joy. We stayed there for three years and each year Ayah gave birth. My family was growing bigger with two boys and a girl. I prayed that I could sustain them for their growing years. I kept on working hard for my job, treading the right path of living. I had quite higher pay than any ordinary staff, and I was able to provide my family well enough, not enough for me, but not enough for us.

I did not have much time to find a job that fits my educational qualification. I was gearing up for this management stuff job than cultivating my Chemistry knowledge. Ayah and I were occupied with our three children. They were the motivational force that entwined inside my heart...our hearts.

We're living at the back of the Redemptorist Church wherein we found peace with our innermost souls when trouble came. We prayed together inside this church; the church that gave us much power to hurdle the gloomy moments of our lives. We were still finding means to move forward. I talked to Ayah about working abroad. I persuaded her once and she agreed. We blended our ambitions for a fresh brio hoping that working in a faraway place could give us the life we were aspiring for our children. I couldn't endure seeing them stagnant in the inadequate way of living, while they're growing older.

Every time I faced in the mirror, the scar on my forehead reminded me of my past, and Danielle, "Where is she?" I asked myself. "Still...I am chasing my dreams."

I called up Edward Ramirez at the Riviera Café and Restaurant in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental.

"Hello, hello, long-distance call."

"Yes, can I help you?" answered the voice from the other end.

"Want to talk... to Edward please."

"Moment please thanks," said the voice over the phone.

"Edward Ramirez?" I asked with excitement. "Yes, who's this?" Edward answered.

"It's me friend, Marco Fernando from Manila. How are you now? I missed you, Edward!"

"I'm fine Marco, how's life with Ayah? It's been almost five years now, but you didn't call me, or write a letter?"

"Sorry my friend, it's a long the way my friend, could you help me with my Transcript of Records and Diploma? Just copies each from San Jose College. Approach the information people in the controller's office and ask. I'll give you my address now and send money to you through the courier. Friend, please, I need those documents...I'll tell you the whole story when we meet someday...."

"Okay Marco, give me your address."

"Edward, my address: Number 3477 Dimasalang Street, Baclaran, Paranaque, Metro Manila, Philippines."

"Marc, I got it. Friend, please remember this; I love you and your family, also, I want my two sons to have a bright future."

"My friend, you're the best ever! How are your two sons? You remarry someone special?"

"I'm still single and my two sons are schooling now."

"Best friend, any news from Ayah's family? The Gustilo family? He's still the Governor, I read in the newspaper."

"Marc, you know what happened to Ayah's family; only Bryan was alive. He's here in Bacolod City, got his own family now."

"You know his residence?"

"Yes. And Joel Arevalo too, he's planning to work in the Middle East."

"Me too, that's why I need those documents."

"Ahhhh, I see. Okay, then, I'll send it to you."

"Okay then, Bye my friend!"

"Bye, my best friend."


It's my day off; I had more time to search and apply for a job abroad. I went to the Makati area where I began my adventure, in finding a job.

The first thing I noticed when I entered the square was the glass stained windows. They were awash with water and paused to look enchanting because intricate designs had always intrigued me.

Water streamed down the glass like a fine, undulating curtain. It was probably being released from hidden ducts or some kind of similar system in the ceiling, then recycled back through intricate piping. I watched it for a moment, fascinated, before pressing closer to the glass, peering through this constantly moving, liquid curtain, my eyes resting on banks of the most beautiful flowers I had seen for a long time. Color flamed vividly in a profusion of variegated reds and oranges intermingled with magenta and purple, paled to soft fading yellows and crisp white; and interspersed amongst these brilliant hues and the more fragile ones were innumerable dark light greens, leaves so luxuriant and shiny they looked as if they had been individually polished to a glossy sheen.

A smile touched my lips and my spirits lifted.

The array of flowers and plants was like a breath of spring, evoked images of sharp clear sunlight on green meadows, trees newly bursting with tender young leaves, and blue and radiant skies. And if the flowers made me feel light-hearted, then certainly they would bring luck to me.

This time there was no hesitation on my part. Decisively, I pushed open the door of the Sampaguita Manpower Agency and went inside. Instantly my nostrils were assaulted by all manner of mingled scents of the applicants and workers too.

I sat down observing other applicants; the information table and the system of processing for the new applicants. Each applicant paid five pesos for the form, including me. I filled it up with my personal information, waited for almost two hours, and was told to complete the requirements first to be included in the personal interview list.

I roamed around the places nearby which consumed the beauty and wealth of the surroundings. Rich people were the only ones who deserved to share their fame, the comfort and privilege which came with their wealth. But I had not lived to see and enjoy these blessings, for I was the one making my life who truly knew the heartaches, the sacrifices, and, the immense work it had taken to grasp it. And later, the effort expanded to hold onto what I called love. That was perhaps the hardest part of all – holding on to my dreams to fulfill.

I went home feeling quite exhausted for I was wondering what lies ahead for me, my family, and, my dreams.

"Ayah, love, get dressed, and the children too."

"Where to?" she asked me surprised.

"Manila Zoo, next to Harrison Plaza! Anne, Kent, John, let's go!"

I was happy to see them roaming around feeling contented with us, the joy of having these innocent children, brought satisfaction and challenges. With them, I felt the greatest love of all, love that can never be equaled by any wealth in this world. They were the prime movers of my life, a life so hard to comprehend with my being and the strengths that I reserved for them. I valued them as my gems; the shining light that showed me the way, the hopes of wanting for a bright tomorrow, and, the inheritor of my innate self.

Two weeks had passed; I received my educational documents coming from Edward. I was glad for the development that I pursued my job application abroad. I skipped my duty hours or asked for a day off if I had to process my papers.

The Manpower Agency called a meeting for all that were shortlisted. We were screened by the Company's representative with strictness and care. I excelled at other management applicants because of my job knowledge and personality, which they told me after the feedback session. I knew I had the capabilities of managing people through the system and procedures of the company. I was selected as a Store Manager of a fast-food chain of restaurants in the United Arab Emirates.

I went home feeling the joy of being an OFW already, but I didn't have the knowledge of being one. Heard some news about it in the past, but not fully in my head to contemplate that one day I was one of them. I resumed my daily duty hours at the restaurant but my mind kept on evolving to where I was destined.

One day while I was on duty, my assistant manager said, "Sir, our Operations Manager, Mr. Villanueva's on the phone."

"Okay, work this out, I'll answer the phone."

I answered the call inside the restaurant office, but I hesitated when I heard our superior's voice to report to the office, as soon as possible, (ASAP). I instantly went to the Caloocan Office to meet Mr. Rene Villanueva.

I went inside the Main Office hall, seated, composed myself, and, looked around for office workers that I knew of. It was a usual office day for them; nothing seemed so unusual in their behavior. I went to the Operations Manager's room, knocked, open the doorknob slowly. "Come in Mr. Fernando, have a seat."

"Thank you, Sir," I responded courteously. He got a piece of paper in the folder and handed it to me. "Please read that memo."

"Yes, Sir."

"Is it true that you're planning to work abroad?"

"No, Sir, that's not true. I went to the manpower agency for a possible job for my cousin, not for me, Sir," I lied defensively.

"Then, this is just a rumor? You know, your performance is exceptional and truly an asset to the Company. I am planning to promote you as the next Area Manager of your territory. So, please, Mr. Fernando, stay away from any negative elements while you're under the system of this Company. I'm sure you can do that. Thank you for coming."

I extended my right hand to him, "Thank you, Sir!"

I left the main office feeling undecided, back to the restaurant, and held an emergency meeting for the staff, "Today, I met our Operations Manager, and he told me, that there was some staff who applied to work abroad. Any one of you, really did apply?" I asked with strictness in my voice.

"Sir, as far as I know, in some other branches, I'm positive about it," a staff said.

"Okay, give me the list of those people. Thank you. That's it. You can go back now to your assigned work."

The next episode of my life was meant for me to decide, or to hold on to whatever I can do with my employment status. I knew too well, that to be promoted to a job, was an opportunity of the century. It's a feeling inside of you which conformed to your performance to excel and proceed with dignity. But, working abroad was an unknown destiny molded to be explored and discovered, without the presence of your loved ones. Really, intimidating for me to think in a manner that I had to choose between two different employment opportunities choosing between Danielle Gustilo and Ayah Isabel Gonzales.

I was meant to be an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW), that's my fate, that's my destiny and my future!