Because I Love You

"Sure but I hope you consider my advice" and with that he stood up and straightened his suit jacket, taking his briefcase while passing me a smile and a nod before walking out.

I arranged the papers, taking them to my room and inside my locker before heading to the kitchen.

I ate enough to revive my strength, I was expecting to eat little base on my situation, instead I ate almost everything I prepared, I was sooo hungry, i remembered the taste of the previous food I ate which was cooked by the stranger, I was a cook but his food was so delicious and I was smitten by it.

I went to my room looking at the papers I needed to sign, and it was written the amount of time I would take to pay the debt.

I was still considering leaving the country but I needed to pay my debt, the debt I brought upon myself.

I took the pen and sign after much consideration, I wanted to prove and show my gratitude to the stranger before leaving the country and if this was the only way to thank him for everything then so be it.

I slept off with a new intention and purpose that night.

Waking up feeling a lot better than yesterday, I did my morning routine then sent the papers and my contact back to Mr James.

He called to inform me he'll be sending someone to pick me with my things.

Five minutes later someone came taking me back to the unfamiliar road I went before, I saw the sign from before and I was able to read it clearly this time.

It boldly wrote 'Martinez Street' , the name still sounded familiar to me.

I was welcomed by James Martinez who excitedly took my things, there were few things because I didn't need much so I only took some necessary things with my clothes.

"Let me show you the way to your room" we walked towards the same room like last time.

"I asked for a change so it would feel more comfortable and lively though you're free to change it to whatever taste you prefer" he said walking in front of me.

I was worried, I liked the old room, I wasn't expecting a change. Well at least I get to change it if I don't like it.

He opened the door, and I looked around carefully. The room was so much better, the blue and pink decorations were both girlish and mainly.

No more decorations or change of anything because I love my new room.

"So what do you say" he was smiling at me making all giddy inside, geez I missed those smiles.

"I love it thank you" I reached for my things but he moved away from me, dropped my things.

"I will tell someone to arrange your things for you, that's if you don't mind" he walked back to me and took my hand before pulling me out of the room with him.

"Let me show you the kitchen in case you have forgotten," he said.

"Here we are, so this is your new office. You can go to work after making breakfast and lunch together," he said without knowing that I was fired.

"Actually the reason why I accepted the offer is that I was fired yesterday" I decided to tell him my reason.

"Would you like to tell me why you were fired?" He was coming closer still keeping our gaze.

"Yes if necessary" caring less about secrets or privacy, I don't have anything to hide.

"Let's go to the living room" he ushered me to the living room where I told me everything that happened to me.

"So would you like to get justice for what happened?" he said, holding his chin.

Ding!. That's when it clicked to me that he was a lawyer and everything to him was about laws and rights.

"You don't understand, Mr Alberto is very powerful and well known." I tried to reason with him.

"I know I am presently working in his firm, Mr Alberto de Marcus. Everybody knows about him, his firm accepts different kinds of cases both the good and bad" he sounded upset yet he was calm.

Wow I never knew about this, I only knew about his name and his power.

The De Marcus firm sounded very popular. I guess that was why he works there.

"I still work there because I have the choice to take only the good case" he cleared out.

"Hmm I understand even though you didn't have to explain, still I can't file a case against him. Yes I am scared but I don't have the resources to do that" I'm jobless, I said to myself.

"You don't need all that, yet I can't force you because it is your decision but I'll try to convince you" he replied.

I shook my head in disapproval and he sighed.

"Fine please yourself" he finally gave up or so I thought.

"But you can always come to me whenever you change your mind. I will be willing to help" he offered.

"Thank you I really appreciate" I felt much lighter after that discussion with him, feeling like I finally had someone on my side to listen to me. I felt less lonely.

Six months later

Boiling water, opened oven, kitchen utensils scattered everywhere, Egg shells on the floor with footsteps running back and forth

A lady in an apron was cooking different dishes at the same time making everywhere a mess.

"Oh my gosh what should I do?" Theodore was frantically doing everything she could to save her kitchen from going into flames.

"Babe..woah what's that smell?" James walked inside slowly, looking at the sorrowful state of the lady, he tried to hide a smile.

"Is that supposed to be spaghetti or brown worms?" he was looking at the roasted item.

"Babe you're not helping matters" she whined.

He finally chuckled "babe calm down they might actually stay back because of the weather besides they always give excuses to avoid coming" he wrapped an arm around her waist while patting her back with his other hand.

His grandparents are fund of that and now they're taking his sweet moments from his love life because Theodore wanted to impress them after she heard the news that they were coming back after three years and to see his girlfriend.

"Babe you don't understand what if they actually come back..? What if they..."

"Shhhh you worry too much, you know we can always order take out, you don't need to impress anyone" he was holding her close as if she was a glass that might break at any moment without proper care.

"See why I said you won't understand" she turned around in annoyance.

He sighed and hugged her from behind "babe just relax I've got you covered or have you forgotten that this boy friend of yours can make a delicious meal without effort" he bragged.

"Wow what a perfect time to brag" she rolled her eyes.

"Well everytime is perfect to brag," he shrugged.

She sighed "why would you care anyway"

"Of course I do care" he said and she looked at him "because I love you"

She smiled looking at him with loving eyes.

"Now.." he turned her around with his hands on her shoulders giving her a push towards the living room where he sat her down and leaned over "you sit right here and let your boyfriend do his magic plus I am sure you've missed my cooking." He said.

She held his shirt, tugging him over to her to give him a soft kiss, then nodded while smiling.

He grinned "Now excuse me my lady" he leaned down and kissed her forehead before leaving to finally set the poor kitchen in flames.