Chapter 3: The Leaders of Humanity

Terrestrial Intervention Tactical Agency Network- Mobile Base.

Markus' POV

I watched the three of them fight off hundreds of mindless drones attacking the ship, they look, cool and strong, and I'm supposed to lead people as strong as them?

"Markus? have you ever heard of the three generals?" Amerie asked

"of course, my politics subject often talk about the three generals that is keeping the world at peace, their identity is supposed to be a secret but it was revealed about 7 years ago that the three generals are also members of the 7 legendary titans, the public documents available said that all of them became generals because of their heroic deeds long before they became the legends they were today" I said

"of course, my politics subject often talk about the three generals that is keeping the world at peace, their identity is supposed to be a secret but it was revealed about 7 years ago that the three generals are also members of the 7 legendary tit...

I've heard that from Amy too who often nerds out about the Titan, I guess that's pretty normal since she grew up having a titan knight as a mother.

"actually, they're more like leaders, they are called the three generals because they attained the rank of general, the United Nations, even my entire organization the United Nation's Intelligence Office feared them, because if they ever choose to leave humanity they can destroy the earth in about a day, no Nuclear bomb or Artillery can hold them off, what you're seeing is just a tip of the ice berg compared to their strongest form" Amerie said

"Wait? what? that's just their normal mode or something?" I asked, I'm shocked, what?

"Mode? yes, Marwin named this the Titan mode and that's just the base of a Titan's power" Amerie said.

base? you mean, they're actually stronger than that? I thought, and then Amerie answered taht thought

"Yes, they are way stronger than that" She said

"Wait? I haven't said anything??" I said, she can hear thoughts?

"Oh, sorry, sometimes my power leaks that I read people's internal monologue, I can't read their minds, but I can hear their thoughts if they're monologuing in their mind, it's not useful at all though, sometimes it does, sometime it doesn't, because I need someone to answer my thoughts first before I can hear theirs" she said.

"it's kinda useful, it means you don't need communication gear to talk right?" I asked

"No, it only works when someone is in close range, we still use tiny communication devices" she said

we continued watching Noah, Joshua and Marwin fight off the armada, my eyes were full of amazement, before all this I can only listen to stories about them, but today I'm watching them fight infront of me, the beatiful ray of light being emitted to every of their attacks kinda ressembles that of a beautiful fireworks.

"Listen Markus, we don't have much time, without a Lord Arthur, this fight will never end, we may have defeated and killed Dratos but we failed to severe his connection to the Physical world, his captains are still around with his power because we failed, Leonel died before we can do what we are destined to do, this is a big thing to ask but? would you finish our job?" Amerie said.

I couldn't answer, I don't know if I'm up for the job.

"Curl, muttered something to me while he was lying there dying, he said he believed in me, but I don't know if I can believe in myself, I let him die" I said

"People die everyday, don't blame yourself for his death, he died because he wanted to protect you, he doesn't deserve to be pitied, he's a hero as much as we are, power is the only difference, even without the power of the Titans, Curl fought a lot of battles for humanity, winning every single one of them and the day he died? he won, because he was able to protect you, the reason we're not crying that much about his death is because he wouldn't want us to, he'd prefer for us to do what we can to teach and protect you" Amerie said

With contentment by her answers I continued to watch the heroes of the modern world fight for me.

"This fight is for you" Amerie said as she smiled towards me.

several cybernetic Imperial Soldiers charged towards us and Amerie, I looked at Amerie concern with our safety but she seemed unfazed, she effortlessly catch one of the charging soldier with her hands holding the soldier's face.

"Do not approach me you vile creature!" she said as she threw away the destroyed soldier which she crushed using her hands.

she smiled at me and said "I'll take care of you kid"

a bunch of flower petals and pink leaves encircled around her, her clothes ch anging appearance.

I looked at her, she ressembled Amy so much, I remember Amy telling me about her mother, how she would do anything just to protect the people she love, now I understand what she meant by that, by everyone she meant the world

I looked at her, she ressembled Amy so much, I remember Amy telling me about her mother, how she would do anything just to protect the people she love, now I understand what she meant by that, by everyone she meant the world.

She started fighting infront of me, shielding me from the Cybernetic Imperial Soldiers going after me, every of her hits delivered such powerful attacks, it may look violent to some but in my eyes, it was beautiful as if she was dancing together with the pick petals and leaves that are dancing with her every attack and moves.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Agent Q said as she walks towards me.

"It is, it's like they're doing a show" I said as I look at all of them fighting.

"If what they're saying is true, you are Humanity's last hope, I've fought along side your brother, he's as much of a hero just like his elder Brother Leonel the Boss or should we properly call him, Lord Arthur" Agent Q said.

After a while, the armada of the enemy started to retreat.

"What's going on?" Amerie asked

"They're retreating, I guess they're just here to know if we are here" Marwin said

"That huge ass armada?" Joshua said.

Agent Q pulled out a tablet and looked at something.

"I think Sir Marwin is right, I detected no signs of life in their ships, I think they're all just mindless drones" Agent Q

Marwin looked at a distance, without saying anything, he flew away with a sonic boom.

"Shit!" I said, surprised at the loud sound.

"That guy, where are you going Marwin" Noah asked.

"I sensed Him" Marwin said in their communicator.

Third Person POV

Marwin was flying in an incredible speed, using his Power and the technology he has.

Marwin saw a masked man in the distance, he was just standing there.

Marwin saw a masked man in the distance, he was just standing there

Without a second thought Marwin unsheated his Katana and started fighting the man, with an ominous voice the man said.

"You are weak, you are expected to protect the King yet you are weak" the masked man said.

Marwin continued to fight the masked man, every of his attack being dodged and countered as if the mask man can read his thoughts.

"Who are you, I can sense his dark aura in you" Marwin said

"My existence doesn't matter" The mask man said as he prepare for an attack, the mask man attacks with ice which took Marwin by surprise, for this kind of Authority is unique only to the titans.

"You are a hero and hero you will only be" The mask man said.

Marwin kept his attacks going but the mask man was on toe with his level of power, Marwin used his ice attacks but the mask man kept absorbing it, as if he's using the same kind of power.

"Who is that?" Noah ask while they are watching the feed from the drone that followed Marwin's location.

"This is taking too long, I have no time to spare" the mask man said.

the mask man emitted black smoke which blinded the drone and Marwin's vision

as the smoke clears the man disappeared.

"The fuck? " Joshua exclaimed

Marwin looked around the are, looking for the mask man.

"is he using" Amerie ask before he was interrupted by Marwin

"Definitely, he's using titan's power, and that's lancelot's" Marwin said

"Can he be Lancelot?" Amerie said

"That's Impossible, I still have Lancelot's Vestige inside of me, he can't exist in this physical world" Marwin said

"I know that but, he has the same powers as you, the only possible way to explain is if he is Lancelot" Amerie said

"I don't know I'm as confused as you are" Marwin said

Noah, Joshua and Amerie waited at the deck of the ship while Marwin landed.

Markus still amazed asked a very geeky Question.

"How are you doing that? flying? can Titans fly?" Markus asked

"Oh that? yes, actually all humans can once they understand the basic fundamentals of Authority, Authority is just a less corny name for Magic, a normal human has 1% affinity to Authority while titans have 30%" Noah explained

"Actually it depends on the person who has been blessed with the Titan's Power, let me run you into the 7 titans and their affinities to Authority, Leonel or King Arthur has full control of his authority so that's 100% and that's because of his King's Authority, Marwin the second in Command has 50% and at a time 100% but it's time limited, Margarette has 30%, Joshua has 50%, Noah has 50%, Reian has 70% and me I have 40%, our affinity to Authority does not equate to how strong we are, you can have full control to your authority but your strength is determined by many factors, what made a titan special is not their powers but their will to fight" Amerie explained.

"It's complicated" Marwin said

"It's not you're just lazy, I remembered you explaining it to us many years ago" Joshua said as he pat dirt out of his uniform

"What now?" Agent Q asked

"Well for now, we have to continue with our plans" Noah said

Marwin's phone started to ring, Marwin answered his phone, his tone changed.

"Yes, we'll be there"

Everyone sighs simultaneously.

"For God sake here we go again" Joshua said as he sigh again.

"what? what again?" Markus asked visibly confused.

Joshua then looked at Markus and explained

"well even with the powers of the God, we still can't please everyone, The Secretary General of United Nations want our Appearance" Joshua said

Marwin, Joshua, Noah and Amerie Quickly walks away, Markus was confused.

"Agent Q, your prime directives is to Protect Markus and teach him to fight, we'll be back soon" Noah said

"Yes sir" Agent Q answered as they look at the four of them leave on a KingJet.

"Young Master, we will begin your combat training now, I am aware that you have been trained by Sir Curl right? so keeping it up a notch is not gonna be a problem" Agent Q said

"What? I don't know I've been taught by Curl but I had never fought anyone else" Markus said

"Well base on my files your fighting style is that of Curl's which he learned from Sir Marwin the Papagayo sword style" Agent Q said.

A few hours later..

Marwin, Noah, Joshua and Amerie stand before a council of United Nations Leaders.

"I'm sure you know why we summoned you here" The secretary General said

"Why so Formal Gilbert as if you don't know us" Marwin said as he look at Gilbert Bakers the secretary General.

"You've save the planet for countless of times, I appreciate and respect all of you for that, but a few hours ago an Armada of Imperial Armed forces penetrated one of the UNIO's territory without us noticing, and not to Mention all of you are there, Amerie, you're the President of Unio why has this happened?" - Gilbert

Amerie closed her eyes and sighs.

"Because unlike the imperial we don't have the technology they have, we can detect them, I mean Marwin, Noah and Joshua can" Amerie said

"that armada caused the people to panic, without Lord Arthur there's nothing defending us against them" Gilbert said

"We're still here aren't we? also, I know you don't believe in this stuff but the Will of Avalon has chosen a Lord Arthur and we're currently training him to live up to his reputation" Marwin said

"Bullshit, we have the strongest soldiers here, why not choose from one of them" Gilbert said

"That's not how it works, I've told you that many times, because if that's how it works we would've just made Marwin the Wilder of that weapon" Noah said

"Marwin? you mean the man who abandoned us?" Gilbert retorted

Joshua visibly getting pissed, his eyes changed it's form to his titan mode, he looked at Gilbert and said

"We're doing our best and if you can't shut up and let us do our job why not try and fight us" Joshua said

Gilbert was intimidated, he just sat in his chair, silent

a woman laughed at Gilbert's reaction.

"Oh Secretary General Gilbert Bakers you can't expect to intimidate them with your word's you're just a man with political prowess while this people before you have the power of the Gods, the old UN folks gave them their position because they knew they can do it, I don't know why you keep bothering to meddle with their affairs, their might is too high for you to topple even without the blessing if the UN do you think you can stop them? I'm sorry for what you had to go through our great saviour, but do you have something in mind to prevent the so called inevitable" the woman said

all four of them are surprised to what the woman said

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm the new DSG of UN, it's been a while but I'm Kiarra Tako"

Marwin smiled after hearing her name.

"Tako? isn't that?" Amerie said

"Yup that's Sensei Shiroi's Daughter" Marwin said

the four left the summon while Gilbert was left defeated and distasteful.

"Those four thinks they can just do whatever they want" Gilbert said after the four heroes left.

"Don't hate them, you once Idolized them, especially the Three Generals they were your sister's close friend after all" Kiarra said

"Don't antagonize me" Gilbert said

Kiarra just laughed and said

"Listen Gilbert, the UN is just a body, it weights no power, since the day UNIO has been founded the UN has been back down to being a political body with no control, do you think you can control UNIO, UNAF, TITAN and the knights? they've been heroes long before the UN recognized them so don't bother you're just an insect compare to what those four can do with or without political power" Kiarra said as she too left the room.

Gilbert took his phone and called someone.

"We're continuing the 2n project, let see what the so called Heroes can do once they meet someone that can defeat them" Gilbert said.