Birthday 2

"What's up Arghi?" Galant asked as fear began to run through his mind at this moment. Galant's eyes stared wryly at Arghi sweeping every inch of his face to find something wrong there, causing his heart to beat mercilessly. He was afraid something had gone wrong with Arghi, out of Galant's view now.

"Why don't you say if today is your birthday, Galant?" Arghi asked, surprising Galant.

"Huh? Birthday?" Galant asked a little dizzy.

Galant's brain, which is a split second seemed to stop to think about something else, this time it raced again. He became a little relaxed knowing there was nothing else to worry about from Arghi for now and brought a feeling of relief into him.

"How do you know?" asked Galant that he had forgotten that. what date is it now Or what day is it?

"I counted it quickly from the date I remember," Arghi replied looking proud of himself at this time.

Galant immediately sighed, which he had been holding since before without realizing it. Galant straightened his back and said softly, "Arghi, I think something happened. Today's birthday doesn't matter at all."

"Why?" Arghi asked him quickly. "Don't you always want to grow up faster?"

True, but that was before when he still hadn't thought about the future. Whereas Galant just wants to go beyond Arghi, and be better than him. However, everything now didn't mean much, he just followed the time of taking it in an uncontrollable whirl.

"True, I'm taller than you now." Galant was always careful in his speech so that every word he uttered did not in the least offend Arghi's shortcomings. Galant doesn't want Arghi to be sad.

"It doesn't mean you're an adult, Galant."

"I know you're the most mature," Galant said playfully and turned to arrange the dishes he washed back onto the shelves. He secretly put one of the broken glasses and a plate that had been split in two into the trash can, before he held it too tightly because he had previously restrained his own body from reacting to the aromas made by Arghi. Galant even thought he was crazy, to wrestle with the other self in his own body all the time while Galant was near Arghi.

"What are you throwing away, Galant?" Arghi asked pulling back Galant's focus.

He became nervous, convinced that if Arghi knew that he had broken the glass and also the plate he would not be able to come and do this again.

"Nothing," Galant lied turning his gaze away from Arghi and deliberately walking back and forth pretending he was indeed busy doing this and that.

"So, what do you want this time?" asked Arghi stopping Galant's movements temporarily from wiping his wet hands on his shirt.

Even in Galant's heart, he wanted his father to return to their lives this time, which was an impossible thing to do for Galant. So, he begged in his heart for the good of Arghi to be able to see back like again.

"I ... I want you to see me again." Galant had previously promised himself not to make Arghi sad, but it was very difficult to restrain his tongue from speaking of his desires.

Arghi laughed without humor as he said, "It's about you, Galant. Don't ask about the impossible."

"This is indeed about me, why are you so desperate? We just haven't tried it. If you can see, you'll make me an overly sweet birthday cake every year."

Pretty gallant. He reminded himself to stop making so many unnecessary words at Arghi.

"I shouldn't have said anything when I knew I couldn't give you anything," Arghi said without a tone. Galant couldn't see the eyes as Arghi looked down and the strands of Arghi's hair covered him nicely. Arghi then resumed, "Happy birthday, Galant. I always hope you're happy."

Galant lost his own words as Arghi began to move to go leave him alone. He saw Arghi's back now shrinking away from Galant's reach.

Galant for a moment felt despair begin to run through his heart, not only the sadness that spread as if up into Galant's throat. He blinked for a moment during which the view leading to Arghi who was walking away became blurred.

Galant's head did not escape to add discomfort and pain that gripped strongly. He thought he could fall and faint any time now because Galant's vision was getting darker and darker.

"Arghi." He didn't know if Arghi heard it or not, but he could no longer restrain his body from slumping to the floor in a loud voice. Everything goes dark and Galant can't feel anything anymore. "

"Galant! "