The morning light was seeping through the window curtain when I woke up; that I looked around from the ceiling to the walls. I'm sure that I was on my bed and I saw some hospital equipment. My head still spinning but I stood up, walked slowly, opened the door, and sat in front of the door outside. I cannot tackle myself to walk alone.
"Anybody there!" I shouted that a male nurse came running towards me.
"Sir, why you don't call me first," the nurse said.
"Where's Edward?"
"I'll call him sir right away."
The male nurse dialed a number on his cell phone," Sir Edward, the patient wants to talk to you. Can you come over here now?"
"Sir Edward's coming now...sir?"
"Okay, take me to the garden now."
"Yes sir."
"And don't forget to serve an orange juice...and the daily newspaper."
"Alright sir got it. Want a wheel chair?"
"No, just help me...walk..."
"Okay sir, come."