What Just Happened 1

With caution and fear "W-what do you want and w-who are you?" I asked, stepping backward carefully. He looked at me skeptically, which didn't help the situation one bit.

"I'm asking you who you are.."

"What do you think? besides it seems you're likely going to sleep on the street due to your house description" he interrupted, now looking blankly at me.

Then I noticed his eyes were staring at one particular place, in a daze.

I couldn't help but follow his gaze just to see he was looking at my cleavage. Feeling pissed I raised my hands to cover it but they were just halfway when I felt hands restricting my movements by holding my forearms.

I stared at him to see if he still looked at me as a stranger. Weird, the thoughts of him being distant to me or treating me as expected of a stranger worried me.

Yet all I saw were worries and concerns written on his face.

"Are you cold?" he asked and I breathed in relief.

As soon as he said that I noticed I've been shaking since I left his arms, I was shivering and my whole body was shaking.

Oh geez! the cold has gotten to me, I wanted to curse.

"Come let's get you coverage before you pass out" he said while pulling me with him again and I followed him without questions this time.


She was inside his car shivering even though he turned off the AC...'how considerate? she thought.

They passed houses, then trees. After a while they passed a sign but it was dark outside to see it clearly. Passing through a gate which opened automatically, they drove ahead, beautiful lights were on the trees and bushes led the way before a mansion popped out to the view.. making her all dizzy. She guessed it was very huge just by looking from afar.

'What on Earth am I seeing?I'm dreaming' she thought.

When they passed through another gate, it was smaller compared to the huge one earlier. the mansion was indeed huge and granded with lights making the mansion unbelievable to the eyes. Moments later they arrived, she saw the mansion closer and was lost for words.

"Is something wrong?" a deep voice resounded, bringing her back to reality. Stepping out. He led the way, opened the door and turned to her.

"Here we are," he said, gesturing for her to step inside.

Her mouth fell in A shape once she set her eyes on the luxurious parlor.

"Come. I'll take you to a room so you could change" leading the fazed Theo to the stars. They walked their way up.

"Here we go" he motioned for her to open the door.

Hesitating a bit, she opened the door and walked in.

'What the heck' she pinched her arm to know if she was really awake.

"The bathroom is over there" he said pointing to her left, she jumped in shock by how close he was.

"And over here is the wardrobe" pointing to the right this time.

"I hope you feel comfortable" he said with a frown "Well then I'll leave you to do your thing" with that he was gone.

She stood there for seconds before stalking to the bathroom

Feeling refreshed after the long bath. Her mind was clearer now, she walked around the room. The decorations were welcoming and soft, it made her calm and comfy. She liked it, unlike her own room, this was a little bigger yet she felt relaxed.

She lay on the bed. it felt amazing, still unable to digest any of it, then her stomach complained of starvation but it wasn't her home to just go down and satisfy herself.

Deciding to just go to sleep. Her stomach kept complaining and her brain was thinking of all kinds of delicacies, adding fuel to the fire of hunger.

She heard a knock but thinking it was a dream she ignored it. A knock came after, a bit louder than the previous one and then again.

Her eyes snapped open, sitting up she slid out of bed heading to the door. Twisting the knob she opened it and to her surprise she saw the familiar figure.

"Are you sleeping already?" came his question.

"Yeah slightly.." she responded looking at him questioningly. "..And why? Is something wrong?" She asked without break.

"Oh I see" he replied to her first question.

Was he ignoring her or he hate questions.

"Anyway I brought food thinking maybe you haven't had dinner".

'Wow how thoughtful of him if only he knows' she said inwardly.

"Can I come in or you're cool?" He asked when she still stood there.

"Oh yes, you can come in" she moved a bit for him.

He came in and she closed the door. Dropping the food box on the bed table. He unpacked everything and set it up nicely

He settled down after that, while offering her the spoon.

Looking at him skeptically "I already had mine. It's all yours" he said calmly.

Nodding she took the spoon and dug into it and unconsciously sighed without noticing his gaze on her the whole time.

"So how was it? Did you like it?"

He asked almost immediately when she finished.

Nodding "Umm, it was great" she said in appreciation and he breathed in relief.

"Why? What's wrong"

"Nothing, I'm glad you liked it" he said more to himself with a smile. He looked her way and his smiles widened.

"How was the bath?..still cold?" He was now Looking her closely.

"N-No. Umm, I'm good" she stuttered a bit, feeling disturbed by his gaze.

"Okay but you should wear something thicker... I'm coming" he stood up and reached for the wardrobe, took something. She saw it was a cardigan and he gave it to her.

"Take this and put it on".

Reaching for it slowly, she wore it and he smiled looking satisfied.

"Alright then, I'll take my leave" he said standing up, taking the food box and arranging the table "I'll leave you to rest" he left shortly after.


The sun was so bright that it woke him up.

"Ahhn" he growled. His phone rang in the process.

"Hello" he waited for the other person to respond and state his business.

"Hey dude. Still sleeping?" Came the other person's voice.

"Not anymore. Why?"

"Umm" the person hesitated a bit "you still remember my birthday, right?"

"Yes Christian. Who would forget it when you keep singing it like a fucking song!" He said a bit annoyed, which made the person chuckle.

"Okay dude thanks"

"Whatever it's not like I have a choice" he said feeling defeated

After the call he contemplated if he should go wake his guest but decided against it. He didn't know why but he felt a pull whenever he is far from her and contends whenever she's close.