Chapter 18: The King's Renewal

Titan Mobile Flying Head Quarters Lands into a base built above the seas of the Philippine sea

Margarette ran towards the command center seeing Noah overseeing the landing of the Ship.

"We have a big problem Noah!" Margarette shouts.

Everyone in the command center felt anxious seeing the Emerald Princess Panicking as they've only seen her as one of the legendary heroes that saved the modern world.

Noah looked at her eyes and instantly knew that whatever it is, it's urgent.

Noah left his sit in the command center and followed Margarette in the Round Table Room.

Marwin and Markus was already there Markus has the Caliburn on his back. while the Protoburn is on his waist.

"What's going on?" Marwin asked

"Riafe, explain what we just saw" Margarette said

"My family are thought to use spartial abilities to communicate with each other, it's an ability passed down from one generation to another, well I kinda thought it to a friend of mine" Riafe said

"Well? did you recieve a message?" Noah asked

"Yes, and I know what it means and I know what it entails" Riafe said

"What is it then?" Marwin asked

"When they stole the cryopod they were already planning about something, thought I don't know what, but after seeing the Magic Circle in the memories I just recieved from her, I knew what it was, it was a summoning Circle, and not just summoning circle it's a demonoid's summoning Circle" Riafe said

"So they're summoning a demon?" Marwin said

"so what does the clone has to do with this" Margarette asked

"I don't know exactly what involvement the clone has" Riafe said

"SO WHAT ARE THEY SUMMONING?" Marwin asked getting annoyed

"Sorry, well, I only knew two Demonoid that exists, and one of them is dead, Mordred is a Demonoid, well a hybrid demonoid and the other one was the Lord of Darkness himself, Dratos" Riafe said

Marwin clenched his fist and gritted his teeth.

"You mean they are summoning Dratos back to our reality?" Marwin said with a gloomy face

"Atleast that's what I think, Demonoids came from different world than us, that kind of Magic is not Authority it's a different kind of power just like Espers, it uses dark Magic, Sir Marwin Know you know what that is because Lancelot can use dark magic" Riafe said

"Yes, it's what I used to dual wield two Sacred weapon at their full power during my final fight with Dratos, anyway is there a way we can stop this?" Marwin said

Riafe looked at them with a pained expression on her face.

", that message has been sent about a few days ago, and it only reached us now, I'm sorry but all we can do is prepare for the worst" Riafe said

Everyone in that room fell into silence.

"Okay then, I'll call for an emergency meeting with UN, UNIO and UNAF" Noah said

"Okay, Markus, Amy and Riafe Come with me to the Ship Noah gave you, I have something that might help you fight the upcoming battle" Marwin said

"Okay I'll tell Erica and Agent Q to prepare all the Titan Agents, and also maybe this is the right time to issue them the thing we were working on for a while now" Margarette said

Marwin, Markus, Amy and Riafe went to the Koi Ship

"I know all of you are good with controlling your power, but to be honest it's not good enough, None of you can even face Mordred or Margarette on your own, During my early days in the Titan Knights, I have created many things, and one of them is the Exarmor, and even after the war I have continued to innovate it for future Knights, and during these past few days, I have made a fittings for the three of you, it's job is to protect you and to enhance your power and also to control it and reserve it, Markus you can say goodbye to my old Armor, it's an old model" Marwin said

Three Necklaces slowly popped out from the wall, opening another compartment that cased them.

"It's nano technology so you can wear them anywhere and anytime you wish, the armors are being powered the Avenium Reactor, you can use it for 5 hours straight when fighting and it only need 2 hours of rest it will charge itself" Marwin said

"Wooow! so you're telling us you designed the Armors of the legendary Titans?" Riafe said

"I did made the Armor but it's physical appearance will take shape to whatever the wielder want it to look like" Marwin said

For the next few days, everyone prepared non stop, the New Titans continued to train their abilities..

Noah Walked into the overlooking balcony of the Laboratory observing Marwin as he continued to innovate the Armor he made for the Titan's Agents.

Noah smiled a bit, he haven't changed even a little bit, he cared for everyone despite his cold and distant demeanor he always had everyone in mind.

Noah mumbles to himself.

"You're too busy!" Noah shouted from the overlooking balcony, Marwin looked back at him and said

"Nah I'm just bored, It's been a while since the last time I made an upgrade, unlike before we can now easily manufacture Nano Tech so why not make armor for everyone, soldiers needs to be alive in able to protect the people right?" Marwin said

"I know what you're doing, I've been observing you for the last few days, you've been here not even leaving to rest, I know you, I can see you're tired why not rest a bit" Noah said as he put his hands on Marwin's shoulders

"I really can't hide anything from you huh?" Marwin said as he started to collapse in exhaustion.

Noah caught him and helped him sat in a chair.

"Marwin, you can't do this kind of thing, your body your power isn't what it used to be, I hate you leaving but I hate seeing you suffer too, sure You're still the strongest among all of us but you're also the most brittle, I know for a while now that using your King's mode put's a lot of strain in your health, we need you, unlike us you have extensive knowledge in using Authority, your mind is what led us to victory, stop doing this" Noah explained visibly worried.

"I can't, I can't let anyone die in a battlefield again" Marwin said

Noah knew what Marwin was talking about.

"Jolo sulu, Umahon City, Laguna, Cavite..Marwin those fight are over, we're decades older now, we have enough power to protect them, you created the training regiments the Agents are following, and they are strong believe me, trust me" Noah said

Amerie walked in.

"He's not gonna listen to you, he's the Lancelot after all" Amerie said

Amerie is pertaining to the unruly, unrelentless, Restless and hard headed nature of most of the Lancelots' Titan that exists over the centuries.

"Just don't die before the day we finally attain total Peace and Order" Amerie said

"I know that" Marwin said as he finally collapsed out of exhaustion.

"Geez this guy" Noah sighs as he lay Marwin in the Sofa.

"He really is dying huh" Amerie said

"Well yeah, but as what you said no matter what we say he will still continue on fighting" Noah said

"Yeah, that's what kept my respect for him all this time even when he abandoned us" Amerie said

"Can you promise to be with him till the end of time?" Noah said

"There might be a new lord Arthur, but I will never forget the pledge I gave him and Leonel, no matter what era, Leonel and Him will always be my King" Amerie said

"Well said" Noah said

Both of them watched over Marwin as he sleeps in peace.

Markus was practicing his Kings Mode while Margarette watch.

"Weak, still weak" Margarette said

"I just could feel it, I don't know how to differenciate my Internal Aura and the Aura around me" Markus said

"If you keep using your internal Aura, you'll deplete the very force that is keeping you alive, Internal Aura is what keeps a Titan Alive, and Being able to use Aura around us is what made us different from a human, everyone has the ability to use Authority magic but only by using Internal Aura, Common Authority does not require huge amount of Aura so it's okay to use internal Aura, but the King's Mode is different, it's a Titan's Special ability to enhance physical abilities, and senses but it uses huge amount of Aura, and if you deplete your internal Aura, you'll die" Margarette said

As Margarette was trying to explain the difference to Markus, The Masked man, wearing a new mask and an Armor, walked up to them.

"you can feel it, you're just dwelling your senses in the wrong places, Close your eyes my lord" The masked man said

"Tako? uhm are you sure you want to try and teach him?" Margarette said

"Yes" Tako said

Markus listened to Tako.

"Imagine a thick aura around your body, imagine tiny pores in that thick layer of Aura, since you can feel your internal Aura, imagine that your internal aura is a ball of energy in the middle of your chest, now that you know where your internal Aura is, feel the pores absorbing the aura around you" Tako said

"What's this feeling, I feel light, I can hear everything, I can feel everyone's heart beat and breathing" Markus said

"Now open your eyes my Lord" Tako said

Markus slowly opened his eyes, and revealed a Red Iris, and the Aura Marks started to appear around his body and indication that he is in constant king's mode.

"What's this feeling, I feel light, I feel, everyone" Margarette said

Margarette's eyes filled with amazement, this might not be the same Marwin she once fell inlove with but it's still him just in another universe.

I wonder, what was I to him in his universe.

Tako walked towards her and whispered.

"You were special to me there" He said as he shows his eyes being filled with joy, someone you can just tell his eyes were happy.

"Uhm, what do I do now?" Markus asked

Riafe drew her sword and said "Let's spar, My lord, We are thought with the same fighting style so getting used to my fighting style would likely be fruitful" Riafe said

"Uhm can you drop the My Lord Part? please?" Markus said

"Make me, My lord" Riafe said as she starts activating her Titan Mode and attacking Riafe.

"Lancelot's Fierce!" Riafe activated an attack.

Markus and Riafe Fought and Margarette is Impressed by the kind of Control Riafe had with her authority with just a few weeks of training.

She was even able to actually use an attack from lancelot this Kid is really something, reminds of Rei that cold voice but sweet gestures, exactly like her.

"Just how did you know the way to teach Markus" Margarette asked Tako.

"Well, as you know I cam from a different reality and I'm far older than anyone of you, so I have thought a lot of youngster there in my universe" Tako said

"Oh yeah I forgot, so what are your plans now?" Margarette asked

Tako took out a ring and said.

"I'll be training the Agents and would go into missions with them, after absorbing the The creature's essence my ability to go to King's mode has become limited tho I can still use my perfect Authority" Tako said

"What's a perfect Authority" Margarette asked

"What? you're a Titan you should know what that is, it's kinda like Absolute Authority but it's special to me it can't be thought to others because my will, for me I can increase my Physical strength but it exhausts my inner Aura, it's kinda like enhancement Authority but a bit more powerful" Tako said

"Hmm, well we don't have that in this universe" Margarette said

"That's why, I was a bit surprised I was able to overpower myself using a 2.0 of the king's mode, anyway, how is he?" Tako asked

Margarette sheathed her sword and said

"Well, after that all ordeal of the creature, he can't use his Authority for a while, so he's been busy innovating the gears agents and the Titans use, he's been experimenting with a new king of reactor right now, while enhancing the Armors our Normal Agents here uses" Margarette said

"Sound exactly what I would do if I can't fight" Tako said

"So...I was wanting to ask you, what am I to you in your Universe" Margarette said

Tako laughed a bit and stared back at Margarette.

"You are a special friend to me, more than friends Perhaps, after Rei's died we actually never figured that out" Tako said as he took his leave after seeing Margarette's stunned look.

I was special to him, I'm envy thinking about my other self in that universe

while everyone is busy doing their thing, an Emergency alarm broke out.

"All Agents, please prepare for combat Laguna is under attack"

"Holy shit, here we go again" Tako said as he looked at the agents under his command.

Scout Squad 707.

How smart of you, to give me a squad named after the old scout regiment squad 707

Tako said.