Genuine love comes once in a lifetime, but sometimes we may not be prepared for the baggage that comes along with it. My name is Aurelia Jones, I grew up in a small town in galena where my grandfather was the council elder. I was famous for dating the most prevalent guy in town. my life was flawless until I witnessed something I wasn't supposed to and that altered my life permanently.

Nathan and I have been dating since the outset of college, and currently, we were virtually through with college, I assumed it was time for him to propose to me. I almost ascertained my suspicions when he invited me out on a date.

I couldn't stop blushing while getting ready thanks to my best friend Natalie. I sat inside the bathtub of my bathroom plugged with berry-scented water while Natalie stood in the closet just a few inches away from my bathroom painted artistry with red, making an effort to pick out the best dress for me.

“ So Aurelia most people believe pink is a good luck charm to wear on a date, so as your stylist, I am recommending pink”

She advised shelving through my closet. Her blonde hair fell to her shoulders while her brown almond eyes kept skimming through the clothes on the shelves.

“ Well I don't think I need any good luck charm for this date, Nathan virtually dote on me”

I giggled while I gloated as she rolled her eyes. walking out of the bathtub and naked straight to the closet, Natalie is holding a pink vellum gown, but I overlooked it and began scrambling the clothes on the shelf.

“ Come on, Aurelia, this will look good on you!”

“ I know, but I want to look wholly sizzling today”

I stopped scrambling the clothes as I picked out a red Flora gown from the shelf with a strapless and flowery pitch around the edge.

“ This is just flawless!!” I spoke trying out the dress while Natalie roll her eyes.

“ Come on Aurelia, you are virtually naked in this dress”

“ I love it!”

I stare at my reflection in the mirror, it was a long strapless gown revealing most of my breasts and a long slide cut at the edge, Nathan always talked about how he loves hot girls and how I didn't dress sexy a lot and because of that, I started wearing revealing clothes even though they made me feel uncomfortable.

After I was satisfied with the way the dress fit perfectly, revealing almost everything from my breast and then my thighs, I sat down while Natalie did her magic on my face.

Natalie applied some hair spray on my brunette hair, she slowly began to connect them into a flat bun riding a flower, her hands were soft as she gently turns my hair into the perfect picture, she has always dreamed of becoming a stylist and always likes to make my hair. She let the rest of my hair fall down my shoulder and separately curl some strands of my hair before she finally applied some light makeup on my face although I insisted on more heavy makeup because Nathan always emphasizes the fact that he loves hot girls with bold makeup as he would call it.

After she was through, I stood up staring at myself in the mirror, my lashes were long, and even as she applied eyeliner on them, it made me look more bold and beautiful, my lips were naturally red, but she applied just a little pink lipstick on them giving it a dark shade of pink. I was fully delighted as I pick up my purse and headed downstairs as Natalie followed.

“ And where are you going to by this time of the night?”

Dad stopped whispering to Grandpa the moment I walked in, to ask.

“ The gentleman is going to propose to her”

Grandpa wink at me, a smirk on his face

“ And who says I am going to allow you to get married at such a tender age?”

Dad questioned as he frowns making those two lines beneath his eyes appear more.

“ Mark! Let the girl be! Bye dear, and don't stay out late”.

“ I won't grandpa”

I place a soft kiss on his forehead before walking out the door, not glancing at dad for even a second.

“ Good luck, girlfriend!”

Natalie spoke as she embraces me tight.

“ Thanks! I will get going” I spoke before walking away.


Nathan was already waiting for me outside of FRITZ AND FRITE, there was this moody look on his face the moment I approached him, but I didn't read too much meaning into it because I was so excited for tonight and didn't want anything to distract me.

“ Why is your hair like this?” He curls his lips inward as he looks at me with disgust.

“ What is wrong with my hair?”

“ I told you, I hate it when you let it fall to your shoulder, I prefer it up do, haven't I clarified it for you before?”

“ Am sorry Nathan, Natalie thought it would.....”

“ Natalie isn't your boyfriend, I am!”

“ Am sorry! It won't happen again”

I apologize for trying to make sure nothing ruins these perfect nights for me.

“ Fine! Let's go inside!”

He walks straight to the seat close to the wine cellar, which has always been his favorite spot at dinner, I took the sit opposite him facing most of the wall, a frame of the owner's certificate on the wall, and some menu hung on the wall. For some reason, I like to sit close to the window because I enjoy the view outside, but Nathan prefers otherwise.

After settling down, the waiter comes with a menu in his arm.

“ Good day Nathan and Aurelia, good to see you guys”

“ Thanks!”

I responded with a smile on my face, but Nathan just maintain a Stern look not saying a word.

“ So what would you guys be having today?”

“ The usual, beef marinated In vinegar and the same thing for her”

Nathan ordered, he always chose for me without even asking me for once what I wanted, and yet, I was comfortable with it as long as I was dating the most popular guy In town.

“ Aurelia there is something I would like to tell you” Nathan began the moment the waiter was gone. That was so quick I thought, adjusting the strap of my dress.

“ We have been dating for almost six years now, right”

“ Yes! ”

I answered trying to contain my excitement meant

“ And seriously you have been a sweet, kind, and an obedient girl..... But Aurelia, I don't see these relationships going anywhere.”

He purses as he stares at me, I felt like an arrow was pierced right into my heart, I tried breathing, but I thought it would just be better to hold that breath for a second and let him finish.

“ Aurelia you are beautiful, gorgeous I must commend, but I just think you are not the one for me”

That was the moment I felt my heart stop, and my world crumbles right before me.