Chapter 7: The Generals

Present Day, United Nations Intelligence Office, The Avalon.

Joshua Aquino's POV

The hall of the Avalon still made me felt like I was walking in the castle of the Camelot, how long was it since the last time I was here? I'm not even the UNAF head yet then.

as I walked down the round table of which was designed to imitate the real round table that is in that castle, I wonder if this one is made just for Amerie's satisfaction?

the other UNAF head of all UN members are there, of course I outrank them all, some of them knew that I was once a knight and some of them I only recognize, new appointed generals? I don't know.

"General Joshua Aquino, you're late, well that's appropriate since everyone should be here with us before you, please sit down" Amerie said addressing me as if she doesn't personally know me.

I wonder if all of them realized that the the head of UNIO is the Rose Guardian? unlike Marwin our image is not as popular as him, just our alter egos.

"okay since you're all here we're gonna discuss what's in the table, in front of you are the documents of the upcoming battle that will soon be happening in Japan" Amerie said

"Excuse me, with all due respect why are you so sure that the mist will attack japan? I have heard the circumstances of the situation, about the recent attack on some rural village in japan but an all out attack from the mist? the last big battle that happened was merely 30 years ago, and that took place in your homeland the philippines" Brigadier General He min Suk said.

"Yes I feel like we're just wasting time here, instead of strengthening our defenses we are here to discuss something we don't even have any Idea if it's gonna happen or not" Brigadier General Zhun Chi added.

Amerie went into silent, as she is getting a bit red to what the other generals are saying.

"General Zhun and He min, you are clearly the newest among all of Generals here, The president of UNIO wouldn't just call you here out of assumption, unlike you two the President fought during that war, she was there, and if you haven't yet briefed or even read all your documents before you were appointed Amerie De Luna is one of the Seven Legendary Titans that saved us all, so if you will disrespect her again, you will not gonna set your foot in this place ever again" Lt. General Gordon Clayton said as he gave the two General a daggering stare.

"The Rose Guardian? who the fuck are you kidding? the rose guardian must've been in her 50's now and the President looks like she's just in her 30's stop making up shit" General Zhun said

Amerie than summoned her sword out of thin air and threw it across the room with such speed it made a hole in the wall where it passes through.

"Listen to me, if you don't want to do your job, then Quit, I didn't survive that fight and made it to this position to be respected to some fucking kids I don't even want to see, China and the URK (United Republic of Korea) is a friend of my homeland, and I don't want to kill you both but I might, The Cold Titan was the one who gave us this information, you don't know his name but you surely know that he is a very trust worthy person, so if you would please let us continue the discussion" Amerie said.

The other generals that knew Amerie was not shock to what she had done as she often do this kind of things while the two generals were cold in their feet.

"Okay, since that is settled let me brief you to our current situation, a few weeks ago, Japan and the Philippines got attacked by androids the Mistenial Army sent, their reasons for those attacks were still unknown then but after the attack in Japan we now have an idea what it is, they are after the Knight's artifacts" Joshua said

"oh so just like 30 years ago" UNAF US general said

"Yes General, for what they are using it for, we don't know, but the Cold Titan said it's a bad thing, also a few months ago, Mordred one of the Mistenial Empire's political head attacked on his own hunting a boy, which identity we can't disclosed for now, but this kid is the only chance we have to defending humanity against them, when you accepted your job as UNAF heads you are to be prepared to battle Dratos right? that's because he will be back sooner that expected, the recent rise of the number of attack is a proof that his inevitable return will come sooner" I explained

"so what should we do?" The UNAF Korean General asked

"Prepare, and assess for the upcoming war, for now, we will call for backup soon if we will ever need your help, May the Blessing of Lord Arthur be with you all" I said

"The blessing of Lord Arthur be with us all" The generals said simultaneously.

as everyone leave, the Two generals that disrespected Amerie apologized for their actions.

these two approached me.

"Oh god! it's an Honor to finally meet you General!" General Zhun said

"Yes! we heard great things about your work! I mean not only that you are the head of the UNAF internation you're also one of the Three Generals of Humanity! and not to mention one of the greatest hero of our time!" General He Min added.

"Well, you've gotta get used to this kind of conversation when we are here, UNAF is not just a normal Army we are expected to fight against things that are not normal" I said

"I was wondering, do you know who the Cold Titan is? I mean he's kind of a great deal to us Koreans" He min asked.

"yes, he's a friend of mine, he's kind of a nut job some times but he's a good person" I said, I mean he really is, it's just that over the years he is becoming darker that he is supposed to be.

"Well I would love to meet him, I mean he is our hero after all without him our nation wouldn't be as unified as it is today"

"You do realized that He was just really pissed that day that he decided to decimate the entire North Korean Regime right? it was never his intention to free the north korea" I explained

"Well whatever his reason was he still did what he did so it didn't change a thing for me" the general said

On the other side of the Globe, Marwin, Amy and Markus were training.

Marwin's POV

Markus and Amy has been sparring for a while now, Markus hasn't still able to land a clean hit.

for some reason, it seems like he mastered the style yet he is somehow using it wrong.

"That style is meant to be a non lethal kind of swordsmanship, designed to deliver a knocking blow to an opponent, I feel the rage and anger in your moves, Markus, you are Lord Arthur, and that tittle is not for someone who have anger issues, Leonel is calm and collected person, I know your pain, I lost Curl too, control that anger, keep it in check" I said while they are fighting.

"I'm sorry Marwin, it's just that...I can't stop it" Markus said

"Well, you have to stop that anger, or channel it the right way, you are a Knight, we are Titans, heroes do the right thing, do you think it's good for a hero to be full of anger? we fight for the right reason and you know that, you grew up with the most kind and careful person I know, Curl wouldn't want you to be like this, Fight me" I said

We both stood infront of each other.

and we started sparring, His moves are on point, every slash is on point, but he seems to be forcing it, I'm sorry Curl I have to do this.

The moment my Titan mode kicked in, I started Going for Markus as serious as I can.

"What the fuck?" Markus said as he blocked my first attack that almost knock him far.

"This is what rage can do" I said

I started hitting him hard one after the other.


I'm impressed, even Curl couldn't catch any of my attack when he was in this age.

as we were sparring, The JSDF commander came.

"God damn what a exceptional display of power, that's the power of the old Titan" The JSDF Commander said

we both stopped, and I looked at the Commander, damn he look so fucking old.

"How are you Konoa? it's been a while" I said

"Damn you look so fucking good, unlike us who looks like old hogs now" Konoa said

"It's good to see you again old friend" I said as I offer my hand to him.

"Yes, old friend, nice to see you" He said as he take my hands and shook it.

Third Person POV

"Who's the old dude?" Markus asked

"Oh, that's Brigadier General Konoa Yhuusha, the commander of the JSDF, I heard he was once a soldier of the Anti Paranormal Squad when Tito Marwin was still in the Military" Amy said

"Wait? Marwin was in the military?" Markus asked surprised

"Oh? you didn't know? well, that information is classified, well He was also the General of Philippine army, back in the days during the Umahon and Laguna war, but right after the war he resigned and then left" Amy explained.

"God damn, the pedigree of this guy is unbelievable, Not only that he is knight, he is also a legendary hero, the strongest living titan, a fucking scientist and he is also a General? don't tell me he also has medal of valor?" Markus said

"Ah yeah, He has two medal of valor" Amy said with a smile

"HOLY SHIT" Markus shouted in shock

Marwin and Konoa looked at them after hearing their discussion.

"Surprising right? this guy right here is full of surprises, that why taking care of you is given to him" Konoa said

Marwin sighs and put his hand on his face.

"Why are you so embarrassed? you're baby sitting the Hope of humanity" Konoa said

"He's an Adult Konoa, anyway why are you here?" Marwin asked

"Oh yeah, here's the files, I just came from the Camelot, I was called by Noah and Joshua, the meeting of the Generals is happening right this moment, the JSDF and UNAF J. is preparing as we speak, General Aquino gave us the entire plan, we will rendezvous here in UNAF J. and we will be under your command Sir!" Konoa said as he gave Marwin a salute.

"Wait what? no!" Marwin said

"The order came from the United Nations Intelligence Office, you are temporarily being reinstated to your Former rank, and take command of the UNAF J. and JSDF, Lieutenant General Papagayo sir!" Konoa said

Marwin was stunned, "tell your mother I'm not amused" Marwin whispered to Amy

"I think this is her way of paying back for involving me in this" Amy said

"I know" Marwin said

"Just continue your preparation, as usual strengthen our defenses, you know our way, we don't attack first" Marwin said

"yeah sure, as always, soft hearted bitches" Konoa jokingly said

"hey hey!, I can court martial you for talking back to me I'm your commanding officer" Marwin rebutted.

and they both laugh after looking to each other.

"Welcome back old friend" Konoa said

"Yeah" Marwin answered.

while Konoa is talking to Marwin, Marwin raised his hands to stop Konoa from talking.

"Hey Amy, can feel that?" Marwin asked

"Yeah, I do" Amy said

"What's that? I can feel something" Markus said

"That's a natural sense every titan has, it's a defense mechanism when something bad is about to happen" Marwin said

Marwin then Quickly grabbed Konoa and Markus while Amy went infront of all of them and proceeds to conjure a force field

"Sgiath gniomh!" Amy shouted chanting a spell

Missiles started falling from the sky, Markus looked around and saw other solders being covered with similar shield but some of them are getting destroyed by the missiles.

Markus' eyes widen in horror as he sees soldiers infront of his eyes getting killed.

"NO! WE SHOULD HELP THEM!" Markus said

Marwin held his collar as Markus try to leave.

"What're you going to do? you can't even cast any spell or use authorities" Marwin said

"But they're dying out there!" Markus shouted

"I KNOW KID, BUT IF YOU DIE HERE TODAY, WHO WOULD SAVE THE WORLD TOMORROW!" Marwin shouted out of frustration which shocked Amy as this is the first time he heard Marwin scream.

"Come, come out you little insects, Papagayo!? I missed you, you little shit" a man floating in the air said

"Come, come out you little insects, Papagayo!? I missed you, you little shit" a man floating in the air said

"The child traitor, the Son of the first Titan Knight, Mordred Pentragod, the son of King Arthur Pendragon"