WebNovelWOLF BITE20.51%


" If that what you want, now close your eyes"

His stare were blank, he sits close to me, his right hand on my hair gently stroking while his left hand consistently kept tapping my tummy.

" What was your nightmare about?"

He questioned, his eyes not diverting for a second.

" Vampires. Do Vampires truly exists?"

" Yes! The same way werewolves does."

" Have you seen one before?"

His eyes bore into mine, he stopped tapping now staring blankly at me, and I could tell he was drifting off to memory lane.

" Yes have seen lots of them, as a matter of fact, I even fell in love with one"

My heart skipped at his word, I was even more interested now.

" You did?"

He nods as my eyes beams with glitters.

" What was it like?"

" Heartbreaking! They are devious creatures capable of casting a spell on you with just a gaze".

" You fell in love with her, and she broke your heart, I definitely know how that feels, so what did you do?"

" That a story for another day, but rest assured you are safe here, no Vampire can come close"

Those words had so much effect on me as I closed my eyes, feeling assured I was safe in his arms.


I woke up to the curtains been swipe open as a glittering brightness shine against my eyes making me cover my eyes with my arms trying to shade those brightnesses away.

" Good morning sleepy wolf, time to get up"

Mira's voice sounding loud through my ear.

" Mira! What are you doing"

" Waking you up! What else could it be"

She giggled, jumping on top of the bed as she embraces me tight?

" What are you doing?"

" I missed you....."

" It not up to forty eight hours we met…."

" And yet, you feel like my best friend"

" Get off me! I feel sore".

" Training is today, do not feel sore yet for the battle is yet begun"

I chuckle as she spoke trying to mimic the alpha.

I got up, stretching myself before heading to the bathroom.

" How are you adjusting to your new life"

She asked while I turn on the shower, letting it roll through my bare skin.

" Better than I expected, except for my wolf being a nuisance"

' Am not a nuisance'

She spoke in my head.

' You are !'

I replied, turning my attention back to Mira who still lay on the bed.

" We will be training today in our wolf form, are you ready to do the switch with your wolf?"

" I can't say I know what that is, but I am eagerly awaiting it."

I turn off the shower, grab a tower rapping it around my waist before walking out of the bathroom to the closet just few inches away design with brisk stone.

I pick up the first dress on the rack, a short Flora gown. It was my last year's birthday gift dad got me, Nathan never liked it, so I never wore it but today for the first time in forever, I get to wear what I want without offending anyone.

I put on the dress before walking over to the mirror stand adjacent to the closet, applying some hair spray…

" Aurelia!"

Mira called, a smirk form across her lips.

" I don't think you would be needing all that, it is really sweaty out there, and you don't want all that attention right now"

I stopped reflecting on her words.

" Fine! Let go"

She got up from the bed walking out of the room and I followed, just a few blocks away, the alpha stood speaking to his beta in a low tone.

" Good morning alpha"

Mira greeted and as I stare at him, the event of last night came popping into my head. He was different yesterday, tender and kind, but right he looks like his old mean self.

" Good morning"

I greeted.

" Good morning, Aurelia!"

His beta Luke greeted, a smile spread across his face.

" Thanks" I replied cheerfully before walking behind Mira until we stopped at a massive field filled with wolves while some were still in their Human form, peered with each other as they wrestle.

" What is going on here?"

My heart beat faster as I watch those aggressive animals fight, clawing each other with both their nails and teeth.

" Relax! It's just training, the sound of your heart beat might as well explode my ears".

" Why does it have to be this aggressive, I mean some are bleeding" I stopped walking, afraid to go any closer

" And they will heal, I told you earlier, we are an aggressive creature and that how we survive, come on let's go"

She grab my hand rushing over to the training ground.

" I hope you get peered with me, that way I can make your life easier"

She giggled and roll my eyes at her.

Beta Luke comes in and start peering everyone, Mira was peered with Jessica until everyone was with a partner, and I was left standing alone.

" What about me" I tried to speak but my wolf pisha warned against it

'Stop! You will just end up embarrassing yourself' And, so I stood there alone.

I finally caught his smell from behind, lavender, which always sends chills down my spine.

" You will be training with me today"

Alpha Dario announced, there was this excitement in my stomach as I recall how gentle he was last night

" First you will be learning all the bases of self-defense and until your body is ready for the switch, do not do it yet"

He warned, a frown spread across his light skinned face.

" Okay"

" First a balance posture, your legs open, your hands should be ready to attack at all time" he spreads my legs wide until they were fully balance on the ground.

He walks over to my back, one of his hands on my waist and I startled as his touch pickles me, he ignores my reaction to his touch, although I could tell he knew the effect his hands had on me judging from the way his heart skipped.

And with his right hand, he grabs my hand, squeezing it into a fist.

" Remember, your posture should be balance, or you will end up dead before your opponent even strike. Now strike !"

He commands, I threw my hand in a fist toward him, but he grabs it before it lands, facing me forward as his arm rested below my chest, my heart beating faster.

He places his lips close to my ear, his breath hot on my bare skin as I try not to make a sound.

" It was sloppy, you should be fast when striking and unpredictable" He whispered, his voice sending prickles throughout my vein.

" Remember, your opponent should never be able to predict your next move, now strike!"

He commands, and again I threw my fist at his, this time faster, but he grabs my arm and kick me on my knee making me lose my balance as I fall to the ground.

" Remember I told you, you should never lose your posture, your legs should be ready at all times, Even when your hands are tired, your feet should never lose it balance."

" Now strike." He commanded but this time, I did throw a fist on him, I try to kick him on the face with my leg, but he was fast enough to dodge it and kicking my second leg before the other could get back on it feet, making me lose my balance.

But as I fall to the ground, I quickly kick his right leg and sliding the other, making him lose balance as he fell right on top of me.