WebNovelWOLF BITE51.28%


By 12:00 midnight, I could feel my body changing, I was experiencing immerse pain, I began to feel it reshaping itself from the sounds of my bone cracking. I force myself out of the bed where Dario was having a sound sleep. Through the instinct of the pain, I dashed out through the window, the clicking sound of the glass breaking and falling to the ground alongside with me where I immediately stood up trying to control the pain and the change.

‘ This is not our first change, if you keep shutting me out, you will only be torturing yourself making the pain last longer’ my wolf warned, I could feel her getting anxious, I wanted to take control, to be controlling my body, but the pain kept coming stronger at me as I scream loudly.

‘ How can I when I can't even take control of my body’?

‘ That the problem, we both can't be in control, Allow me take my form, or we are going to be doing these all day’