The Birthday Party

Episode 16

Birthday party

Hardin Castillo

An awkward silence follows, and I stared blankly at Kim confused about what to say to her

Hardin! talk to me , who the hell is Hazel ? She asked with a grimacing face , I could tell she was still in pain and I heaved a sigh

She is a friend. I simply answered , getting off the bed

A friend! Don't fucking lie to me Castillo , why the hell will you call the name of a friend when making love to me ! She retorted angrily and I scoffed

I didn't make love you Kim, I screwed You . I corrected, I couldn't believe she was still arguing with me despite the way I screwed her hard

What!She exclaimed in shock

Yes Kim, but why are you even getting work up over this! It was all a game from the beginning and you knew about it !!!

Having said that , I pulled out a new brief from the wardrobe and went over to the bathroom to clean up and on returning to the room, I found Kim going through my phone

What the fuck!