Friend 2

"Galant, can you help me to cut my hair, it's a bit annoying," Arghi said asking Galant for help, his hair is annoying lately. However, he certainly couldn't do it alone.

Since then Galant has been silent and Arghi doesn't know what he is doing in his room other him studying. Arghi felt the heat of another body in front of him moving closer and he instantly stiffened that second when suddenly a hand landed on Arghi's head and moved into his hair. Arghi was at a loss for words, his mouth opening only for him to close it again.

"Don't cut Arghi. It's fine," Galant said. Since when did Galant's voice sound so different to Arghi's ears? He knew this was the same Galant, but all of that didn't make sense when someone changed so quickly. Arghi was by Galant's side watching him grow over the years never missing him but now Arghi felt so left out. When he can't see anymore and Arghi feels so down with himself all the time, those around him who care for Arghi end up having to leave to take care of their own business. There will only be Arghi himself later.

"This is disturbing," said Arghi brushing off Galant's hand which was on his head, he said it wasn't because he was bothered by his hair but Arghi was annoyed with Galant's new nature. Many questions come to the surface, Arghi always thinks Galant's changing nature is because he has lost his father and here Arghi is the only part of his family.

"I can help you, to wipe it." Arghi's heart felt like it had stopped beating.

He grabbed Galant's arm tightly and wished he could see Galant.

Fear came over Arghi because he was surprised when he heard it. This is wrong. Arghi knew very well where Galant's words were headed. He didn't want Galant to be like him, Arghi wanted Galant to keep walking straight as he should.

What happened exactly? Why did Arghi miss so many things from Galant?

Arghi blinked quickly, his lips tightened and Arghi forced them to open. "Galant, please don't act like this. You're making me uncomfortable. Please act normal. I don't know what's wrong but can you just stop and forget about this."

An awkwardness that Arghi never expected, he wanted them to continue to act like a friendship that had existed for so long before.

So without saying anything else, Arghi got up from where he was standing and left the room.

He reached the downstairs room and closed the door behind him, Arghi slumped to the floor and gripped his hair tightly. Arghi felt like a piece of trash now, Galant's changed behavior was definitely because of him.

The only person Galant has met lately is Arghi and Arghi himself is gay. He always believed that his sexual disorder could never be transmitted to others, but he was wrong.

Arghi has to stop him, Galant knows nothing about it. It all has to start with Arghi himself, he should have realized since they were children that Galant always looks at Arghi for the little things and sometimes imitates him and this is what makes Arghi feel really like trash. He is older than Galant, Arghi is supposed to be a good example for Galant.

"Sorry, Uncle. I should have listened."


Arghi was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a knock on the door from outside the house, even though he was alone in his room. He blinked a few times to dispel the clear liquid that was blocking Arghi's vision. Galant was in the room next to Arghi after Arghi heard the door being opened and closed again moments ago. He probably won't be out for the next few hours. So, Arghi comes and he doesn't open the door right away because Arghi doesn't know who is out there.

"Who is there?"

Arghi waited because he still didn't get an answer from the other side, he got worried that something bad would happen to him again, so Arghi called out again, "Who?"

"I. Reiki."

Arghi was speechlessly lost for words with many emotions growing and lumping in his chest he pulled himself into consciousness and walked briskly cautiously towards Galant's room right, Arghi pressed one hand on the wooden door in front of him while taking a deep breath. -in trying to ignore his fast-paced heartbeat.

"Galant? I'll open the door, my friend our neighbor is in front. When you finish studying, you can come out and join," said Arghi at last.

"Good." Just one word from Galant caused Arghi to retrace his way to the front door, something that in the future would make him used to this not to accidentally kick or bump into things he wouldn't be able to see.

Arghi felt pain radiating from his leg at this moment as he accidentally kicked the sharp edge of the table leg in a hurry to open the door for his guest. But as quickly as the pain came, the pain faded as quickly as the door was fully opened and Arghi was in the arms of someone whom Arghi had not heard from in two years.

This person who hugged him was the same person who offered him the happiness that Arghi refused wordlessly. Someone who makes Arghi mindlessly choose a winding road, introducing Arghi to a colorful world in the darkness that seems to be gripping. Arghi wanted to see it, see it with his own two eyes. Not by touch or by his expanding heart. Arghi wanted to see him after so long.

"Arghi, one of my biggest mistakes was leaving you. I shouldn't have listened to you." Reiki's voice was buried behind Arghi's neck which was tensed up yet to say a word from his lips. Reiki's hands were tightly wrapped around Arghi's waist and pressed against each other.

"You may never know how I lived without you all this time. I know you must feel alone, but not anymore." Reiki's words roused Arghi's courage enough to grab the sides of Reiki's head with both hands and smack his lips against Reiki's warm lips which greeted Arghi by channeling their respective emotions of yearning that were bubbling up as if buried deep in the bottom.

Arghi pulled away quickly, blinking a few times to moisten his dry, sore eyes. He then said earnestly, "Me too. I was waiting for you to come home."