Can I Know Something More

Elizabeth went straight to the Lilian's. It was still early. She hoped her things were intact.

She trusted them with her stomach so it was easy to trust them with her things but it has been days now.

She entered the restaurant. She didn't plan on staying long today. She came for her belongings.

"What would you like to order ma'am?" the waiter said, coming forward.

As much as Elizabeth wanted only her things, she could not say no to good food.

She ordered something light so she won't struggle to stand up later.

Her order came immediately and she digged in. Elizabeth called the waiter back.

"I forgot my things here the last time I came."

"Okay ma'am. What does it look like?" The waiter asked.

"It's a bag, a shopping bags to be precise"

"Alright ma'am. I'll be right back" he went through the back door.

Elizabeth was expecting him to come back with her bag but instead he came back empty-handed.

"I'm sorry ma'am but you how long has it been?"