WebNovelWOLF BITE30.77%


I kept staring at his ass until he was out of sight before I walked back to the quarters.

I bumped into Lexy, realizing it was me, a devious smirk form on her lips.

" Hey hunter girl!" She mocked while blocking my path.

" Move away please" I begged politely

" And if I don't HUNTER?"

" Have dealt with bullies like you at college and I can still do it"

" Really? Sadly enough this is not college"

She spoke as she twists her fist hitting it hard on my nose, I could smell my blood which made me furious, my wolf trying to lush out while I kept panting hard. I rush towards her and we both land to the ground, yet it didn't stop me from hitting her.

She tried to fight back, but I was too angry to let her even move her arm, I kept hitting her without even hesitating for a second to catch my breath, my claws all over her body, I could smell her blood and could tell it was much, yet I didn't stop, have never been this angry and even when I try to stop myself, I just couldn't.

I suddenly felt strong arms drag me out, that was when I finally breathe while panting hard.

" Aurelia breath!! Calm down" Zane barked at me while Azrael held Lexy who was now covered in bruises.

" That enough!!". Luke barked as he walked in, both his hands wrapped against each other.

" Beta!! She attacked me!!" Lexy report.

" That enough, Zane, take her to the clinic to get her wound treated"

" I don't need any treatment, I will heal, I am telling you she attacked me, and you are not doing anything" she barked moving away from Azrael.

" Aurelia, what happened?" Luke ask.

" She attacked me first" I told him, still panting

" She said you attacked her first"

" And you believed her"

" Am I not supposed to believe her?"

" You would believe a hunter over me"

" Shut up!!!" He roared" Considering you are already in a bad state, you would have been punished for your word, next time you address her like that, you might end up banished!!"

He exclaimed, she stares at him with her mouth wide open, couldn't explain what just happened.

" Am sorry beta" She apologized before walking away with Azrael.

" Am sorry about that!" Luke apologizes to me while I stood, not yet comprehending why he took my side.

" Thanks… But why did you take my side?"

" Cause that what am supposed to do"

I was trying to catch up his heart beat to see if there was any spike in his words, he was calm as a bird leaving me with his words I didn't comprehend

" Let me escort you to your room, I will be in trouble if there is as much as a scratch on your body"

" Why?" A confused me asked while I followed him behind.

" Because you are special, you survived the werewolf change which some werewolves born from an original werewolf do not survive"

" Yeah… I will give you that, the change was as painful as hell".

" And yet, you survived, how?"

" How do you expect me to answer that, I didn't know what a hunter was until a few days ago"

" What was your mom like?"

He asked, while I was now walking close to him, somehow I was getting comfortable with his presence.

" I don't know, I never met her, but grandpa always said I took after her when it comes to beauty and music"

" So you like music?"

" Yeah! You need to listen to me play a piano"

He turns to stare at me with wide eyes, a smile across his lips.

" I would really love to hear you play"

I felt proud, he was gentle which wasn't the same with his alpha, and yet, they bonded together, somehow I was beginning to feel like I really belong here.

We both stopped in front of the door leading to my room, he leaned towards the balcony, his front foot pointing towards me as he inclined his head.

" So when do I get to hear you play the piano?"

" It going to be difficult considering I didn't come with it"

" We can get another one"

" Yes, we can. But that one is special, that was what my mom played as a professional singer before she passed on, it means a lot to me".

" If it meant so much to you, why did you leave it?"

" I didn't want grandpa to get suspicious of me while I was leaving, considering I told him I was traveling to LA to cool off"

" I see…. Do you think the alpha would permit me to go home and get it?

" You must miss home" He tilts his head and press his lips together, biting them softly.

" I do…. But that not why I am going back home".

" It okay…. You don't have to be shy about your love for your family. I speak to the alpha about it, although it's going to be difficult".

" Why is that?" I bit my tongue, not comprehending why going home should be a problem, not like it am a prisoner here.

Luke walks close to me, this warmth in his eyes, his heart beat steady as he places his hand on my shoulder

" Aurelia! I am sorry to say these, the day you became a werewolf, you lost your family, they won't accept you back".

" Even if everyone won't, my grandpa will accept me, I know that"

He shrugged at my word.

" Fine. I will speak to Dario."

" Thanks. I really appreciate these".

" Get some rest now" I nod at his word and walk into my room.

He knew I wasn't going there just for the piano, I needed answers, and I wasn't going to get any here. Dad has to tell me why they hid these from me all my life. Nathan was also part of them and yet never bother to say a word to me.

I wanted answers from those I called my family since I was born, and I was going to get them.

I pull out my dress have been wearing since morning before heading to the bathroom where I can finally get a moment of bliss.