Mykel opens his eyes and slowly raises his head at the sound of a chime that indicates someone is trying to contact him through the holograms he sends with the spies and Esmon that work under him and can be trusted with such important devices.
He keeps the lights in his office off, as the hologram will light up his office anyway, an aspect he plans to get fixed soon.
But who appears on the hologram surprises the Verinen. He blinks a couple of times, surveys the area he can see around them from the hologram on his side, then speaks.
"What's the matter?"
Finn speaks first, in a hushed tone.
"We've met up with Ludwig and Crown Prince Veles..." the captain's voice trails off, and he looks over to Levo to finish his thoughts.
The two knew each other as if they have been siblings for their entire lives. But, in truth, they've only been captain and vice-captain of the Grinleon Esmon for a little over two years now.