“Granny!” Jennifer squealed at the familiar voice and without reluctance she turned on her heel and ran to scoop the individual in her arms.
She rocked her arms side to side affectionately as she tightly craddled the girl to her chest. Mmmmm~Aaaahhh, the Grand Priest hummed as she enjoyed the motion.
“Grand Priest,” Umeus said neutrally as he watched his sister craddle The Kingdom of Solace's most powerful being as though she were a mere child.
“I see you're as unenthusiastic to see me as ever, ey Stoneboy?” the Grand Priest remarked in her puerile voice, “That's always a good sign.”
Umeus simply grunted beneath his breath and redirected his focus to the Daeii outside the barrier.
“Oh and you can put me down now Jen,” she said lifting her head obliquely to face Jennifer with a warm smile.
“Awww, but I—” Jennifer began in a pleading voice.